26 February 2014

Cocktails' Addendum

As it happens easily, in the course of writing the post of this morning, my mind actually continued on the issue as it does so many times.
Just lucky I am that these days I have some spare time for this dwelling. I also realize that I have become much closer to myself again in the break from the most crazy work environment. Obviously, this is necessary and I will have it in mind.

Well, one picture just jumping up with the flow is this one:

Imagine your large flat screen TV (as most people have ... no necessity to have one, of course) - or any such. Or take your monitor you just have in front of you.

Picture it. Means, copy the picture well into your inside vision.

And now imagine someone comes along and would cover the whole screen with black or whatever color cardboard packaging. The only thing they do before, is cutting out a little whole for peeping through, maybe of the size of a coin.

This way you are gonna watch the programme from now on.

It may be very weird ... don't you think so? Anyhow, this is what happens in quite early childhood when all those filters and blind spots have been created. It is natural that the child will allow so, as any child looks up to its caretakers - it needs to. Later, it needs to do the same when it must adapt to the environment it has to live in. Be consequent: now you may cut additional little wholes into the cardboard. And at the same time plaster the original whole with non-transparent stripes at some edges.

Now, that's the way people see world programme.

Our pleasure is to take away the cardboard - piece by piece.


In case you continue with chapters 2 and 3 of the vid I have embedded in the post before, have in mind please: All information is available for us to pick out what WE need and makes sense to learn about. There is no rule from no one for no one. Whenever I place information, I still trust in any of the reader to 'make his mind himself'. I am just a tracker ... and share some findings on my track.

I say so because I just realize that vid 3 includes the personal story of the lady. This is fine and exactly conform with how I also see it - there is no insight which is not connected to personal life, and therefore all findings become so precious when we come there by ourselves. Science likes to see itself differently - though when you dig into almost all studies, studies' settings and derivative summaries and conclusions you will find they are not at all so much 'neutral'. Reasons for this is sometimes dependencies, sometimes the intention of the study itself, and sometimes the filters of the scientists, as also they are only humans.
Indeed, the lady confirms what also I have experienced. For instance that in certain processes a knowledge or insight just come like 'flashing'. In one moment, you just get all answers, in clear vision. As every halfway acceptable 'healer', she underwent a healing process herself - and these processes are certainly not so pleasant but necessary. In any shamanistic/spiritual belief this is a very important part of becoming a master by mastering issues yourself, receiving insights with which to overcome the 'shamanistic disease'.

Nevertheless, no one of us is ever 'finished' - there is never a 'last version' as long as we continue to live on this plane(t). Everyone and everything continues. In addition - at every stage either the EGO (or other entity) can come in to overrule the SELF. 

Affirmation or motivation which is supposed to help out of a pitch might, if not realized and directed carefully, feed the reptile and the beast at a point, not the needy self.

Another side-effect which might occur is that the opened channel can 'call in-system-demons to help' - as in systems, everything is connected.

So, just take care and always reassure where you are standing and who in you re- or inter-acts.

The 'unseen world' is by the way not so much invisible. As mentioned, kids - and other than Western cultures - know about it and can 'see'. Only technocracy believes only in what machines can see. WE see much more. Get back to the plastered monitor in case you should forget ...

Everyone is free to pick out what they need.

We all have different roles and objectives, this is what makes this life so precious.
To also appreciate this, where it contributes to e-volutionary process, depends on us.

(Simple devastation is not a contribution, by the way, and certainly no human's proper role.)

Thirdly, I am just wondering whether psychiatric medication as antidepressants or the speed drug which is prescribed for those terrible ADHD diagnoses are simply doing nothing else but 'satisfying' those addicted cells? I like the peptide picture :)

Then this would function as disastrous as Methadon 'therapy' - which does not get anyone away from the drug, ever.

And at last, I would like to point out what she in the 3rd video also does:

You must, we must, anyone one must, face the causes.

There is no easier way out.
(But I have seen many people promising so.)

Ans as the very last:
Why the example of narcissism?

