Meanwhile, I notice that, maybe due to the packed situation we are getting into more and more and still scientists deny, the negative aspects in so-called civilized humans are just rising and rising.
Humanism is a nice thing. People have free will. Not everybody, of course, people in extreme situations have no choice at all, yet some even manage in such situations to stand in for values they consider life worth. This deserves the highest respect and I wish for them, whether in this or the next world, that their hearts may be smoothed and their souls caressed.
From the perspective of a halfway still standing Europe though as we (still) have. I am aware of the fact that also here many people are just fighting for survival, I have had such experiences personally during several stages in my life, and the hardest when raising little children. I talk to all kind of people anywhere and I got my eyes, ears and certainly my heart open.
If you once had the idea and ideal that mankind can move forward in developing better social and collaborative skills and also rise in awareness, this creates a huge delta then.
If you have no ideals, never had, and anyway regard mankind as a bunch of greedy apes, it probably won't hurt you.
Of course it is logical that if I already criticize most couple but also other kind of relations as a kind of business deal respective prostitution where one part is selling its goods to the other at the highest price, which has to me nothing in common with partner-ship or even so-called 'love' relation or even relation at all, I would as well address and name the more aggressive form which is intruding and causing a huge backlash for civil evolution.
The last post is on what gets more and more obvious recently. It is a highly stressed competition of each one for him or as in this case, for her self - the opposite of any civilized collaboration, we are getting pushed into an estate where everyone is the next enemy to the next. If you are aware of that mankind has developed thus far by especially NOT fighting each one for itself but by respect, communication and high level collaboration skills, you can imagine and know the consequences.
Who 'sees' this may refrain. Who 'sees not' will go on.
Women, especially the lesser blessed with brains (while academic certificates meanwhile have no worth anymore, especially not in this regard - any idiot can fill his or her brain with data and spit them out in a learned professional manner but be incapable of thinking well) and inertly developed strength, are thus more eager to let a man do the work for her and create herself an easy life. Their skills went another way: they'd become much more tricky to achieve their personal goals than any man can ever assume.
Men (boys, to be precise) have another system among each other of getting along and are quite helpless to notice signs and signals which are appealing either to basic instincts (red lips, blonde hair, certain invitational moves, also seen in business more and more, and other key triggers) or over-generational psychological traps by hostage conditioning (certain tonality of speaking or body language, bargaining attention only for doing certain favours and more). Here you may have to connect information from my earlier writing, they still function on the triggers that left them helpless and usually was never overcome, passed on through generations. Those females, themselves from social systems of an earlier stage, now well how to (ab-) use this fact.
And it works. The whole thing works even better in context with the factors as described above: rising pressures and competition diminish the ability to think logically and on the younger, further developed brain parts.
That type has existed before but was much less and especially less openly aggressive than it occurs these days.Which shows a lot where we are moving to. And it is logical, again - those who did not develop humanly step by step and phase by phase are 'learning' techniques but not the processing units which would be necessary for steering a vehicle without constantly causing crashes in dense traffic.
When one runs there is in the herd animal a strong tendency to run with the group. It takes a lout of consciousness to step out of inborn instincts and deeply implanted early conditioning.
Finding of some days before and with regard to how difficult it is to step out of any latent violent social system, an excellent article in The Guardian,
Some excerpts:
(And add to this the intentionally inflicted traumata I had been writing on before, and its effects on personal inner development which makes it hard if not impossible to overcome as also the relevant symbiosis stage and fundamental trust had been severely effected - by purpose.)
Isn't it always amazing that those who are pushing forward the ideology stronger and stronger, always argue with the humanistic standard of 'Freedom of Religion' which the 'religion' itself does not provide for its own kids?
Enjoy thinking about it if you like so.
If not, keep on going but try to suppress the 'Moooh'. It would become too obvious.
The too-many-rats-in-a-cage-effect shows clearer and clearer.
