30 March 2016

All My Words Could Not Tell

... not even in part.

Song comes up at the very moment, probably being somewhere completely else with other God's children. Stay safe is all that I can pray on behalf.

LoVe, Yours,

23 March 2016

Terror and Fear

... is what the European 'elites' are producing.

Three generations of too good a life have obviously not brought forth the best but the worst in people.

Sure it is others who do the bombing.

It is known for quite some time by now that this world cannot sustain the way all relevant issues are handled by 'elites', politicians, their useful idiots, the so-called 'management' (who are not even capable of managing themselves!) and 'administration' (some bots with minor-options pre-programming) have set up in order to not create anything useful but to waste the rest we had by administrating it to death. This is over and over clearly visible, nothing changes (changed) though. Ever.

Two generations of Western kids have been severely isolated from their souls and supportive back-up, drawn into an absurde idea of entitlement and ruthless competion one against the other, everyone against everybody, incapable of social behaviours, collaboration or any normal communication.

Societies are falling back into scavenging in every regard. People who won't see this, I am not sorry for. They have only learned to behave the ways they do but they also, every single moment, the chance to think it over and turn to their innerst humanity. Instead, they turn against the very next, the very weakest, the very neediest. How great they are!

Values have been thrown over board, and people supposed to be adult are behaving like toddlers in their 'no'-phase of life. No organisation is able to work in itself when people are functioning on being 'against' only due to degeneration of socities and every single individual within.

Role models are styled which show absolutely no signs of brains but act out purely animalish emotional behaviours. This is applied in the US and just a little less in Europe - economy must grow - on every citizen even before birth.

Have everything, be everything, blast out everything in shamelesse ways and no matter how stupid, but never question what it is good for and who you really are is a poor approach to life.

Not that others would have any better solutions.
World is in mess just everywhere.

But it is nevertheless a story which also must be spoken out very clearly: There is a kind of severe degeneration over the past decades, which nobody except a few tried to steer into better directions.

Reality is that the ones with clearer view are even heavily attacked and cast out from society and living outcome, too. Those who make and have fine livings, even pensions - something most of us won't know anymore but as a term from the past-, most often own what they own because they took all they have from others, pushing others, often betters than themselves, rudely aside. It must be clear that in the whole of Europe, the generation after will have be left with ... nothing. Even not relations as relations were abused, and all that for the sake of the right for stupidity in abundance.

The masses follow that ideal - the ones who create it and the ones who rule and lead us are though the primary cause. With position and privilege comes responsibilites, so easy is that. Responsibility though seems to no more exist.

Some few feathers have no power to stop a Titanic, how much they wisper in the wind.

And it is relevant to notice the plank in the own eyes, too, of course.

During the last months, I was quite focussing on an issue which closely relates to what is responsibility of the West and of Europe, in order to not only 'survive' but to direct us all well and steer us out of dangerous waters. 'Us all', a certainly bigger group of people who is though closely connected. It matters.

It is us, the 'Europeans', 'the West', who failed - thanks to our 'leadership'.

Maybe we also will be looking out what other kind of actions will happen in the shade of this event?

We should.


16 March 2016

... Legally, Morally, and Politically Wrong ...

March 15, 2016, Human Rights Watch Letter to EU Leaders on Refugees

"Dear Prime Minister, [...]

We see three particularly harmful elements in the principles articulated on March 7:
1) fast-track mass returns to Turkey,

2) the proposal to resettle one Syrian refugee from Turkey for each irregularly arriving Syrian who is returned to Turkey; and

3) cooperation with Turkey on what appears to be the establishment of a “safe area” in Syria that would be used as a pretext to contain the flow of asylum seekers leaving that war-torn country.

We urge you to reject all three of these proposed elements.
They are legally, morally, and politically wrong, and if implemented would signal a stark repudiation of international law and the very values on which the European Union was founded. [...]

Meanwhile, all refugees in Turkey are struggling to find work, educate their children, and build dignified lives — essential elements of a “safe” refuge.

Human Rights Watch is also deeply concerned that in the interests of securing the Joint Action Plan to stem the flow of refugees and migrants, the EU is willing to turn a blind-eye as Turkey’s president cracks down on human rights and dismantles Turkey’s democratic framework.

