30 September 2014

To Not be Left Alone

A being which came along my track and is keeping me occupied for the last three days:


Don't know how it sprang up yet since it did, it (or he) keeps me occupied. Heavily.

A vid about Lolita, quite similar personal history and drama:

Yet, it is Tilikum who keeps me busy ... and don't know why. Time will show.

If you feel for, you may find the documentary 'Blackfish' or may join in a petition on change.org which pleas for releasing him for rehab in a seapen. While actually I would wish for him, as is the plan for Lolita, to strategically try to get him back to his pod or family, if responsibly possible - with responsibly I mean taking care that it is well done for HIM.

I was thinking whether to write this as it may sound very much like oh again such a person who does not care for humans but is in animals - yes, I am in animals as much as in human animals.

Just that animals are mostly not the aggressors - totally and throughout this year constantly proven contrarily to the majority of completely inconscient humans who would have the ability but simply refrain to use their brains and abilities for anything useful.

Which means, I also have some other beings in mind, and as it looks they will have to pay the price what others have messed up, I do think that it is more than time to support the Kurdish people to not being slaughtered, and in the long run, legalize the territory which they must have a right to have and live in. This people, although I do not agree with every move and always, have been suffering far too long, and I wish for them support to happen soon. Very soon. Very very soon.


Tilikum pic connected from 'ceta-base':

'Ceta-Base is far more than a database and more in-depth than the National Inventory of Marine Mammals or other documents. It is the only site that references multiple industry resources then compares those records against public sources such as newspaper articles, scientific papers and journals.'

Check it out if you feel for.

27 September 2014

Funny People

When people work or decide based on deficient information, how do they imagine the outcome will be good or useful?

Ah, well, I forgot that they have no time for evaluating. They are too busy, running after the outcome of decisions on deficient information.

Funny people.


24 September 2014


It is amazing how easily people can be moved to following persons with clearly hallucinations.

Take Care.

To the others: And look, when the big sword is coming down on you, you will be crying for the Mum you always disrespected. One pours out from the other.

And the Big Sword is awaiting.
No worries: No paradise, at all.


12 September 2014

The Axe

... works in two directions.

Just a pop-up follow-up from Hierarchical People.


07 September 2014

Some Thing on Sheep, Religion and Pigs

I was a little curious, which made me start some searching on what actually makes the difference ... of slaughtering 'halal'. For decades, I have been talking all kind of topics through with friends and conhecidos of all backgrounds but actually on this issue never so in-depth.

'Submission to the word' - or ... but please, see and listen the explanations of an explainer who certainly believes himself what he explains.

What I totally agree with: As we or at least most of us humans ARE eating animals, the slaughtering should and must take place as respectful as possible. Means everywhere and in any case, no extra or unnecessary distress, separation from the herd as late as possible, the other animals as well not exposed to the dying. That's bad and as well to be criticized in many places.

Also should we be AWARE of that we are taking a life for the sake of our living. To ritualize this act is what I strongly support - in a way that the ritual helps the human to be aware of what we, he or she does.

What I totally NOT agree with is the part that the animal submits 'to the God'.

Who can tell adult people such fairy tales?

What happens is a different thing:

Once in that position and with touching the throat, even as kindly as he does, as well as with the use of the finger (which the prey animal in this position understands as the tooth of a predator ready to serve the last bite any moment), together  with the stroking which looks like kind petting but to the animal gives a sensation which paws of a cat-like predator would also induce, simply a

is being triggered.

Freezing behavior or the Freeze Response is a reaction to specific stimuli, most commonly observed in prey animals. When a prey animal has been caught and completely overcome by the predator, it may still be possible for the prey to escape by feigning death so that the predator stops the attack.

(Source: intro to the article on wikipedia.org, the effect should also be well known in traumatology though many 'experts' still don't get it)

No submission to a God or whatever talk is talked into the animal.
That part is what is usually called Hocus Pocus.

If people would talk to the animal words like excusing for killing them for eating, it would make more sense. To justify the killing with a voluntary submission of the prey animal which is then totally happy to loose its life is kind of ... well, find your own words. For my part, superstition would be the more harmless expression, brainwash the somewhat stronger one.

The animal meanwhile is simply falling into a biological estate which might give them a chance to survive, as usually catlike predators like lions for instance tend to diminish their killing instinct when the object is not fleeing or fighting for life.

Of course, nomads for thousands of years knew for very sure about these triggers, and also by observing and empiric, that distress hormones including adrenaline and neurotransmitters will remain in the meat to eat. So this is likely to be avoided.

Pigs, by the way, produce the most of distress hormones - also are they no classic prey animals as they usually will defend their lives a lot, producing lots of adrenaline in their meat. Apart from their  feature of being omnivores which enriches them with quite some unwanted fellow travelers.

This part for now.

The nice explainer (who to me really looks very nice - and I really assume he does believe exactly what he tells) has another example on top which includes a much bigger potential prey.

Anyway, the freeze mechanism works completely the same, whether in the kid, the goat or in the how many pounds ever heavy ram.

'Same reaction, they all react the same. The power of the word. They're more religious than humans'.

Think about it ... with what you know.

Have a great week and never stop tracking ;)
