16 February 2011

Finding of the Day - Material(s)

Maybe not the newest, but this one recently 'hit' me:

A bad tool spoils the best material
and on bad material, even the best tool
does not work out.

Enjoy the day,

10 February 2011

Horizontal Switch Technological Approach

Just fell over today´s news ''Thinking cap' stimulates heightened insight'. Striking for me now and here, because after my yesterday´s essay on the vertical, one of my next intentions surely would have been to continue with  the horizontal separation, including what we, humans, consider as 'right', for this having 'left' behind a good part of us. Well, it´s surely interesting for someone who is 'only right', to get a glimpse into the other world.

'The author’s findings are consistent with evidence that the right anterior temporal lobe is associated with insight or novel meaning and that inhibition of the left anterior temporal lobe can induce a cognitive style that is less top-down, less influenced by preconceptions'.

Exactly - here we go.

'"The dream is that one day we may be able to stimulate the brain in a particular way to give you, just momentarily, an unfiltered view of the world," said Snyder.'

'“You wouldn’t use this to study or to help your memory,” Snyder told AFP. “You would use this if you wanted to look at a problem anew.” “If you wanted to look at the world, just briefly, with a child’s view, if you wanted to look outside the box.”' ''Thinking cap' makes brain waves in Australia'

That´s what I mean, it is about. And that is why the time is overdue for a turn ... at least to re-connect to what the ones who think that they are right, and all their followers, have by all means attempted to have left behind.

Have a great day for now,

(Emphasis by the author, Original Source: AFP)
For more: Savant for a Day By Lawrence Osborne Published: June 22, 2003

09 February 2011

Awesome Curiosity

Our, human, women are giving birth to foetuses. This is not new, as evolution requires an earlier birth of our, human, children, required by the development from monkeylike creature to walking on two legs, able to use both hands at the same time.

This required the Adam-Eve-connection to stretch up high, for reaching the fruit of knowing, motivated by a driving wisdom from inside us - showing us inside ourselves the tree of knowing which is the middle of ourselves. Thus we, humans, changed positure, from horizontal four-feet-walkers to upright two-legs-beings. This is a story from old scriptures, and it is amazing how available this knowledge always was while we had to reach the same state of understanding just from an 'other side,' thousands of years later.

Where knowing and knowledge meet, where the levels of perspective come to a same result, there could be some truth.

Of course we couldn´t remain in the state of blessed unknowing anymore, once being able to understand, and were guided out of this state by an Angel, what else (ah-ng-al - just try to track that). This Angel is watching that we don´t walk back to the state of happy unknowing. There is no good and bad - there is just 'there is'.

Where there is not, there is 'no is'. This is how it is.

It is about 'presence' and 'absence' (computer guys and girls might find analogies). But there is no 'duality' at all. To see it 'du-al' is nothing but a first split, in brain, unforunately.

So who turned mere 'knowing' inthe sense of 'understanding' sin? We are talking about causalities, not about sin. Who made it look like sin were people only who were and are not able to deal with what we are and who, therefore, would wish mankind to remain in an unknowing state. They do their best to preserve this concept, thus perverting even the knowledge of scriptures we were passed on by the ancestors of mankind - our heritage.

Adam, this meatloaf made from the flesh of earth, without any further scope, a nice creature probably but terribly alone and therefore given Eve, of course was in trouble, and suddenly understanding that he knew, he clearly couldn´t deal with it. He could not face the good anymore that had created him, and was hiding from the good´s face, he himself feeling so bad with what he was. Interesting that nowhere is written that Eve also had this problem. We therefore may think about why then the good was so kind and eager creating Eve, if Eve would reach out in awesome curiosity for the fruit, what the good probably knew in advance as otherwise it would not be God, the good, the All and the all-knowing, the One with the many names.

