31 March 2013

About ... Letting Go and Saying Hello

Yesterday was a strongly important day for me. Regarding letting go. And ... with some time of sound preparation which I knew was a necessary process ... I did. Wow. I am so glad and as it happens when inside and outside want to live as a couple in integrity, also the materials (well, stuff you keep, stuff I keep as a nice or beautiful reminder for lifting our mood by memory) connected with this were cleaned out. And I am finding it is good ... as it is now. Old not only sometimes but most of the times must go to make the way for what is waiting there to come.

Let me point out:

Letting go is definitely not the same as being indifferent about something or even worse, about everything. 

It is also not the same as being to shy to go for anything and then telling oneself that you have these high level abilities inborn of just letting go. Because it is a point which is not easy to come to.

Staying on the ground sitting down there in the valley is not the same at all as having climbed a mountain and seeing the landscape from there and wandering down again, no matter which side then ... as then we can choose. Not so if having remained sitting in our little places and telling ourselves that we could if we wanted to but just we don't want to. This is childish, actually. But many many adults act exactly this way.

Think about if you like so and have a great Easter Sun Day ;)
So you think there is no sun? Well, there is. Always.

With regard to Sun ... I think I already posted once that the sun itself creates sound, radio frequencies, which are too 'infra' for normal human ears and their processing unit to 'hear'.
Nevertheless, it is. It im-pulses ... on many different channels. No wonder Ancient Egyptians knew a 'go(o)d' which they named R-Ah. The sounds you will find shared are still speeded up far too high but it seems a compromise to at least make them somehow perceivable. Unfortunetaly, it also makes it less ... majestic though majestic is what it is.

Just to remember: just because the nowadays average human is not able to receive or grab a frequency it does by no means mean that it does not exist. Sounds is vibes ... and vibes matter in everything around.

Maybe there is even much more space radio that we receive than people would like to know. If you like so and have some time, you might like to check out some at http://www.esa.int/.../Sounds_from_space. It is quite an aweseome experience if you simply allow yourself without trying to interprete or prejudge. Finding yourself free falling is also sometimes nice. As well as giving away ourselves. As long as we find the way back onto our feet.

Frequencies affect, not only definitely but even quite a lot.
Whether anyone wants to registrate those frequencies or not.

It's much nicer if we learn to extend our senses and re-gain insight in that there is more than p(l)ain perception.

This may remind of that not all that we do not registrate in daily life is not existing. Maybe it is just the right time to re-start and listen.

In the end it does not help to deny. What exists exists ... and by so hard trying not to see it, it does not diappear. The only thing we create for ourselves with such an attutide is that the awakening one day might become quite a rough one.

And anyway, it is much nicer to go for and explore much more.

If the sun can do - we also can. 

So if you like so - and why not? -

just go for some swing today.


Just watched a squirrel climbing up a little roughly plastered wall up to the 4th floor.

What a beautiful sign for this day.
Hej, little brother - thanks ;)

Considering it my little present I remain,
in faith, yours,

17 March 2013

2009 - 2012. Through The Eyes of Someone

This time I would like to mention three films which I learned about.
All three gorgeous, miracolous and worthy each second of the time.

And it is like seeing things through the eyes - through the 'I's - of others. Beautiful. Reflections.

The first one of these is the Ai Wei-Wei 2012 film

'Never Sorry'.

Maybe some of you know it ... for the others, I would like to really recommend it. It is precious as it shows so simply and intensely that it is always, even if not easy at all many times, up to us what we do with our lives and even under the worst circumstances.

People DO change the world by changing thinking by just doing what is necessary to be done when we follow our innerst and do not give in to repressions. If some more would ... it would all be so much easier. Ai Wei-Wei does and I am thankful for this man to be in the world. Thanks from my heart.

What a man.

And this globe is lacking men so much. These days.

Another movie I fell in coincidentially, is life so often happens (and why everything always is good for something), is Margarethe von Trotta's

'Hannah Arendt'.

A time to think about the controversary of just obeying citizens who can be major contributors to the worst that can happen - just by doing what is asked of them. At its end, the film mentions the continuing trouble which bothered Ms Arendt throughout the rest of life: that it seems the just very 'normal' man who through 'normality' did the most evil which is thinkable. The path of 'understanding' is not easy at all, the most troublesome indeed. Without understanding, we won't understand. Not even our selves.

Maybe this philosophical dilemma can be solved by not trying to find the 'evil' as such incarnated.
Maybe it is only ... a lack of good. The world is not dual, and there is no duality ... and has never been.

Just this lack of good and lack of acting according to 'good' in our hearts causes most 'evil'.
So look around how common is this 'underlings mentality' everywhere. In organizations, in neighbours, family, your nearests - and maybe partly in yourself? You might slowly start to see.

No. 3 for today is Mark Cousins' 2009 'First Movie'.
A magical journey ... which I stumbled in and totally fell in love with.

