07 February 2012

Frau Holle or: Ms Hel

Recently, someone became very very angry when in a dispute I let him know that I surely wish certain people simply 'to hell'. That one was a catholic. What else. Fearful and mislead, catholics believe they can avoid facing life and truth by simply obeying certain dogmata, carefully not touching preset taboos, and such, they will be good and all will be good. For the rest, they close their eyes. Truly a monodimensional religion.

Unfortunately, that never works and the whole catholic world is the best proof for that. A religion which itself declares that one of the most important rules is 'you shall make no pictures' (while, as I understood, the original Jewish refers this to statues, so threedimensional pictures) is funny though full of pictures that are implanted in the people's heads. Implanted unfortunately in a time those people have no chance to reject the implantation, namely as they are children at that moment. On the act of baptizing children itself, I would have lots to say but will do that another time. As it is crazy that people for instance are baptized catholic, marry catholic, baptize their children catholic and then declare that they do not live it. Denying, they distanciate but remain with the same pictures, and cannot sort their peas ... and pictures. I am not against pictures. Just against pre-set which take away freedom. We all have and make ourselves pictures. Pictures as we see the world, pictures to sort and understand the world. And metaphors. To understand the deeper. Or higher, as you like.

If pictures are pre-implanted, how then should these people explore the world that is made for them, freely? How shall they find their way of living and find meaning in life, and maybe life itself? How can they enter a stage of self-responsibility which already the book of Genesis describes that it is meant for Humans? How can they care well for all (al) that is created?

Holunder-Tree or Black Elder (Sambucus nigra) in the Burgwald,
Hesse, Germany, Author=Willow
What catholics called heathens or pagans are by no means worse than the catholics themselves. The latter just apply a scapegoat (*, 1) effect. And so is it with 'hell'.

Maybe you have noticed in some of my earlier postings that I constantly am writing 'hel', not 'hell'. Well.

There is a good reason.
The reason is Madame Hel.

Anyone of us knows the tale, nevertheless it is worth looking at it from new points of view, always.
Frau Holle, First edition, 1812
A widow had two daughters; the one was beautiful and industrious, the other ugly and lazy. She greatly favored the ugly, lazy girl. The other one had to do all the work, and was truly a Cinderella in the house. Once the girl went to fetch water, and when she leaned over to pull the bucket from the well, she leaned over too far and fell in. And when she awoke and came to herself again, she was in a beautiful meadow. The sun was shining, and there were many thousands of flowers.

She walked across this meadow and came to an oven full of bread. The bread called out, "Oh, take me out. Take me out, or I'll burn! I've been thoroughly baked for a long time!" So she stepped up to it and took everything out.

After that she walked further and came to a tree laden with apples. "Shake me! Shake me! We apples are all ripe!" cried the tree. So she shook the tree until the apples fell as though it were raining apples. When none were left in the tree, she continued on her way.

Finally she came to a small house. An old woman was peering out from inside. She had very large teeth, which frightened the girl, and she wanted to run away. But the old woman called out to her, "Don't be afraid, dear child. Stay here with me, and if you do my housework in an orderly fashion, it will go well with you. Only you must take care to make my bed well and shake it diligently until the feathers fly, then it will snow in the world. I am Frau Holle."

Because the old woman spoke so kindly to her, the girl agreed, and started in her service.
The girl took care of everything to Frau Holle's satisfaction and always shook her featherbed vigorously. Therefore she had a good life with her: no angry words, and boiled or roast meat every day.

Now after she had been with Frau Holle for a time, her heart saddened. Even though she was many thousands of times better off here than at home, still she had a yearning to return. Finally she said to the old woman, "I have such a longing for home, and even though I am very well off here, I cannot stay longer."

Frau Holle said, "You are right, and because you have served me so faithfully, I will take you back myself." With that she took her by the hand and led her to a large gate. The gate was opened, and while the girl was standing under it, an immense rain of gold fell, and all the gold stuck to her, so that she was completely covered with it. "This is yours because you have been so industrious," said Frau Holle.

With that the gate was closed and the girl found herself above on earth.

She went home to her mother, and because she arrived all covered with gold, she was well received. When the mother heard how she had come to the great wealth, she wanted to achieve the same fortune for the other, the ugly and lazy daughter. She made her go and jump into the well. Like the other girl, she too awoke in a beautiful meadow, and she walked along the same path.

When she came to the oven, the bread cried again, "Oh, take me out! Take me out, or else I'll burn! I've been thoroughly baked for a long time!" But the lazy girl answered, "As if I would want to get all dirty," and walked away.

