29 April 2015

Finding of the Day - Wade in the Water

Well, actually it found me. Just by starting in my head. Usually, there is always reason and a message with a song, something I needed long time to find out. So here you go, the version I found which reflects the most what I think this song is expressing:

No idea who should wade - and whether to see the water in this song as the connecting fluidum between the worlds.

Love for all these children,

27 April 2015


I promised to save the children and their souls. As much as in my hands.

Not the assholes.

Despite I sometimes fall for them.

For A. and T. Love,

Just a sleepless night.

All of my life I have spent, first, wondering why things are the ways they are today, next, how it all became this way, and then have given all my strength and power for trying to preserve the invulnerability of children and to keep up their  integrity somehow, as much as is in my hands. Because clearly, at a point, I understood it makes no sense to appeal to adults, their comprehension or their understanding for what is and how to change or even for themselves, because what they are is casualties when they were children and they do their very best all life long to hide this fact from themselves. We all have been damaged - we all are collateral damages of our human environment, the wider but also the most intimate. Except for a few very rare exceptions. Most are in some sense victims of the loop of not matured parents respectively bad life circumstances or a combination who are in turn victims of bad life circumstances and immature parents or a combination and so on and so forth.

Just a sleepless night.

19 April 2015


We can't repair the past. Past is what it is.

But we can re-pair ourselves, for the sake of now and future.

We can take care that future violation is at least reduced
as far as we have a chance
to influence.

And we can become reliable for those who walk with us
and behind us. And maybe, too, in front of us.

Just Love - Love Just,

17 April 2015


Looks like more and more, people are loosing themselves in separation and isolation.

Icolation which freezes their hearts and limbs, such immobilizing for proper action - in time.

Strange though.

The warmer the planet becomes, the colder and more icolated the hearts.


Pic ref with thanks: pls check out tcktcktck.org - The Global Call for Climate Action

11 April 2015


What freedom is a freedom in which you constantly have to prove how free you are? Haven't people ever noticed that at that moment you are a slave to 'freedom', the same term turns into fleedom?

Or to say it with K.Kristofferson resp. J.Joplin: 'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose.'

And isn't it amazing that with more and more people on this planet, people are more and more alone?

Just word games.

We are privileged to be allowed having such thoughts. Yet, maybe just then you can see. Some see though also under worst circumstances. And what about all the other privileged?

Let's make from it what is needed, according to each one's heart.

Love for this Day, the unfree in mind,

07 April 2015


Spiritualism is what psychology is trying to capture but is constantly hindered by itself and its own history.

06 April 2015

Conditioned vs. Unconditional

Maybe my aversion against anything which works against free spirit and free own decision has a lot to do with the fact that I had learned a lot about biology, herein especially also ethology at school, had been around with animals quite a lot and quite intensively - among halfway wildly living ones but also with a Circus for several months -, about (manipulative) psychology in young years when I was working in a highly professional sales organization for a short time, and that I had always been a very eager child to learn by observing which includes to sort, compare and review the puzzle pieces I already had gathered.

Of course, I was in sales not for long as it contradicts my convictions but I still cherish that I have learned a lot about those practices. When you know about first, biological basics but then also about how conditioning works on animals, you also understand when seeing this placed on humans and in the aftermath you see a fulfilled conditioning in the ways people re-act on triggers. Today, it's easy to detect such patterns in many inter-human interaction and each time such affect my alarms to ring immediately, something many persons obviously have either never had had or had lost on their way.

Maybe it derives from a sound ability for definitely necessary and constructive criticism which I have preserved while the majority of people fears criticism in both directions and as a result, avoid straight discussions which would so easily clarify. And maybe I was just born that way and it has to do with intuitive, given, in-born respect for each individual which contradicts a sheep or herd mentality completely. Maybe it has to do with my bi-hemisphericality which forces the inner instances struggling until they have checked and discussed through to the essence, supported by high amounts of information having to be validated, verified and proofed. This is quite opposite to a mentality which just accepts what has been told and 'learns' by repeating stuff until it is programmed in.

And funny, in my life there have always been events or people showing up which gave me answers or keys, not always in the ways I wished, to ongoing questions. Always. 

Sometimes that hurts because what goes with it is a deep inner connection which you also have to learn to let go. I had to learn that the 'higher' connection exists though persons themselves mostly don't know what drives and how. This is pretty tough stuff as when you are emotionally deeply connected, it really hurts physically. As hurt me the things happening around the world while clearly seeing that the ones in charge are partly helpless but partly also very unwilling to change games they personally benefit from. 'Divide et impera', divide and rule, is still the method of choice and I can not imagine anymore that people do such unconsciously.