Though the film seems to be of 2009 I bet not many fell over it by now. Also this one is ... just awesome.

Looking through and into the eyes of children with special experiences. A boy stating love is. In the people. Everywhere. In this village. A village, an area which experienced more than extreme violence - the Anfal-Operations. I write this here as I was wondering what the elder women were talking about. Though I know about the fate of the Kurds (in several areas ... not only Iraq), also I did not know the expression used.

Huge thanks to the filmmaker, himself a person with these special experiences. It makes sense to really listen to what these humans have to say. There is so much learning options in simple sentences, sounding profane.

So - if you get the chance to view any of them, I kindly recommend you to - do it. :)

Or don't - as you like ;)

And by the way:

Every one must live and die himself or herself with what they have done - or not done-, what we have lined up with, where we have spoken up or having kept shut our mouthes.

We are fully in respons(e) ... ability. Each moment of our lifes. 

And this fact is beautiful, you know?

Cheers and enjoy, experience a beautiful SUN~Day,

10 March 2013

But face it real

While the last post refers to what anyone who tried to hide or flee from reality has to do, I am noticing how many people actually are doing exactly this. They DO face their fears by repeating patterns over and over but without ever realizing how much they are forced to do it. Thus, they face but as they hide at the same time, they also do not face. They try their very best to become numb .... and as result, at a point, will turn out dumb. Remember the knowledge on neuroplasticity? It's we ourselves who are forming our brains. We can.

What they don't is to get over their fears by repeating them as same sequences. But this is what I meant with 'face them' - to become aware at a point. To simply not look at and away - but look at straightly and with open eyes.

Traumata are fears engraved - and I know this very well. We all have, and there is none who does not. The more you face them, the less you become afraud. The better your brain can work, as fear is a terrible stress factor which disables our capacities to think.

The point is that we need to get into a same or closely similar situation and become aware of how they work and function - and therefore how WE DO work and function. Then also we can find better ways out of destructive behaviors. Many humans become destructive for themselves and slowly kill the last pieces of their own soul ... and many become destructive for others. None of those is worth going for.

Intoxicated, people become toxine for others and at a point, unsociable. At a later point, they also will be unsociable with themselves. What a life to choose. Now - watch around and see. We are in the middle of exactly this. Who wishes so desperately to forget ... will forget. The question is whether the outcome is a) desirable and b) bearable. For the generation after, mainly.

In such case it would be necessary and wise to detox ... get out of the mess. Just then, again, you can face what caused it. And maybe, from a distance, see where things went wrong, to not fall into the same trap again. And you must be honest. Honesty might sometimes hurt. But better a moment of hurt which can be overcome rather than a lifetime of intoxication, numbness and dumbness. Maybe you need to let go some things, some occupations or someone who  has kept you down, often without realizing themselves either. So many have fallen into the dump and of course, this is also so relevant to understand, pieces of systems keep pieces of systems within. There are causilities. When we realize, we can choose. And we can change. Beware; it is getting complex. So complex at a point that you might think your brain is breaking. It's worth it ... if you are ready to bear some and master. Step by step, task by task. We need to face our inabilities to become able. Quite hard for a population of narcissists and bipolars, I know.

This is what is to be a 'warrior'. To be wary. To stand upright, use and enable more of our skills, to sharpen our senses which we have mainly lost. To take proper decisions by not being pushed and steered around but by taking timeouts also to re-assess any situation, oneself and clarify within.

I realize morew and more how many men - born as good, sensitive and sensable boys - are depressive. They are drugged and drugging themselves as a substitute for becoming men. They don't go for women but for same disabled females as they are. Another sign that being 'male' is by far not 'being man'.

They repeat their childhoods patters, become copies of what they never wanted to be just by having given up and trying to please someone who never was worth it. This is what they don't face - as a result, they do not face what it is to become a man. They run away - literally, by defense or denial mechanisms, by hiding and ducking away like they have been hiding when having been children. Hiding in numb pictures of themselves, in substitute societies instead of playing a real role in a real society, and in their virtual holes.They are not able to face any real situation as real humans. It is them who depress the man they were to become. And they are seeking for any help to do this they can get ... and they get as there are many who want them to be exactly like this, emasculated and castrated - instead of seeking help for growing.

The point why I am writing this is:

We need them.

It can't remain the ways it is right now.

We need them, and we need them to open their eyes, now.

We need them to turn back, switch back to what they were born to be - before they gave in, gave over and gave up to a form of society which turned right into wrong and left behind every cause of value for shere material existence. 

Materially existing are also machines. We are not.

As it is fact that even if they would open their eyes NOW, it is still a long way to go. 

Transforming all that stuff is not an easy path. It is a challenge.

Ciao and find some clear sky, maybe, too. And maybe a boy may find out what being 'man' is meant to be. I wish them all luck in this world. Be wise. Become what you have been meant to be - not depending of what any other wants you to be.

And it's another great day, again.
