28 December 2013

Some Times

Sometimes, we are receiving insights we think we have not asked for.

The truth is, we HAVE asked for them ... we have just forgotten. If we dig a little deeper, we will find.

All is good, all is in flow.

And despite it does not look there is some way, it is. I trust more than ever, and I am thankful for every single step and decision I took in my life. And I wish for anyone that they can say the same.

If not - do Some Thing about it. And if it is only not to run with those that run destructive directions, to take a break, reflect.

We have the power. Some times we are in situations where this absolutely does not look like it was the case. But it is ours, every single moment, to sort the lentils.

I wish all the very best,
lots of strength,
mountains of trust in your Self
and belief ...

... to all those who do, by the ways and tools and means they are given any moment to install a world which is livable for any creature to be well and good.
My feelings for those who expose themselves very much for the better of all and take risk and pain for this because there are enough who do not understand, yet.

Some times it looks it is not much we can add. In the end, it is a part of All.

By the way:

There is NO god who has made its children in ANY WRONG way, 

NO reason to HIDE what we are (unless there is reason to hide ... those will know) and 

NO thing anyone should FEAR except denying
our Selves and that we are connected with All.

With very best wishes for a Merry Change of Times.

Life is given for joy in creation, not for dumb consumption, not for taking what others have or need.
We have it in our hands and are sovereign and responsible, each one with his or her means.
I am sure, no one is alone who understands that he or she is part of all, despite it sometimes may look this was the case. I thought this many times and each time, with hindsight, found I wasn't.

Every depth was worth it for finding the way and arising anew.

So much love,


pic ref: actually, a wallpaper, found on wallpaper.com

01 December 2013

When the World is Going Mad & Crazy

... learn to trust your Instinct. 

If you have not learned it by now - just go for it. Once you have decided, it will teach you. teach you in it's very own, unique ways.

But what you definitely have to do .... is to start. Give it the 'Go' signal.

Be open, nevertheless, learn to know what's going on. And it goes, a lot. Division becomes more and more visible each day.

Cheers, keep your head up - and have grace with yourself.

As you may have with others, when they are in need of. Grace is a wonderful thing, and is never spilled for nothing. When it has no learning effect on those who receive, then it has a learning effect on those who provide.

And tame your Ego with Love. 

There is no other way this works sustainably.


20 October 2013

YES, too, of course :)

While my last post (I know, I am not really in writing very much recently) was about placing 'no' where it belongs, I would not like to let this stand there solely.

Because it is very very important to state a clear and loud 'yes' to all the things that are worth it.

And when you say 'yes' to one issue, it sometimes is a 'no' automatically to other things.

Because when you wish to walk a road, you need to go for it.

If you would try to run back and forth, logically, you'll be exhausted beyond measure.

And how this world is is the result of what we decide and what we go for, what we say no for, but also yes. Don't underestimate the single drop in the ocean at all. If there were no drops - there was no ocean. And you are one (sounds lynxish ... and probably is).

Enjoy your road, or path, with every step you take.


09 October 2013

Just No



No to any kind of manipulation.

No to those who want to get more out of any organization (organism) than they provide.

No to a generation which has taken care only for themselves, not bringing in their share of contribution which is necessary to be part of the flow. Any. The ones before ... the ones after.


Just No.

Cheers my dears.

PS: the fun part is that this conclusion came out of a discussion with my teenage son, someone who knows a lot about provoking with a 'no'',   and I just suggested to him to go for the 'yes' if he wants to go for anything in life. (And by the way, the 'yes' is much harder to find.)

But it is true that we all first need to learn to say no where it belongs and stand in for ... and only after that can go for the 'yes' part. Once there, there then is only 'yes' because a 'no' really must be triggered by circumstances or persons who are worse than to ignore.

13 September 2013

E-Ducate or In-Ducate

consider the preposition.

And who thinks (s)he is 'Duce', by the way?

Hope people learn their history :)


13 August 2013

The Man with the Open Door.

And then
there was that man
who ran
through the open door
and slipped.

He did not expect it.

He fell and hurt himself.

For this
he hit the door and ranted

and went back to the start
to collect stones and bricks
and to rebuild the wall
he was used to

for all of his life.

This is
where you will find him
sitting and ranting


What a way.

Black Fell
Another wonderful one of Mick's pics. Thanks a lot for being so blessed with the cam!