Maybe because it is so common. Maybe even so common that people might get to the idea that this is a 'normal estate'.

By the way, ever noticed what people typing on their smartphones automatically do?
Usually, their elbows turn towards anyone else around.

Matter follows mind - and mind follows matter. All ways.

Just wanted to let that know.

Cocktail Addicts

Besides the marvelous term 'cultural trance' which I learned about recently, I also learned about the possibility that cells, those little drunkards, are having a tendency for addiction, Drug-addiction,  more precisely: a cocktail-addiction.

This connection is very interesting because it could help to understand why people are so much in trouble getting out of swamps they learned to live in. No matter how this swamp may look like - it always remains a swamp. Swamp with some nicer trees standing around or swamps with a view, or swamps with the nicest sunsets .... they all have one thing in common. Now guess what.

All this search of connections derives certainly from looking around, seeing how the world is being turned by people who especially seek power over resources, and yes, over energy from others far beyond a kind of 'normal need', this would make anyone wonder why this happens over and over and people do not seem to get out - even despite all achievements regarding literacy, halfway education, and all kind of books and good reads being available to a degree as never before.

With me, this wondering had started at a quite early age, then for a while I clearly thought there would be some move - and then, swoosh, everything went back to start and even worse if you look at majorities.

Where the idea was that people grow together, one giving a hand to the other and vice versa, people separated even more up to severe isolation - which they don't feel because they have lost their senses for feeling.

Where they vision was a connectedness, most people went for choosing their options to get more out for themselves. Anyone wants to be a king and queen, just no one has the background and 'e-ducation'.

Any single person might be acting acceptable if he or she is facing someone or some issue alone (at least, before it has received its introjects - remember, these start early already in womb) - as soon as systems start to engage, any formerly good person might swap personality just like a transformer, just like being taken over by 'another power'.

If you try to explain the individual evolution as being a sample of the whole evolution, physically and psychologically, then you get to wonder why it is so easy to get any person back to some kind of extremely early and primitive estate so easily.

Anyone who is interested  would assume that in a civilized and organized society with lots of rules which were born from the need to give such rules to people who would NOT understand by empathy or by having learned by role-models in their early lives. Today we have all kinds of organizations and institutions who should watch over those rules, and yet, all those rules are overridden regularly and even by and within these organizations who should care. How comes? Well. all those questions all the time ...

At least I found something interesting once more which adds another piece to the puzzle. Before, it was clear that people learn by role models, and also that they learn the estate they are born into. This estate is difficult to leave - for anyone. But it is healthy to get out of the same old soup, as only then, when you know different kinds of soup, you may start to ponder and get some ideas what you want. Mostly, people born in pumpkin soup will look for pumpkin soup, and they have well adapted to pumpkin soup. Other may dwell in asparagus cream ... others in tomato with rice, again others in Tom Yum or Borscht. Which soup is yours?

Whatever it is, you will probably be well adapted from early childhood on. 

  • Not only metabolisms we inherit genetically but also 
  • a profound package of home-bred bacteria in and around us transferred, some which help, some which can cause even personality changes (see here or here or here for further information - or just track it yourself if interested). 
  • Plus we 'inherit' habits named 'culture', from early childhood on. We are being pressed, no matter what our purpose on this planet might have been, into family culture - behaviors, food and health habits, 'atmospheres' -, local culture, regional culture, national culture and so forth.
  • As No.4 in this package ... we get used to and adapt to chemical cocktails, starting with the biochemicals which we are exposed to in our mother's womb, and all those we adapt to later in life. 

Now comes the interesting part: WE might think none of this matters, or that we get along with all of this very well. In reality, we are addicted, secretly. In the background of what we think we are, our CELLS have gotten used to the cocktails of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Our cells are junkies, to be precise.

The following you may apply to any kind of abuse - not only narcissistic. Abuse of any kind causes trauma. This abuse may be physical - which is much easier to detect, name and emancipate from - or psychological.
As laid out in some posts before ... anything that may cause a child to fear for its life is traumatic.

Such, almost all human beings on this planet ARE traumatized in one way or the other.