It´s a story about brain functions and brain evolution which got nothing to do with spare ribs or similar such stuff. It is a story about Genesis - a story about how we came into life. We can accept or deny. We should clearly be aware that, if we despise the gift given by and for good, to love and respect the conscious brain we were given, we despise ourselves. Adam did. Eve did not. We must dig deeper into what Adam and Eve mean and what they are. Here the scriptures themselves explain that they both, Eve and Adam, at that very moment re-cognized each other as what they are - 'Isch' and 'Ischah' which, by some kind of unilateral transferation, is later translated very poorly and not regarding the multi-level dimensionality of the oriental languages - the languages ours have derived from.

'Isch' is exactly the 'Ich' in German language. Unfortunately, here the English language does not provide a key at all with the term 'I'. The Aramaic language as a quite original Indo-European language though, does. The 'Ah' syllable can be looked up with many sources. One of them says, it´s a 'magic' syllable, being found in the most names of gods and goddesses from around the world. In this case, the 'Ischah' is the 'Godly Ich', the one that sees, seeing further than the ground level where we still would have our noses if not the change of positure would have taken place.

Like christmas: A 'kind of' light arc.
The Adam and Eve story deals with our evolution and development of our brain, and with the complexity of the Self. It simply has got nothing to do with the creation of the genders 'Man' and 'Woman'.

And oh yes, the price was for women to give birth to fetuses as soon as the developed brains reached dimensions  that otherwise would not fit through the natural birth canal any more. Combined with walking upright, requiring a tighter system to prevent the fruit of Adam slipping through, this is painful and every mother, having given birth naturally, knows that this is probably one of the the most terrible pains available on earth. It´s the secret of life, though, even retrievable from the original meaning of what is translated for us Europeans with the 'name' Eve, and the scriptures clearly indicate that 'Eve' understood. Because knowing and understanding is seeing causality and interconnections, the evolution of it described in mankind´s old scriptures, and it is not a sin. No, there is no sin at all, even though we are aware that we make mistakes from time to time. We are imperfect as humans, of course. We are learning.

What Eve felt with it, and also described in the same sciptures, was pure 'joy'. Creation is supposed to be joy, despite what else we get conditioned to by unconsious 'Adams' who would most preferredly go back to the state of animal and keep everyone of us in the same. These people should be reminded that there is a watcher at that gate. An ah-ng-el (have you tracked it? You need to go deep into original culture languages). The higher godly emanation keeps us from moving back to unconsciousness, while the 'Scribes' or 'teachers of the law' are later (see Matt. 23) said to not let us walk through the gate to Higher levels ('heavens'), also applicable to higher levels in our development. They 'sit on Moses seat' and so on (by that way, where did Moses come from?). Seems nothing has changed since.

We certainly need to learn to see interconnected, and not split. Our ancient cultures and heritage we share with all mankind around the globe. Some people with certain interests, or maybe just with limited view, try to make us believe duality, the split that certainly is not there unless in human imagination.

From re-connection to the very roots of mankind´s knowing, we may get a clue that, whoever wants to make us believe that we 'should not know', prefers us in the state of animal. Animal is easy to steer by their needs and greeds they can not reflect. Animal we are not anymore, as otherwise, no 'good' would have created Eve, the 'good Ich' or godly Self - the part in us that refers to 'life' itself - or the other way around, turn it as you like.

Events happening exactly today may kindly remind us of these contexts.

05 February 2011

A Matter of View

A very special film influenced my life at a point where I was far away from seeing things as seeing them now. For this very moment I am still having problems how and where to start with blogging. The main reason is that I am afraid that it would be difficult for anyone to place and sort what I might write here. As mentioned in 'About Me', all those interconnections I permanently am aware of but which are impossible to add each time writing something, might lead to wrong conclusions at first sight for anyone viewing the first posts here, and it might be tempting for a reader to get a picture just on a few pieces of a broad and very interconnected context.

During life, so much information and experience flows together and connects after a while of processing in that very special way. I surely did my best viewing from many, many different possible positions, trying hard to understand, sometimes under-standing literally by submitting myself to the rules of worlds and levels created by others for a while, finding my way out again (the hard way, usually), often desperately struggling with a single topic I wanted to overcome and in the end with all of them about how they might fit, laying them aside just to catch up even decades later. It was not shere brain games that lead me to where I am now, it was probably digging myself deep into life itself and even trying to understand the very own world(s) people have made out of it. Brain becomes consciousness by under-standing life.