Latest when you sense you cheat yourself and you need to do more and more of [whatever] as your inner can else not be soothed any more, you should take a moment and re-connect. Don't run with the wolves when you are not one. (Again, wolves are more healthy, social-wise, than humans ever are.)

If we have not understood by now that the only constructive way for a future is respectful, synergistic collaboration by understanding and appreciating diversity we probably never will, We get lost in the games of separation which keep on going for so long time. 

People who drive and play these games have never had or lost access to the whole and are driving so many others into unbearable estates. Their loss of souls, their disability and unwillingness to reach out for and become an instrument of creation instead of the separation and destruction they chose, is like an ongoing wheel I hope which will break soon.

Well, when you know how e.g. animals get trained, based on 'conditioning', you also each time detect when such methods are played in human inter-action. Conditioning is always possible when the object to be conditioned does not take a moment of time-out to re-assemble him or her self. In the hamster wheels we are mostly forced to run in, we try to run faster but while doing so, we miss the option that we can also step out. For a while at least, and then get back as long as we find appropriate.

Free choice was given to us because we have THIS ONE LIFE to experience this planet with all it's beauty, options and physicality. WE still ARE the ones taking the choices while mad people running wild are forcing us to constantly also run for our lives - physically or metaphorically.

As with Easter the circle of year is at the point of a new start, of new fertility, of the rising Sun (in the East), a new Beginning. We celebrate it from East to West, connecting it in the West with Ostara (again, reflecting the other way of pronouncing: 'Ost' (=East)), an old 'goddess' (while 'gods' or 'godesses' in the old way of understanding are always Facets of the Whole).

'She' is simply the same as the Near-East Inanna or Ishtar, the Mediterranean Astarte, Egyptian Isis and probably has many other names. She brings back life, to visualize the principle for anybody personalized but for understanding the generic rules behind. She is independent and undomesticated - which shows a lot about that the ways we are used to live today still under patriarchal and right-handed (left-brained) conditioning is just as false as anything CAN be false.

You may understand once more why such mono-cultural conditioning HAD to cut us off from our inner connection, has to cut off mothers from protecting health and sanity of their children, has to cut off man and woman as partners, destroy socially necessary women to women relations and will only survive, as living such cannot be called, by pulling people away from asking the right questions. Often enough from asking at all.

Inanna/Ishtar, Sumerian/Babylonian
Isn't it strange that in All times All cultures had strong natural female rights and female leaders, even female warriors who certainly did not have to disguise or hide themselves? Those are known from the highest north to the deepest south and as mentioned, from east through west. Why I have to point this out is ridiculous anyway: Male and female were once to be equal and complementary, the estate we know just now is simply perverted extremely far backwards into a system of 'the stronger with less social but higher manipulative competence eats up the rest'.

Clearly, former cultures had higher cultures than our 21st century has now. Not perfect ones but at least with a core of better complex knowing and understanding, considering more aspects while nowadays predominance of the more primitive totally contradicts the theorem of a 'survival of the fittest'. That one was also made up by a separated man - how else. Some thousand years of breeding and conditioning the worst have left their remainders, though.

When mankind broke up into specialization and idolized parts instead of the whole, we have made specialists Gods. Unfortunately, separated, they can bring forth just no-thing, infertile as they are (this literally will show even more in the future), with goals like 'more' and 'faster' they inevitably end with 'pro-ducing' 100% reject goods.

In this sense, I will keep on asking for bringing together what belongs together, for the rise of fruitfulness - nothing to do with breeding like rabbits which even the latest Pope dared to speak out, and nothing to do with women as 'acres' to be used and therewith abused to end up in the spiral of ab-using their children in turn - but also for a necessary separation of all that which is de-structive only and especially at the wrong marks.

Those who love the separation game should harvest all their isolation for only themselves, not affect or impact others as they so massively do. There are so many who are lost.

Simply that it is not for Human to decide on Others. We make mistakes, we are not perfect ever. (And luckily, we also don't need to be.) Nevertheless, we learn. Constantly. Continuously.

Things need time to recover. But more than that, it is usually us who let precious time go by.
In this sense:
Happy Rising, Merry Ishtar!


04 April 2015

Finding of the Day - Peace

Peace is difficult to achieve when you don't clean up your house but keep on moving the boxes from one place to the other each time. You will always stumble over those, over and over again.