Into this group belongs as well all the various ways of NOT being cared for in appropriate ways, sometimes even ridiculing the child or baby for healthy emotions  as happens in many ways and often is sanctified by 'culture', so the environment a being grows up in and forces it to deny and ignore.

To KNOW about it nevertheless provides a chance to work on it.

For each person by being careful with oneself, understanding their full being including the animal, our precious vehicle which runs wild and turns into a beast when just  ignored or suppressed - and also for each other by giving warmth, not cold.

Warmth - is active energy.
Cold - is rejection and loneliness.

And for a child a cause to die.

We are mammals, forgot? Our strength is our energy we can create and the emotional nurture, the care and shelter we receive as little ones. Can you feel yourself as that baby you once were?

When you start having empathy with that child, it gets impossible to not sense also others - as this child is overall connected with everything around with widest opened senses.

I have not checked out whether the precise connection of biochemical causes in this video is accepted or stringent according to the general 'scientific' opinion - the latter more and more to be a 'truth by mainstream and agreement'. As you know, for me this is not truth at all. What is really true we all have to find out piece by piece ... and in the meantime, life presents us the topics for us each one to work on if we allow it to flow.

The vid actually is very logic to me as just this moment, I am working on just a 'little trauma' and I just realize once more how long-term impact even little painful events have if not treated properly and right in time. In this my case a tooth and the surrounding tissue which seem to want to 'remember' the estate they have been in for quite some time - and want their drug cocktail they got so nicely used to.

I will work with them ... my cells, to let go and convince them that the relaxed mode is the much better one. So see, this little shit happens at any time and to anyone. The point is just to realize - and then we can do something about it, even if it might take some time.

As a Shiatsu practitioner (learned but for understanding not for trying to make money with it though my kids benefit), once you are set on a track you will also find physically/energetically the rest of the connections. I had had a similar 'wow-effect' quite some time ago when I just 'forgot', due to other pressures, to give appropriate attention to the twin my son would have been born together with but who was reabsorbed. This shows how sensitive the psychological-spiritual or 'other world' indeed is.

Mankind may continue to ignore the connectivity of these layers - just that you can't continue ignoring 'what is' without receiving an appropriate 'answer' at a point. In this regard:

Good morning, East, good evening, West. 

Or learn and pick out what is Best.

(Just don't let the reptiles do this.)

For me and from my point if view, just another good reason to question the ways we live and what we pass on to our children and to our environment in general.

Lots of Energies, Yes'es & Love.


With special thanks to
Melanie Tonia Evans (the lady who created the vids)
A precious compilation.

25 February 2014

Finding of the Day ... Nothing and Most

To make nothing out of everything ... is just a pity.


To make the most out of nothing ... is an art.

If you can, enjoy some Creation today!


22 February 2014

The Sense of Senses.

The sense in of senses for us is being the information input system for taking decisions. Decisions like which direction to turn to, or decisions how to act towards a circumstance.Good decisions, if possible. Actually, I would wonder if anyone would go out and tells he is out for making bad decisions. Such, I am tending to primarily assume that the intention might mainly be for good decision. Just that 'good' is relative in the way the term can be used. Anyway, let's assume this.

Our senses are the interface to the world outside - of us. 

To me, this would be decisions which contribute to our evolution, to a qualitative base for well-being, and well-being of the planet we are in charge of. Plus all its inhabitants, small or big, who altogether form one organism as none of us can continue living without any of them and none of them can continue living without us - we humans who are so influential on all that happens.

Biblical spoken .,, we have sovereignty. We, humans, are sovereign.

Sovereignty at the same time means that we are charged to care, and if we want to rule and guide, we got the duty to do this to the well-being of all that is possibly affected.

And please remember, our animal we inhabit is a predator. A high level predator with potentially the ability to think by being equipped with the most complex neuronal system which allows us all sorts of playing around within (and without) these options. The senses of this predator are developed to the finest, over millions of years.