This has been all too evident in the muted EU response to the near elimination of critical media as the Action Plan was being negotiated. The escalating conflict in the Southeast over the past few months suggests growing instability in Turkey and should be of grave concern.

For the EU at such a moment to diminish its support for a rights-respecting Turkey dramatically transforms the terms of the EU-Turkey relationship and may even contribute to Turkey’s authoritarian slide.

A very different approach is needed. [...]

Exactly this!

(Emphasis in quote was added by me)

Meanwhile, precious time, resources AND LIVES are being wasted. The last two years brabbling happened only on the cost of so much that could already be in place.

Watching consciously what is happening, it is evident that Europe contributed through their visionless politics to dramatic increase of all related humanitarian problems - for MENA-nations and -people as much as for Europe itself.


14 March 2016


Additionally ... there is something weird in preparation.
In context with some other events, this is what intuition tells.

Take care, loVe,


Again ... Whose Gain?

Amazing again, again and again - Honi soit ... ... qui mal y pense? 

I will try to keep this short.

Few days ago, Turkey military was deployed to Nusaybin and Gever in South-East Turkey areas, what this means we all know by now, and "curfews" announced.

Witness today, check out the Twitter source if you like so:

Local from Nisêbîn: We are witnessing the worst explosions of our lives right now. Turkey declared mil.curfew today.

Yesterday, 13 March 2016, the just next Ankara bombing took place. 

On March 11, Official Twitter for U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs. was advising its citizens to

Same time, 13 March 2016, "Turkish troops in Syria for operation against Kurds",
source, not one I would usually choose but time is short, Daily Mail UK:

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Russia on Sunday accused Turkey of sending its military across the Syrian border to prevent Kurdish groups there from consolidating their positions, while Turkish authorities imposed curfews on two mainly Kurdish towns where Turkey's security forces are set to launch large-scale operations against Kurdish militants.

Who, sorry so, would still believe a government of fully proven incredibility?

This attack suits the plans to distract from what really is happening just too nicely.

Additionally, a word from someone who knows situation better (and can need some funding for medical packs and the rebuilding of Rojava, by the way):


Life Is

Life is pain.

And pain is life.

I never thought I would write this one day. Always doubted the Old saying.

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

Khalil Gibran, from 'The Prophet'

Much of our pain though we receive only because it is people who do not understand and they lay their pain on us.

LoVe Always, especially to those who give their All for that Life will prevail.

Thanks for Everything so much.


07 March 2016

Report Upload

Report Uploaded.

God sees and knows.


What shit is this supposed to be - apart from all that shit that happened before?

They can not humiliate honourable people ever. Not by dragging them when dead like dogs nor by exposing killed women's bodies.

These bodies are sacred forever.

Because GOD knows how much they are honourable. Never worry. In God's eyes, those who do such are disgraced, never ever the ones to whom such is done.

And the revenge is God's. A mighty one.

If people are already on the way to help - also never mind. I would also be with you.

By the way - would I hold your hand - if we saw us in heaven? 

Yes, I would, I would remember every motion and every single sense you have been giving to others, and I would remember your face. I would testify all that I have seen and witnessed - and the fucking crux is that I see a fucking a lot. Worst of all (for others): Our kind can not be shut up.

I  am so much moving in and out that place that I am quite sure I would recognize the friends as well as those who are applying there with false testimony.

I am sent here as a watcher, to witness, and I will testify for each single one who touched my heart, no matter which way. I am never judge - God alone is.

In Heaven ( - quite near to Heathen, actually - what we all are and mostly those who believe they are on God's right side. This was a trick you did not notice, sorry so Kajeen's heirs):

LoVe 4ever,

01 March 2016

Knowledge And Technologies

Knowledge and technologies are awesome tools in the hands of mature people.

In all others's hands, they are the opposite.

Makes sense that Celts were not writing and with our Near-East ancients, communicated relevant content in riddles. Just that even this has turned against themselves and us all, in the hands of the immature and the innerly isolated who wish to gain what's lost by taking just from other beings.

As as they don't have it, no one should have. 

What a statement of their poverty.