Soon she came to the apple tree. It cried out, "Oh, shake me! Shake me! We apples are all ripe!" But she answered, "Oh yes, one could fall on my head," and with that she walked on.

When she came to Frau Holle's house, she was not afraid, because she had already heard about her large teeth, and she immediately began to work for her. On the first day she forced herself, was industrious, and obeyed Frau Holle, when she said something to her, because she was thinking about all the gold that she would give her. But on the second day she already began to be lazy, on the third day even more so, and then she didn't even want to get up in the morning. She did not make the bed for Frau Holle, the way she was supposed to, and she did not shake it until the feathers flew.

Frau Holle soon became tired of this and dismissed her of her duties. This was just what the lazy girl wanted, for she thought that she would now get the rain of gold.

Frau Holle led her too to the gate. She stood beneath it, but instead of gold, a large kettle full of pitch spilled over her. "That is the reward for your services," said Frau Holle, and closed the gate. Then the lazy girl went home, entirely covered with pitch, and it would not come off as long as she lived.
Call it a test in the otherworld, an in parallel existing world, or see it as you like. The elements of the spinning wheel, the entrance through a water (well), noticing when something is just ready and give it a hand, collecting the fruit of tree so that they will not rot away, and also caring for the time or season of rest; the gate between the worlds and to make attitudes visible: here a shiny golden and a pitch black.

Old tales are, as many books of the bible, full of pictures. Metaphors. They are reminders of the other side, the side we usually don't see in our busy daily rush. In our 'right-handed' world.
'The most steadfast connections are with Frau Holle and Hulda on one hand, and the Old Norse Hlóðyn, a byname for the Earth, Thor’s mother, on the other. She is also frequently equated with Nerthus, who also rides in a wagon, and Odin's wife, Frigg, from her alternate names Frau Guaden [Wodan], Frau Goden, and Frau Frekke as well as her position as mistress of the Wild Hunt. The similarity of meaning and etymology between German "Holl(d)a" and Old English "Hella," as well as both being described as leading the dead, could point to a link between them.'
(From: Wikipedia.org - Frau Holle/Hulda)
And if we look further, as Frau Holle might be impersonifaction of Earth, she would be same as the Norse  Jörð. And it is quite likely that Earth presents us the bill at a point. The bill for what we do and don't.

Still, we are free to live and choose our very personal life as we want it to be. Just that we need to respect the outcome of our choices, for us and for the whole.

This is called responsibility - response, respond, deriving from Latin respondere (answer):
using the Latin prefix re-, derived from the Latin word spondere (promise, give pledge, undertaking), derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *spend- .

'Give in return. Get in return.'

Do we really believe that people who choose a 'lazy life', who don't care for their actions or not-actions towards others or the environment, maybe even live entirely on the cost of others, get it better at the very end?

What do people really make out of that presents and chances they are given? Would they simply think of the efforts connected with it, and let them pass by, or even walk away?

Time will certainly show ... and Ms Hel.

That a reptilish-dualistic religion has made it the opponent to 'God' and 'good' is strange enough, as clearly there is no dualism, and also is the serpent not Satan. Just man's brains have made up such and implanted such pictures in other people's brains, too. And as it looks, just a certain part of man's brains, while knocking out the other which might provide a more (w)holistic view. It doesn't look as that has been the 'right' hemisphere (and take care for the 'X' in form of the 'CC', in case you wish to understand this joke).

Go further for some wordplays? Check out 'Helios' and the Greek term 'Hel', 'Halo', or the Middle High German terms 'huld' and 'hold'. And 'holy', maybe, too.

The German(ic) word 'hell' means 'light', by the way. 

Some people in history indeed have been very industrious on changing the meaning of words. So that no one may find what essences were meant to mean, as passed on through centuries. Humans have not changed much even throughout millenia. It's only that all around us looks different while it is not, at all.

In these terms, sending someone to hell can even mean:
Sending someone (in)to the light so that what he or she really is, becomes visible to everyone.

Still afraid of Hel? There is no good reason why. 

Unless you have your reasons why.

Have a safe day,

(*) Just would like to state that I am not always happy with Wikipedia explanations. Again, pick out what makes sense to complete your view, and doubt what remains strange to you.

(1) [...] ' Projection: Unwanted thoughts and feelings can be unconsciously projected onto another who becomes a scapegoat for one's own problems. This concept can be extended to projection by groups. In this case the chosen individual, or group, becomes the scapegoat for the group's problems.'


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