During the ways we are living for quite a while already, seems our senses got lost and the instinct has stayed. And most likely for likely the most, also sense has perished on this way. Certainly you are firm with the needs according to the Maslow explanation, read it up anywhere - or read it up here, referring to 'Maslow and Beyond the Beast', if you like so.

Physiological ... Survival Drives

- or The Three Fs

If the first stage refers to caring for one's own direct needs, we may consider this stage to be the reptilian, Add a direct need for shelter aka housing these days, a being may survive. If it does so successfully until the stage of sexual maturity, the need (and drives) for breeding evolve more or less automatically.

If you like so you may call these drives the '3F'- or 'food-flat-f**k'-Triangle or ... -Trinity.

And now look how many people mainly are hanging around these basic needs. The food might be finer, the breeding is masked with fancy ideology, nevertheless it is not more than this.

At the same time, many people all over the globe are daily fighting for these three.

We all own all senses and drives to achieve these objects of desire.

Next step is to, as I have learned it, to assure that all this will still be there tomorrow, more or less. In Maslow's pyramid this is what is called 'safety needs'.

This is where hoarding starts, and you may again see, hoarding is an attribute almost always connected to Dragon. In some cultures, Dragon is admired and kind of worshiped still for these functions. It makes sense when you understand it this way. The point is that you must understand it this way, otherwise you won't catch up how this affects all the rest. See it neutral, just for what it is. For example, greed is a need, placed in us first to make it to survive.

It's all logical, as otherwise our species would not have survived and none of us would be here.
Neither me to write nor you to read this.

Psychological Needs:

What in Maslow's then is called 'Belongingness and Love Needs' and placed in row 3 over the two described as before, in reality is

as much necessary as physiological needs for any mammal. 

Well, mammals is what we are.

Probably everyone knows about the experiments where human children and in other experiments, monkey babies (see e.g. Harry Harlow) have been isolated yet fed well.

Every, and literally every! mammal needs emotional care, otherwise it becomes psychotic or heavily depressed. Most what we call cultural achievements are directly related to what a human being learns about healthy emotions, about caring for the health of its own emotions by reflecting the emotions of the carer. Thus, we develop very sensitive senses, for ourselves, our needs, but also our environment, other people, other beings and at last to see, how finely and complex everything is connected.

Social isolation or emotional deprivation kill any sensitive being including the ability to use their senses. Slowly it will undermine the being, not the organism though. As an organism, the individual will still look like a whole, let's say, 'human', while deeper within it is not at a bit all. Basically equipped but then not activated respectively deactivated, it becomes what we call a Zombie then - or a Golem, as ancient books name it. A being in human shape and made from human flesh, just lacking the inner self which connects though its senses with the outer world or environment.

Thus the animal is the fundamental emotional context in charge of developing our senses. It also is the first stage to connection.

All mammals need to connect and literally 'starve' in isolation.

Neither a wolf puppy nor a lion nor a mouse or kangaroo will make it without this connection.

Animals we are, born into animals', precisely a predator's body, empowered for interacting with our environment via exactly these 'animal' skills and senses.

To move on any further as with esteem needs or beyond, is kind of useless - because here is where the major problems already occur. We as civil societies have not moved much further than these fundamental needs, even if we tend to look like it was different.

If we want to keep on believing in mankind, at this level we need to address the problems we may see. If we see them in a majority of people, it gets hard to impossible to ignore them.

I enjoyed in some discussions with friends whom I very much cherish, both at a high philosophical stage, one from the 'brainy' ivory-towery side by multifaceted high level education, the other with roots deep in the ground of intellectual tradition. As mentioned, I highly cherish them both and yet, I did not come any nearer to my answers or could agree. The quest was about whether every human being at this moment on this planet is equipped with 'soul'. Both of them answered with 'yes, of course', one of them extending it to that he believes in the chance of insight in everyone.

And yet, I doubt. I see so many - and if I say 'see' it means that I 'see' - acting like humans but there is no humans inside. I am not all the time running around in this mode of seeing - it just occurs like flashes at certain points, in certain moments, where out if the sudden you see what someone really is.