Humanism is a nice thing. People have free will. Not everybody, of course, people in extreme situations have no choice at all, yet some even manage in such situations to stand in for values they consider life worth. This deserves the highest respect and I wish for them, whether in this or the next world, that their hearts may be smoothed and their souls caressed.
From the perspective of a halfway still standing Europe though as we (still) have. I am aware of the fact that also here many people are just fighting for survival, I have had such experiences personally during several stages in my life, and the hardest when raising little children. I talk to all kind of people anywhere and I got my eyes, ears and certainly my heart open.
Therefore, I even less can accept persons who have quite a lot but are not aware or grateful at all, and yet are trying to catch the fish not by themselves but from the boat of those who have much less or sometimes nothing at all.
If you once had the idea and ideal that mankind can move forward in developing better social and collaborative skills and also rise in awareness, this creates a huge delta then.
If you have no ideals, never had, and anyway regard mankind as a bunch of greedy apes, it probably won't hurt you.
Awareness though is what is rapidly going down.
Of course it is logical that if I already criticize most couple but also other kind of relations as a kind of business deal respective prostitution where one part is selling its goods to the other at the highest price, which has to me nothing in common with partner-ship or even so-called 'love' relation or even relation at all, I would as well address and name the more aggressive form which is intruding and causing a huge backlash for civil evolution.
Bullies are taking over, more and more, additionally they are rushing to where the good is, taking what others have built and created, and as outlined many times before: No intelligence can beat the sheer bully.
The last post is on what gets more and more obvious recently. It is a highly stressed competition of each one for him or as in this case, for her self - the opposite of any civilized collaboration, we are getting pushed into an estate where everyone is the next enemy to the next. If you are aware of that mankind has developed thus far by especially NOT fighting each one for itself but by respect, communication and high level collaboration skills, you can imagine and know the consequences.
Who 'sees' this may refrain. Who 'sees not' will go on.
The logical outcome is that idiots beat intelligence.
Women, especially the lesser blessed with brains (while academic certificates meanwhile have no worth anymore, especially not in this regard - any idiot can fill his or her brain with data and spit them out in a learned professional manner but be incapable of thinking well) and inertly developed strength, are thus more eager to let a man do the work for her and create herself an easy life. Their skills went another way: they'd become much more tricky to achieve their personal goals than any man can ever assume.
Men (boys, to be precise) have another system among each other of getting along and are quite helpless to notice signs and signals which are appealing either to basic instincts (red lips, blonde hair, certain invitational moves, also seen in business more and more, and other key triggers) or over-generational psychological traps by hostage conditioning (certain tonality of speaking or body language, bargaining attention only for doing certain favours and more). Here you may have to connect information from my earlier writing, they still function on the triggers that left them helpless and usually was never overcome, passed on through generations. Those females, themselves from social systems of an earlier stage, now well how to (ab-) use this fact.
And it works. The whole thing works even better in context with the factors as described above: rising pressures and competition diminish the ability to think logically and on the younger, further developed brain parts.
By this stress, humans are driven to the lower brain functionalities, just that easy. And that is also why yo just have to raise this level to get people mentally down easily.
That type has existed before but was much less and especially less openly aggressive than it occurs these days.Which shows a lot where we are moving to. And it is logical, again - those who did not develop humanly step by step and phase by phase are 'learning' techniques but not the processing units which would be necessary for steering a vehicle without constantly causing crashes in dense traffic.
Another troubling element is the group effect and additional social pressures.

Finding of some days before and with regard to how difficult it is to step out of any latent violent social system, an excellent article in The Guardian,
'Losing their religion: the hidden crisis of faith among Britain’s young Muslims'.
Some excerpts:
"He doesn’t want to be any more specific than that about the location. “If someone found out where I lived,” he explains, “they could burn my house down.”"