03 April 2015

Finding of the Day - Male (genital) Mutilation

One of the best summaries I have found on male circumcision you may find under

Male Circumcision: How Genital Mutilation Became Standard Practice in the United States.

Reasons why this is bothering me are manifold. You may have noticed in earlier posts that in the course of my life, I had been wondering a lot but also always asking 'why'. From one 'why' you soon jump to the next one, and then the next, and in the end you'll find a complex system where it definitely DOES matter whether one event, as small as it may look, occurs or not. The more with for each person's life unique and tremendously impacting events which all together form societies, and in the end impact us all.

By nature, there are several transitions foreseen in every  person's life, all for developing further onto a next stage. If we miss it, or mess it, things go wrong.

All transitions have in common that we humans are extremely sensitive and vulnerable.

A. One option to force human to ignore such stages and undermine next stage development.
B. Another is to use this 'naturally' provided evolution by manipulating sensitive phases for other purposes.
C. Another is to destroy parts of the 'vehicle' itself so that the naturally well prepared vehicle is disabled to serve development.

Relevant stages are roughly:
  1. Nurture, shelter and protection in early and later childhood.
  2. Developing consciousness of an 'I', the personal 'Ego' - the Aramaic 'Ish'.
    a) First experience of power, learning by observing role models within 'family',
    b) Learning the functions of our 'vehicles' (physicality).
  3. Integration in a wider social group, integration and interaction with other 'I's.
  4. Individualization. Finding out what makes you special and unique, and playing with it. Playing is very human - it is a experimental, experience-creating training method to find out, e.g. limits.
    b) Second experience of power by individual behaviour, learning by observing role models in wider group.
  5. Integration into statutes of wider social system, in bigger systems usually a kind of school.
    In West e.g. correlates with dentition of the front teeth.
    At this stage, if not happened by role models in family and childhood groups, strictly hierarchical systems are introduced 'officially'. Methods like public favouritism or public blaming work perfectly on the highly sensitive and with all senses open human beings.

Until here we have only reached the stage up to max. ten years of childhood, and maybe I'll continue another time, Puberty, the choice of a partner as well as becoming parent are others where we intuitively know but it is mankind itself who interrupts the blessings. The outcome is evident. Relevant fundaments are set though in these early stages as above.

The more I think it over the more complex it gets which is natural. And yet I know there are very few people having time or capability to think all this through. I'd wish there would be definite cross-scientific attempts to bring all influences together. One reason why this will not happen is that also in our system, the relevant evolutionary stages are hindered, as described in option A). next, there are so many taboos and obviously even more rising which stuns me, actually, I thought we were more firmly gone through certain stages. Still, less taboos than in many other systems. I keep on hoping that maybe some individuals might connect relevant factors for themselves. Complex is difficult to be passed on by linear means, as we know.

Now if you read yourself through the link you might find some very interesting statements. Have in mind as I wrote in the post of yesterday, that this describes the obvious outer effects mainly. What is of most relevance is that EVERY physical trauma IS a psychological trauma at the very same time and like bricks and brakes for hindering evolution by development in relevant transition stages as described in 1. - 6. (by now, of course extremely relevant pubicity is not yet even in).

Some interesting passages:
The foreskin is not a birth defect – it is a normal part of male and female anatomy. The foreskin of the penis starts out growing from the same tissue as the clitoral hood, the skin that covers the clitoris. The gender-neutral term for this bit of skin is the prepuce. The glans (head of the penis) is an internal [!!!] organ, meant to remain covered in the same way our eyelids protect our eyes or our fingernails protect our nail beds.

Ever tried discussion with an involuntarily/'religiously' circumcised man? You won't get out relevant answers, as there is no chance for them to protect the 'I' but stating 'all fine', see stages 2.-4. But think about:

How could they state they are missing something like proper senses, which they either don't know or have to bury without the right to mourn?
How could they blame their parents or elders for this implicit violation of the child's integrity, if they never had reached the stage were they were ready to leave the natural symbiosis?

“The biological sexual act for the circumcised male becomes a satisfaction of an urge and not the refined sensory experience it was meant to be.”6    – C.J. Falliers

AND the naturally strong, originally creative male sexual energy can be easily abused by re-directing. As done to them they do to others - is a matter of how children are taught to deal with their energies, by role models and words. All people who have no good in mind know about it and, of course, use this knowledge. One generation of perpetrators such always creates a next one.

Until ONE generation starts to stop it.

While today we argue over whether male genital cutting affects the sensitivity of the penis, back then there was no question. Often the whole point was to reduce sexual pleasure and therefore sexual temptation.

