25 October 2012

More Thoughts on ... Imbalance

Walking as any kind of moving is a process of permanent imbalance.

A term for 'dancing' in Brazilian Portuguese is 'balancear'.

The rest please track, imagine, visualize

See yourself moving ... and imagine whether ever a child would walk on two feet if it would give up to do so after the first times it is falling onto its bottom.

Follow-up of 6 October.


23 October 2012


Blue door
Beautiful door by someone who seems to like
portals as much as I do, this and more by Mick.

Who does not ask

and always thinks 'I know'
will never get the answers
And will not know at all.

And when you find
you're surrounded by walls
like an addict driven
without free will or choice

You still can step back
for a breath and view
to take them down or
find the door or
track the way around.

As soon and when
you ALLOW as then
it all comes by
IT Self.

Relax. Work it out if you like so. Or simply don't. It's all yours. Most often there's even a key which only was mislayed. And don't let others let you believe you that this was all. There is all ... if we find it.

In any case, enjoy a wonderful day,


18 October 2012


'I don't know what problem you've got,

I am feeling completely at ease'

said the fly, fixed in the the spider's web,
while its guts
steadily dissolved.

Once upon the time ...

... I was with a man who said
'you make me complete'
and then he fled me to serve
Vanity, Grandiosity and Greed.

Let's make the best out of it. Life provides us with the chances. It's us who need to realize and go for them. And yet we need one another and are nothing all alone.

13 October 2012

After All

After all

It's humans who can make humans become and be humane.

It's women who can make men become and be men.

It's men who can make women become and be women.

There is so much grace and beauty in how all that was given. It is so clear that we, after all, always need one another to become and be what we were meant to be by mutually nurturing, encouraging and growing the potentials we have inside.

Why then have we ended here so differently, so that so very often
  • humans are humiliating humans to become inhumane,
  • women are castrating men (and women, too), never allowing them to become and be men (and women, too), 
  • and men are disabling women (and one another) to become and behave as if they were a lower  species?
For the creative and those who can see the world as it could be, this is a very unsolved conflict.
Only we can change it by what we daily do and how we daily act the world to what it was meant to be.

Or just allow us to 





'Il volo' - with love,

06 October 2012

The Convenience Trap

As in our time we have some experience behind us we most likely have realized that not all that we went for in our past was what we were looking for. I simply assume that you are at that stage if you are reading here now and that mature, of whatever age you are in fact. If not, just skip this.

If you feel fine in the environment you have created or which you endure while in principle it is unbearable for any kind of human being which has a at least a last shattered piece of soul inside, and if you still try to convince yourself of how pleasant it is despite all signals you receive constantly by yourself, please keep on. Nothing will convince you of leaving your self-created grave. Then you are already dead meat walking and anyway it does not matter whether you doubt what you do at all. If you like it - go for it. Simply please do not complain about the physical, mental and other side-effects which will show up at a certain stage. And do not pull others with you on your way down. It is your business - your very own.

But if you feel a little spark, a tiny little flame blazing ...

... then follow it, even if the light is still so very weak and diffuse. 

It takes quite some experience to distinguish the phenomena which surround us, and the whole life is nothing but a search for something we even have no clue of what it is.

When we remain in our convenience trap we have given up the journey before it ever can start. Shallowness may look easy to calculate but also is a swamp, a quagmire, a ground that will allow no growth.

I am not talking about young people who still have to make all their very own experiences, at first following the pathes of the parents to hopefully find out one day what THEY themselves were really coming for on this planet. I am talking about people who ought to know, having all that behind and definitely realizing that a path gone by one will simply lead to the same destination if another one also just follows it. Through time, we CAN see where it leads to. We should not be so arrogant to believe that for us the same rules don't apply. They apply: same way, same end. That is why normally, each generation questions the ways of the elders to then re-arrange the set. Often to find out that they thought they did some things differently but underlyingly, it was just the same. This requires analysis of the underlying patterns - and enough honesty towards ourselves to admit it. Because only then we may come into a position that enables us to, even at a late stage, lay aside what is not ours and go for what we wanted to.

Still, a late stage is better than never.

I have several friends who are exactly at this point that I am describing. I would love to see them moving on and finally succeed though I certainly know it is not in my hands at all despite some energies that flow back and forth. And sure, I would love to see the world change, too. You undoubtedly have found out that the way we have created this world does not make me so very happy, and yet it is only many that CAN make it change. We are facing a lot of challenges and we need the security of a stable fundament. This fundament is only inside our hearts - it is not in shallow and rotten 'family' structures, not in shallow admiration of people who will turn their backs when we won't do well at one point, not in shallow 'relations' with people who will be nice and friendly to us but never speak out their true opinion, even not when asked explicitely for it. And of course that fundament is ultimatively not in dependency relations where we have to sell ourselves and all our beliefs and values like prostitutes for not facing the possibility of a moment of imbalance ... in our lifes and possibly on our bank accounts.

Sometimes we have to take imbalances into account to make a step we otherwise would not have taken.

I met an actor recently, a sensitive and crazy guy, who introduced himself or rather his profession with the words

'I am a whore. Give me money, and I will perform what you want me to'.

Honestly, the question is much more how many people are NO whores in this world.

And by the way, I prefer a blunt but to the point statement to all those decent lies that pollute the air each day. But this you already know.

Cheers, take some courage, and have a great day,