Throughout my life, I always was wondering about how people do or why people do - the latter question often enough useless, many have no 'whys' and are just reactive, like by reflexes, which is far from being 'active' or processing information by using a kind of mind.

It is the senses, these senses passed on by the reptile to mammal evolution which provide me with exactly this input.

It is a matter of recognizing and connecting, not of denying what we are.

Our bodies will react in the very same ways if we abuse them, if we deny needs and not educate them both the reptile and the animal, in loving, respecting ways.

It does by no means mean that we follow all kind of instincts which are plainly set up to allow us to

     a) survive, on a physiological/biological basis
     b) connect, which also means to feel and interact with beings as we are ourselves.

It means, too, to have a mirror of own kind.

The Human Mammal is our vehicles, our bodies, our framework we live in and, in best case, we can work with.

If you can't ... feel your emotions, as is on the reptile stage, you also won't be able to feel anyone elses's emotions, too. Some call it 'rational' which is a nice lie; it is simply neglecting that we are further developed beings. Empathy-lacking 'rationality' which usually refers to linear, duality based perception, is reptilian - what ever the beings who apply and use it as an argument might state. And of course they will state the superiority of such thinking, as this is all that is within their very own experience. Similar a valley-inhabitant who has never been out of his valley, might assume the valley is the world. Or take any other appropriate picture to understand this way of thinking.

If you feel your emotions, as is the evolutionary stage of the mammal, you will also at a point and via reflection feel anyone else's emotions - and this might confuse. It might require more capacity to deal with the now accumulated or multiplied amount of information. Be happy, our brains with their amazing plasticity provide everyone with the ability to grow beyond anything that we before thought throughout all lifetime and to yet not imagined degrees.

This stage of 'learning to connect' is so much necessary for moving further on.

The reptile senses let us sense and know what is around from the 'me'-perspective.
The mammal skills allow us to connect and work and live in groups, connected.

Birds do it, bees do it ... and mammals do it either: care. Application and
pleasure vice versa may be different in quality though. Pic from imgur.com
So many people, despite it all looks so different, have not at all reached mammal stage which includes realizing the emotions of the 'other' just next to oneself.

Means, move back one step: It is reptile. But abused.

Now damned, we have it all.
We live on a planet of sheer abundance and yet we need to ask: Why?

Why do people with all these abilities, all the information provided, all capacities to process the information, continue to behave as if only they alone would exist?

Obviously many things are going wrong at early stages, and the cultural systems we live in do their very best that this happens. I recently learned about the term 'Cultural Trance' which I find very applicable. As in a group of individuals connected, the information flows as frequencies but yet the strongest ones - or even strongest ones which might connect within the connection, take over. They just overrun and override the more fragile, more sophisticated frequencies like the hammering of a steam engine will override the sound of a piccolo flute no matter which of them plays the more appropriate piece of music.

So let's jump from mass evolutionary ideas to individual evolution which includes the definitely relevant aspect of emancipation.

Emancipation literally means to become free of (hu-) man-ly ownership.

If you now look at all our self-built cultural systems and look to which extend those strive for instead of positioning strongly against human bodies and minds being owned.

Look where this is the most the case.
Look at the requirements of states and organizations.
Look at educational systems and what they imply, and who 'makes it' in such and by which means.
Look at how resources and power over others are being distributed, by whom and to whom.

And look who gets attacked when hinting at only some little parts of these contexts, by whom these (often blurred) attacks are performed and in which ways, and then ask and why. The ways are manifold and therefore so difficult to unveil as they all are born into human shells and 'look like' humans. Often even the performers are not themselves aware of that they do and what they do. And this is because they are disconnected, not only from themselves and their fellow mammals but also from reality.

The question is whether WE sense it.

If we refuse to sense, sooner or later technological sensors will take over - by far less effective and certainly extremely error-prone compared to any human inborn sensors ever can be but a result of human denial and ignorance of their very own development of capabilities.Not only do we need a brain but also the connection to the outside world which is supposed to deliver information to deal with.

Or whether we are at a stage of non-sensing.
Sense deprived. 
Means: Sense-less.