Again, see in 2.b), we naturally learn about the functions and abilities of 'I', our physiological vehicle, which is simply cut off instead of learning how to deal with it in appropriate and at a point adult, responsible ways.

Easier? The outcome shows a different picture. Abusers teach abuse. The way out is to at least give a next generation better chances. Also would an abused boy child not in the same way be open to continuing the abuse of integrity destruction (as done to him), also would he not need power and control over others in such devastating ways, I bet. As mentioned in many posts before, of course there are many other ways of destroying integrity, especially psychological methods which I consider not better, at All.

There is denial, grief, and anger at the realization of having experienced what in reality was a completely unnecessary violation and loss, a kind of abuse. There is also the pain of realizing what one might have unknowingly done to one’s own child. It’s an emotional issue, to say the least. There is an aspect of “cognitive dissonance” here, whereby the easiest way to deal with the fact that one may be missing something important or have deprived a child of something important, is to discount the foreskin, claiming it’s no big shakes.

This I completely agree with. Another effect, denial always causes 'blocks in the brain'. Based on this mechanism, people can easily be mislead by inducing to repeat the pattern. Thus well trained respectively 'conditioned', a person with such brain can be used like a trigger mechanism. And without having learned how to self-reflecting deal with own urges, you also create clearly unguided missiles.

Please be clear about that there ARE people who escape the mechanisms. Thanks it is so and that there are always some that function differently. Also they have no easy standing. Nevertheless, any breaking of a healthy human being is beyond our duty to watch and care well for this planet.

But what is mostly broken, and that is why my post on the headscarf dummy is so sharp, is the very elementary stage 1. in human development, the natural right for nurture, shelter and protection in early and later childhood by us who had the gift to deliver a child into this world.

WE have a duty to care as we ARE given consciousness, knowledge. 

Not to destroy what was given as a gift by LIFE.

As these days almost all cultures are celebrating the re-assembly and victory of life over death, the new growth in nature, in (Hu-) Man, overcoming the time of death and dreadfulness, celebrating the Joy in creation and creativity, around us and inside, it becomes especially interesting that certain religious groups would like to celebrate  cutting-off their own offspring, their own boys from the gift of procreational life just as a counter-measure.

Look, if you don't want to believe health then believe the scriptures you are yourself asking: Blood-sacrifice is over. Over for long, long time.

And as I am a mother, one who has fought a lot for the sanity of my but also other children, as a mother I'd say:

Any healthy mother would not allow her child being sacrificed to old, life-hating men.
Any child is the newborn in whose eyes we are innocent and can therefore change.
Any healthy mother would wish a happy and fulfilling future man-woman relation for her Son. Even - yes even - if she had not. Unless she has also lost her in-tuition.


If you don't know it, go and find it. Because it might be that what is sacrificed to an ominous '~Ah' in fact is sacrificed to the own 'Ish'. To name it and to speak it out loud: The Ego. Nothing bad but also nothing godly.

One day the protecting symbol will be removed from Kain. That one who slain his brother and then trembled from fear.

It is anyway not so clear whether the one who placed that mark is the same as the One who gave us Life. Once people knew, then they forgot and started to follow Illusions. Or just violence and abuse.


02 April 2015

Re-Ligion. A Déjà-Vue.

As mentioned somewhere before, the term 'religion' is directly related to 'religāre'. Means directly 're-bind' (not 'bind fast' as some educational sites want to tell us) and can be refound in the term 'rely'.

Well. We may think well over what it is, should or could be we rely on. 

The last post was a direct re-action with regard to a naive young girl trying to collect money or memberships for a children support fund, jumping into my way and wanting to tell me how I 'could help'.

A. I help constantly and where I can, even in times it is much more me myself who would need help. Probably too good a heart or too much empathy built-in.

B. If everyone would help that way, no one would need to suffer but what is important is that the flow keeps going. Helping to stuff black holes doesn't help anyone at all. Already when I grew up, there was always the poor children with sad eyes pictured and being used to raise donations, all the time. Now, decades after, nothing has changed at all and at a point you must also see that it is not enough to smoothen your own bad consciousness by donations but to insist on that THE CAUSES for continuous suffering are getting changed. It all is so many times discussed that I am tired of discussing it.

