23 March 2014

Finding of the Day - Want to Be?

The moment you stop thinking about what you want to be, you might start becoming what you are.


21 March 2014

Do You Belong?

... to those people who got to kiss - or even do so voluntarily - an alligator every day?

I am glad I am not one of these.
Neither these nor those.

Sincerely yours,

While ... I adore the animals. 
Just not in human skin.
Neither the other way around.

19 March 2014

Hard Times

If you know the hard times, you will cherish the good when it comes or is around.


If you don't get to this conclusion, totally convinced deep within your self, hard times repeat, over and over. Not 'as a lesson' but just because people don't care enough.

THEY repeat - not any evil entity.

Anyhow, we do not necessarily have to have all hard times ourselves.
If we feel with others - which might require a healthy set of mirror neurons to be developed - we always also can learn from situations others are or have been in.

Looks like it is all ways the same.

in this sense, have a bright day then!



Pic 'bright sun' with thanks to photos-public-domain.com

15 March 2014

Closet Dilemma

Most often, or at least some times, my mind is putting together my puzzle pieces in very straight ways. In the bathroom while brushing my teeth and not yet awake, I could write books which really would make sense. As soon as I open the writing tool, all these thoughts, so clear before ... do not find together in the very same reasonable ways. Bad for me.

Just now when entering this account, Google once more is trying to tell me it's more secure if I provide my phone number for identification - and best, all my accounts, ID cards (well, they just don't dare to ask yet as it would seem so impolite), while milky face M.Z. is complaining at President O. that he has not the monopoly on spying out data. To say it with P. Hilton's words: it's so unfair!

The internet has become another playground of acting out personal theater.
As if the stage of life on the planet, everyday life, global life, was not enough for the daily soap people like to play (instead of live).


Many people say that you only can change a system from within the system. 

Outsiders no welcome. 

But it is outsiders and outcasts, those who do not keep on playing the same old soap but become more a kind of spectators, who are the very most in need of 'the system' to work differently than it does.

Members of the system scarcely feel a need to evolve it, they much more tend to keep it working as it provides them. Well. 

Looks like consequently things run as they run. People inside at first can't see as well as people from outside and people from outside can't say a word that is heard. Even more, the inside closes up when the outside looks too close.

A closet dilemma.

But this is not what I wanted to write thins morning.

Actually, I wanted to write, once more, about re-sponse and re-sponse-ability.
And leader-ship.

So, once more because it can not be mentioned too often:

So many people would wish to be on Maslow 4 - 'making a difference' within their communities, not just running with the flock - and are trying so hard to fix their personal Maslow 3. If necessary, they create their new flock to get into that role and position which they would never get to if they would have to relate to the whole.

Nice try. Just pressing further the separation problem we are anyway in.

Now, who wants to be ready to lead is in need of appropriate response to given and changing situations. Someone like this must be able to look back at development, to look forward at vision which is development to come, and manage to 'develop' that future just in time, now and here.

Of course there are response-able leaders. 

(At least some.)

Inflation is the blurry factor. 

(Somehow the word 'flat' is hidden in this term.)

In this sense, whether it fits in here or not, a little appetizer:

Just liked the gloss and colors accompanying a profane day; not a very new idea I admit but each time working.

Enjoy some olive art any time you fall over and feel for it.

Childish ... is sometimes very re-sponsible. At the right place and right time, and some time more than inflated leadership. ;)

Hope I won't write such terms as I do in this medium in a proper English test.

Cheers anyway, and enjoy a great day!


10 March 2014

That Mountain

My finding of the day - wonderfully matching these days' evolution.

I'm that mountain that goes way up in the sky

you can't take me down

no matter how you try.

More e.g. on 'onlylyrics.com'.
Check out those guys if you like them. I certainly do.

We are just world children.
We move ahead, no matter what those 'behind' may try.
Whatever they do they do to themselves, anyway.
They hurt us for the moment. They kill themselves in the longer run.

Happy to share the good, knowing to never be alone in the bad,


(Leave single perspectives, by the way - would be good, too, especially in situations we share today)

02 March 2014


...  Into the face of the one you are 

Just about to kick.

If you would do ... 

You might realize

The other one is

... You

Doing the job

You are 

Too much a coward

To do.

Re-traumatized over and over about the fact humans seem to be unable to learn,
in other words:



who is me, who is you.