Industries work and rely on it. It will all go its ways. We are sovereign, you know?

Maybe all this was a little blurry but anyway, have a good day today. Don't forget that we are all a little brainwashed - and those who refuse to know are actually the most.

Catch the moment
and see eternity.

So maybe forget all that I have just said.

The sense of senses is to sense.

(So simple and easy. As always.)


PS: I don't think the Planet will be able to endure 11 billion reptiles whether in disguise or not. As entertaining this might occur. Nevertheless, the following presentation is impressive and I would like to share it with you, and leave the rest up to your senses. See Prof Hans Rosling:

I also don't believe billionaires who claim computers at least won't contribute to murder (as in the wrong hands, they and their output and derivatives do and have plenty of proven so) and who engage in 'beneficial' research, in this case to abandon malaria in some African countries, while at the same time being stakeholders of Monsanto, one of the nuisance of gen-tech companies which over and over and by tricky means insist on overruling populations' strongly exclaimed wills to refuse their 'blessings'. Looks more like market growth without respect for the humans to be affected in the cloth of 'humanitarian'.

The truth will always show at a point. Not your truth, not my truth, just the very plain truth itself.

And sometimes we can challenge it a little, to make it show itself ;)
(Seems I have a subscription.)

16 February 2014

Beautiful ... V Creatures

Almost forgot ... too busy getting along with a rotten system in a country which claims to be civilized and to have fundamental rights for all. Believe, non of it is true, and greed resides with mighty wings, most of it behind facades of falsehood and illusions.
May they no longer lay their shit on others but eat it themselves. Another option is to give it back directly to those by whom they have been given, but with an open heart. Anyhow.

Respect, Ladies - and thanks for the courage!

My many many thanks for making it happen.

For those interested in more ... find One Billion Rising 2014.

While in countries with free constitutions which took long time, hard times and many tears to achieve and even while not accomplished yet already turning backward, some might consider themselves 'chic' by 'making a difference' (which they don't) wearing what any dirty old man has told them to, such destroy what they themselves benefit from and came for ... others risk a lot and their lives for freedom and rights.

Women's organizations from Islam countries are constantly asking for support - on the other hand, even in western countries where rights should be protected, definitely too much is tolerated just with the excuse 'by culture' and 'family affairs'. What a nice excuse. Would be wiser to stand in for civil rights and not try to adapt to what is against life, anyway.

These are just examples and there are many many more gorgeous girls.
There and here and everywhere.

So much respect, too.

Because we HAVE emotions, we can be proud of them.
If we would not have emotions, we would be dead for long.
However we survive, we LIVE.
And so may our children.

And pity for those who think they will survive by pleasing their suppressors, and behind masks - material or immaterial - spreading destruction and hate instead, even on and in their children, instead of building a society any being has right to live in.

We have it all.
In our hands.

Think about it.

As all beings are created perfect as they are
- unless they ignore and deny them selves.


15 February 2014

Listening to Our Canaries

Guess I have for long not been writing about my little reptiles, the visiting birds who show up from time to time.

The reason is: all the small have been driven away.

Only the biggest kept on.

None of those little, sensitive ones liked an environment which is noisy, disrespecting, harmful, where people are transgressing without sense, where there is little understanding for what a difference just some joy would make for all. Nope, nope, nope.

Did you know about the canaries in coal mines?

Look what the wise geek explains:

Early coal mines did not feature ventilation systems, so legend has it that miners would bring a caged canary into new coal seams. Canaries are especially sensitive to methane and carbon monoxide, which made them ideal for detecting any dangerous gas build-ups. As long as the bird kept singing, the miners knew their air supply was safe. A dead canary signaled an immediate evacuation.

I think it is wise to listen to them.
Respectively to notice when there is not much to listen to anymore - when they just disappear.

And recently, just recently, a little fluffy plush-ball showed up, trying to enter my place.
I really love them.

(Not this one here - I was of course to busy connecting, such ways will never have any pic of the moments but many pictures in my heart.)

Have a Great Sun Day,