Life is a permenant process, making it so fascinating, and none of us ever stops learning. For me myself as a very critical individual, true can only be what can stand being tested and verified on all levels, even independently of time(s), because it simply can not be that fashion rules over truth.

Being aware that we are only human without access to ALL levels by our will, of course, each of us only can examine and verify the levels we each one have access to. Which means, at the same time, it is quite desirable to give it a try expanding our access to different levels, meaning at the same time expanding our minds beyond the borders and limits that have been set, by others in first instance, and then, believing it had to be that way, by our selves. As some might know and even have experienced, exactly this is what certain groups of people try and have always tried to undermine and avoid, even avoiding others to do so. It´s the doors that are referred to in some scriptures, that people hold the key to in hands but they do not pass through the doors themselves and also do they not allow others to walk through. Mankind does not seem to have changed much, regarding this. Or let´s say: Certain groups in mankind do so. Unfortunately, they fight hard to remain in power in this little play of door control. By understanding the principles, it is easy to see that therewith these persons quite egoistically consume energies of others, just by submitting and forcing them into a fight which is theirs only alone.

I just would like, for not being misunderstood, to mention that all information is in principle open to everyone and there are no taboos by any 'higher power' which would keep us away from such. To the contrary, humans have received a very special gift - the gift of latent consciousness which, at the same time, hands over a severe responsibility for our, this planet. As well-done modern science (while not all that calls itself 'science' got anything to do with the meaning of the word), this drive in humans to explore the world and expand their own minds at the same time, and the knowledge passed on to us by archaic and ancient sources, go very well together, there is no reason at all to avoid information and to avoid knowing as long as we are at each moment aware that we only can see parts of the whole. The only restriction is the way we deal with it and what we make out of it, especially regarding impact on others and the whole system we are part of and live in. There is no religious, no esoteric nor any other restriction except the way we deal with knowledge and how we perceive the very personal responsibility resulting from it. Anyone is free to play his or her own puzzle of life.

The Global Brain - Peter Russel, 1983

I have seen this film something around the age of 20 or 21, probably at a moment in my life where, according to a quite healthy life plan, a new phase was due to being kicked off. It clearly made a very deep impression on me unto today. Please view and perceive if you like and what you like, your self.

Looking at it from today´s perspective, clearly I can realize that to every move forward there is backlashes as response. Nevertheless, there is enough happening around the world, within the people in general and produced by outstanding individuals, that gives hope and energy to still, always over and over again, move forward.

With my best wishes for everyone for a meta view,


02 February 2011

A Beginning

Well, where to start exactly? 
For now, I will share a playlist an indeed virtual friend sent recently. From my point of view, this can be considered as relevant information providing lots of brainfood many of us so urgently need:

[Have fun while I´m sorry, I didn´t find an English version, so this is with translation to German language, unfortunately.The playlist can be found @ ...]

2011-05-14 Addendum:
Unfortunately, I just found that this highly interesting video which indeed can make some people think and seriously start to re-arrange their lives, was removed from youtube.
The notification says that the youtube account was removed due to copyright infringements from claimants. This is another topic we certainly should for the future watch about. The Internet will very soon not be what we tought once it was meant to be. Good that some groups already care about such issues.

And the second good part about it - where something gets lost, something else springs up.

I found another version, this time in English, here:

I got some feedback from a reader (thanks, B.) that the presenter actually is literally 'boxed' into the 'esoteric' corner. Never worry - that's another trap of how we should be pre-defining our perceptions ... but I will try to sort that out in written form another time.

It's US who have to learn to listen to our hearts to distinguish between what is true. It is WE who have to learn to excerpt the parts of truth from various sources, for puzzling together OUR own e-volution.

Cheers and a nice week-end to ALL,