Next C., girly felt quite special and proud with her headscarf in the middle of a middle-European town, and I don't feel this gives me any comfort. As I once mentioned I have seen what happens when a whole people is drawn backwards, women being harassed and covered and anything that is different happily re-used as target for violation of all kind. Many strong women (and men, of course, too) are risking their lives and even are dying for trying to move on their countries - and these little dummies  consider themselves in schizophrenic and narcissistic ways superior by running around and provoking in pre-medieval dresscodes. It is their problem if they want to move their own development backwards, but please, in appropriate countries then where they can feel the real impact of the ideology they picture and proclaim.

Because D. these women who submit to a rude, mono-dimensional patriarchal system additionally support the trauma going on. By not fighting for the sanity of their own children they produce the next generation of traumatized men and women. Means, they are guilty of the horrible killing, too, by supporting a system which produces traumatized young men (and women, as we all depend on one another and should slowly understand the game) instead of giving them chances to heal. And healing means to become whole. if you remember - whole is directly the term 'holy'.

So, who should have an interest in preventing humans to become healed and whole? 

Guess who. Every 'religion' knows about 'who' and simply has different names for it. Our ancestors, still bi-brained and therefore capable of working with symbols have tried to let us know, just that we have to finally extract what was meant as so many individuals in between have tried to lead us astray.

Whenever a trauma is happening to anyone, no matter whether 'psychologically only' or physically, which ALWAYS goes hand in hand with a psychological trauma, it is like soul splinters are being split and isolated from the rest of the being. These soul splinters are extremely difficult to find back. Even if you notice in time and therefore start early in life it takes you at least until your early Fourties to be in a state you may start your own life. If you detect late, it gets much more difficult and takes, logically, extremely much longer as also we have fixed false beliefs for much longer time. And many humans never detect as they are being told that through the trauma they are not only fine but even better than others.

This divides, not only man and woman, parents and children and results in life-long power-plays through innert hate which may never be outspoken, but also divides tribes, nations, blocks as we see right now happening. The loss of wholeness and violation of integrity, even declared as a 'gift', has caused such beings having no feeling for and of themselves, in consequence no empathy, in consequence these people who always lack relevant inner peace are easily to drive and steer. Not YOU then are the driver of your vehicle, or picture it a carcar but you BECOME a car which is driven by someone else.

Yes, the point was that I started discussion with that dummy headscarf girl about all the Iranian, Saudi, Pakistani (and, and, and ...) women who very courageously try to change the world very much on their cost but in the end for All, paying high prices, being offended, tortured and even killed. Heroines, indeed. Superwomen trying to change a in a world of voluntary but proud in their slavery provocative slaves. If they want to provoke to reach out for help, forget it. That is a field for social workers who also don't get why they have become social workers but make a living from not stopping but keeping running the system of destroying human integrity. But that's another topic.

While there is nothing heroic in eating off the hand that gives them a chance to live and not only continue the lives of others who have forced them to, disrespecting while demanding more and more special rights, the latter having nothing to do with a society where everyone is supposed to have equal rights but also equal duties.

I know there are still many women in Europe, too, playing the same wify-games to try to get the best out for them and bully out the other. A few thousand years of inequality have left their traces, of course. Nevertheless, we were at a further stage of development already and the recent evolution is driving us all very strongly backwards.

Ah, well, and when I left the girl she desperately shouted after me 'But that is my religion'.

A shit is that her religion. She was from a nation whose Sultan decided to take over the 'religion' for political reasons as this one which makes (broken) people easily steerable. Same as the Romans altered and took the today called 'Roman-Catholic' rules which lead away and astray instead of TO THE CORE of what our ancestors had tried to pass us on and we will have to re-discover.

And so it is with many. Many cultures had had access to the essence but were overthrown. It is us who have to re-connect, de-tect and separate the true parts and deal with the dead stuff.If we want to - and we need to - 're-ly' then we must dig deeper.

In the past is where our genes' information and cultural heritage is passed on to what we are today, today we are re-sponsible for what happens now and this, what we do but also what we don't, becomes what is for the sake of the future. We need to be aware that each of us has their place but certainly must find it first.

With the connected use of both brain hemispheres, listening to our hearts' songs and being well with our material existence, the beauty and the chances we were given with it - the connection of these three - we may move further.

And we need, I guess.

My heart with those who stand in for what is Good in and for All.

Have a bright day.


By the way: what do you think why the madmen are turning down all the ancient sites? To cut off the people from ever getting back to what is core of 're-ligion' - re-bind to learn from past, to sort and from within this knowledge to move on. Which only proves that THAT is NOT religion. Dumb Westerners who are getting so easily lied to. Knowledge and asking would help, I suppose.

PS. I guess it's evident why.