29 April 2012

Never Change a Losing Horse?

What some of us might have found out by time and connected experience is for sure that things are most often not what they seem to be at first sight.

Others do have those special fine senses to realize how things (or persons) factually are. As most of us have learned (or: as we have been conditioned) that we should not judge we also don't allow ourselves good intuition, and they override their own good intuition. That is a big trap I fell in over for decades in my life until, finally and most often not understandable for people around, I go for exactly what my senses tell me. Having been overriding my own intuition and better knowledge for too many times in life because other people told me so, I decided to go less and less for cheap compromises.

On the other hand, I am most often endlessley patient and give many many chances to people with whom it is evident that they are carrying a big problem with themselves which they themselves would be happy to solve. I see that, and therefore I give chances. Funny though that when given that chance, people often decide to even get deeper into what they already are stuck in, in the negative sense.

It seems strange how people wish to have chances for a change and when they have exactly that chance the wanted, they fall back into their slur and often even strengthen the negative features to show them in full bloom.

Why it comes up now .... hmm, well. Life comes up with funny coincidences, sometimes. Actually, more often. Serendipity?

One reason I am pondering about this topic once more is a former business colleague of mine who tried to get back in touch with me several times during the last years. He had done real big shit a time before, showing the full face of the 'boys' game' which he unfortunately played on a woman, even a pregnant woman who lost all (materially) after that cheat (fortunately, she won all regarding life itself). Boys obviously do not understand at all that their game is only the one of male deer, using their antlers to show who is stronger, bigger, more powerful and in the end, has the better chances to mate and breed. With this, they are not on any other level than any other animal in the world. These boys are running around in adult men's bodies, being very successfull with pretending they know the ways while they are in reality only like children playing in a sandpit, not realizing what their actions in real life cause.

In this confused world, they mess with the female deers who clearly have other missions rather than  messing around to show who 'got the biggest'. Coming back to that person, after decades where it happened that he played boyish game in business (actually near to criminal but 'the market' allows a lot) he uses every (web) chance to connect back. But he does not clarify anthing, and so nothing changes. So it seems he either carries a burden or he still does not think at all, while I doubt the latter. Every halfway intelligent person knows well what they have done. I am curious what comes out of this and if he will use the chance for a change.

The other cause is an organization I have worked for before, in information management. I had showed up to the management that organizationally some things need to be slightly changed to not run into same problems over and over. But they didn't change the losing horse. They seem to love it - so may it be.

A friend of mine experiences similar, in another international organization, and from the information I receive, it seems all the same. The pattern seems to be to not only not change losing horses but to promote them and run it all deeper and deeper into incapability. Well, one day they will then be like jockeys without horses at all.

This my former organization has recently contacted me for retrieving information. The point is that I had hinted at what things need to be slightly changed to not run into such a situation, and they had, thanks to the power of incapable management and administrators, even shut down the whole information management project (and my role together with it). A kind of Kamikaze attitude I would call it, in fact. If you need to be aware that you severely depend on information but refuse to make information available you will run out of information at a point. It is great fun to see they come back to that and ask help of the person they beforehand refused to listen to. A Kindergarten. But unfortunately, an organization for which good and hard-working people are paying taxes.

And the third reason to dwell in thoughts about this scheme is the fact that momentarily, I am working for a purpose I have my severe problems to get out the deeper meaning for the world's benefit. We all know that we, as human race, severely mess around with the planet's energies. At the same time, pushing even more machines into the market which completely unnecessarily use up energies is a critical game. I am wondering why I am sent there. Maybe there is a good reason and I can tell you later once.

Every action (and non-action where action is required) is a possible cause, and the chains of causalities hit back. Sometimes hard but never unfair. We can await that. 

The only thing I pity is that in the meantime
a) usually many innocent people get involved and suffer from the incapability of some who play mean games, and
b) for the moment it looks as if this was a successfull attitude. Only in the long run and with good observation qualities, it gets clear it is not. Not at all. So other people get confused and follow such patterns, being made believe it works. It works, yes, very shortterm. But the balance in the end (and sometimes even earlier) will show what someone really has used his or her creativity for in life.

Wishing that we may be blessed to revise what needs revision, in time and never on the cost of others. Then we have already done a lot well.

Cheers and have a great wonderous day,


05 April 2012

Job's Job 2

Extending the unlucky 'I am in the pod' story of December, looks like my cousin did another Job's job by presenting the pod for my daughter, this time.

As you try to educate kids and give them a sense of social balance - well, the world is not social but it could be, it's just that some always want more and that necessarily must be cut off from others - there are some people who simply don't seem to get that humans do not necessarily need to get down to their level of 'making a difference' by separating. Separating one from the other by differentiating by what you 'have. And what they have not overcome, they try to get other people into. Sometimes, not so rarely, by acting as if they just would 'do good'. So as they define themselves by what they 'have' (not what they are), they try to trigger same in others. And give them a good portion of trouble with that. Acting on the most vulnerable spots is the tactics.

But what do we 'have'?

Certainly not more than what we have left when everything breaks down. Want to believe it or not, every thing decays at a point which is not self-re-creating itself from out of itself. For that it needs creative powers. Cutting powers only can cut. Cut, cut off, separate, 'analyze' (translate the latter and you will get it. Analysis is good ... if it serves to bring together, to synthesize, the cut-apart parts into something creative and new). Creating is bringing together for something new, for building, synchronizing formerly single elements so that together they form up a new existence. In best case, the latter causes continuous re-creation. A cycle of life.

What is it, then, what we have, when things are separated to the very end? All we have and all we can take with us in a worst case scenario is what we have developed. Inside. What is outside, none of us can carry with him or her. Neither nice clothes nor belongings nor goods we can keep with us. All will rot, all that is material will fade as it got no substance in itself. It looses it's energies until nothing will be left over, and sometimes involve a whole lot of destruction in between. Fission at it's best.

Am I wondering? Certainly I am not. Where humans lack creation inside, they will also try to form up their environment accordingly. They show 'good' to the outside as they are socialized like that, outsidely, but ooops, they 'only wanted good' and didn't mean the effects they have caused. My cousin certainly also only wants that. There must be good reason why her (sole) daughter wants to be a psychologist one day. I hate this kind of 'doing good' by sowing material wishes and envy in others who in principle are far away from that. Wish these people would not try to do 'good' by bringing people apart. But that is how they work.

A recent conversation in the public transport on the way to work. One young man, complaining about all those predefined functionalities in the apple gadgets. Discussion about that today you have to pay much more to get electronics where you still have some choice to define how you want it to work. The other young man, joking: 'why don't you just give yourself over to imposed immaturity?' I can tell you, those boys made my day. They got it.

In this sense, putting hopes into the new new generation while wondering how they will be able to make it with the load passed on by the generation before. Consuming is no life style. Consuming without taking care that the environment also will survive and that next in time have a fundament, chance (and right) to make a living, too, is worthless. No hulls and pods around can hide what we developed underneath. One day, we all dance naked.

Easter fires are still - or again - very traditional
in many places in Europe especially in the Alpes
In this sense, enjoy a nice celebration of what is 'coming up from the East'. Easter, or in the same ethymology, 'Ostern' (that what comes from 'Osten', well, simply translated as East).
A fire coming from the East is, literally, not as unthinkable as we might want to think. Carpe Diem ... or che(r)rish the day.

You can also light yourself a nice fire. The best fire is still the fire burning inside which does not perish and is not suffocated by pods around.
Or choose the shell, a mollusk clamped to the ground, never moving from its place unless it is swirled away by other forces. We are as free as we have never been before.

ALL is our choice.

Happy Easter.