"Last week the hacking to death in Bangladesh of the blogger Ananta Bijoy Das was a brutal reminder of the risks atheists face in some Muslim-majority countries"
"What worries me is that they go back to my parents and damage them, because that’s not unheard of."
"It is stigma and rejection that causes so many ex-Muslims to conceal their apostasy."
(And add to this the intentionally inflicted traumata I had been writing on before, and its effects on personal inner development which makes it hard if not impossible to overcome as also the relevant symbiosis stage and fundamental trust had been severely effected - by purpose.)
"All through his teenage years, when adolescents typically rebel, and even at university, Vali dutifully followed his father’s faith."
(Remember, this rebellion is a really relevant stage, and also undermined in Western educational system.)
"Instead he was ousted from the family. He was disowned."
(We know this is re-traumatization by purpose, a repeated experience of the childhood loss of safety and protection any child in my eyes, but also as defined in the UN Convention on Children's Rights, has the just natural right for. As adult though you may see through the mechanism, even if it is extremely difficult as this is one of the very effective triggers implanted in a human being.)
"Although it is fraught with human drama – existential crisis, philosophical doubt, family rupture, violent threats, communal expulsion, depression, and all manner of other problems – the apostate’s journey elicits remarkably little media interest or civic concern."
(Exactly what I also ask for though on a more cross-discipline level as this topic is a cross-functional and requires the elements of the whole system working hand in hand. Though it is a very hot potato, as we know. Everyone openly dealing with these topics might expose him or herself to threats and isolation.)
"To raise the subject of apostasy is to risk demonising an embattled minority. Some will see it, almost by definition, as Islamophobic or even racist."
(Well, only because many Western politicians are cowards who are frightened to face reality, and also bear a 'Mental Inbreed Problem'. As I say, inbreed has no good and kills diversity. Unfortunately, exactly this mentality of covering up will cause what they and also any free person in the West fear, with each denial more and more. The same mechanism as described before here is at work: Bullies beat intelligence, foresight and creation.)
"Vali has seen his mother just once for a few minutes four years ago. “She didn’t want to touch me,” he says. “She thought her God would be angry with her if she treated me kindly.”"
(Exactly this: punished with withdrawal of love, while at the same time those kids had been ripped off their fundamental trust in their natural right for protection by their mothers; remember my anger with those women who can not realize love even at the sight of the most wonderful gift of life. Though I certainly understand everyone is victim in that destructive game.)
The article perfectly describes the complex system which entangles the persons within. And also points out the connection the psychological effects, see:
"“I’ve had bouts of clinical depression,” Nasreen says. “The thing is, Islam teaches you to grow up with low self-esteem and lack of self-identity. Without the collective, you’re lost."
Which surely holds true both for males and females though females have to additionally face other and more kind of violation and yes, in a 'culture' where she has to show her attitude by dressing up in certain ways, it gets more visible and she exposes herself much more. Also a part of the tricky system and probably while my intuition had told me well what's good and bad when even my brain could not yet name the open offense to freedom. People still think the dress code is traditional. A shit it is, it is part of the suppressive system to keep humans in depression to keep them easily steerable.
In the end, we need to find out that it is definitely love, not that what we have learned to assume that is, but a deep love from very deep inside we have to detect all by ourselves, that can give us, as a whole, the chance to overcome. It is a tricky game though. The world does not look like it is willing to explore this way. The polyp like system is set up so tricky that it takes ages to look through, as other polyp like systems, too.
As it looks, it is definitely much easier to grow up with less 'collective identity' and find yourself your own. Wandering (and wondering) between the worlds might be troubling, yet it provides a lot of chances, too.
Isn't it always amazing that those who are pushing forward the ideology stronger and stronger, always argue with the humanistic standard of 'Freedom of Religion' which the 'religion' itself does not provide for its own kids?
Double standard would be too weak a term. It is hypocrisy at its best.
Enjoy thinking about it if you like so.
If not, keep on going but try to suppress the 'Moooh'. It would become too obvious.