Have a joyful 13th of August!

World Lefthanders Day, by the way.



09 August 2013

... and Don't Ever Give Up

'I am not afraid to die. It is really that simple.'



PS. Sorry for the ad at the end. Was/is not my intention - the content of the vid is definitely inspiring, I think. At least to me, to re-cognize such a lot.

Epidemic of Self Harm

The rate of youth suicide in Indigenous Australia is now one of the highest in the world. 


Indigenous Elders are calling for support to help them heal their communities.

Because they are my children, too.


Remember? Indigenous people have been preserving the knowledge for us to learn, for such a long time until we would be ready for it.

Brothers and sisters we are.

And now it is our turn, as we have taken all and still many ( or most) of us are going on to just take and

not learn.

Poor those.




Matter. Touched by light.

I miss it.


04 August 2013

... And Why This Is of Importance: My Name is Legion. For We Are Many.

Found a wonderful documentary on my way trying to track some issues which recently bother me. There always is reason why we meet or come nearer, even if for minutes only, to people and their personal stories. Some run an outward life which looks sane but is not. As long as those chains are not broken, also so many others are affected. I really would like to see this stop. Whether it is the many in our so-called civilizations which suffer depressions, or those who suffer other stuff. My aspect is to understand ... and be there where is possible. Though there are limits, for sure. The major issue is actually that we, humans, people, can change things. So where we can, I think, we should.

Not long ago I was pleased to have a longer chat with a friend, and as it usually happens we came to the points that move rather fast. He is a banker, and still in the business. So as he said, he had left the game before the really dirty products where assembled and sold. Well, nice thus far. As many do, he lives a financially comfortable life, travels the world, does business here and there ... and his partner owns the standard refuge for this kind of people in Tuscany. They have their groups of friends, as any have because of need to socialize and show they have and share with alikes. Idyllic and also nice to cover up what would really matter.

So when starting by stating how many there are depressive which actually bothers me a lot because usually people around them co-suffer, in families, at workplace, in society, from actions in minor or major politics, he immediately responded 'well, this is normal!'

I said 'normal? Can't agree with calling an estate which produces lots of suffering for so many people including the affected themselves 'normal'. So well, we discussed this and that, and in the end he told me that not so long ago a good friend had committed suicide and it was found out that she had been depressive.

'And no one had ever noticed before?' I asked (of course).

'No, no one could realize she was. She was always laughing and making fun', he said.

'And what about her partner?' (was of course my next question).

No, he had also not, having been with the woman for around 10 years.

Which makes me wonder once again what kind of relations people have. I know they lead this kind of partnerships, some for decades, some until the ends of their lives. I could not. Simply not. Probably too sensitive and too empathic. I would not like to change for this other way of 'living' which for me is none. So my friend had to take of course a very clear statement of mine. Maybe it helps a little. Hopefully.

A living in bubbles and illusions. A living from bubbles and illusions. A living by bubbles and illusions.

Anyhow, many of my posts are about understanding structure in humans, and as humans form collectives, in sociocultural groups and societies. To me actually everyone is an important part of it all and we could really manage things greatly if we would be honest with ourselves, honest with others and so on and forth ... but this approach contradicts actually some many other interests. Still, I insist on at least my freedom to think. Also this is a high privilege. I cherish. Every day, I must say.

Missed the entry, once again :) O.k., back. The documentary is amazing if anyone is trying to understand some more. It is certainly not everyone's mission to deal with it - then leave it. I know though that there are many more affected which try to live a 'normal' life.

On people with 'multiple personalities' - or Dissociative Disorder. 

Soul splinters by souls splintered.

Siglufjörður 13
With thanks to the special visual memory of
isnogud_CT, captured on flickr.com
The chance is about understanding more about the societies we live in and what they/we do, all behind (or underneath?) the bright facades. And of course not every case is as severe is these, nevertheless from the scheme of how the brain tries to cope with situations, we may also learn about the re- and actions of less severe. And there is a lot recognizable in daily life people. Somewhat understandable as they ways we all live are not the emotionally and mentally healthiest ones. Especially in our uncritically technology-addict world (I work in tech, so please try to see this in context that I am talking about proper application and proper measure) not much is allowed to be as it would do us good and, if happened, allow us to process and deal with all those many and unnoticed traumata we do to one another. Awareness might ... maybe help to a) not do and b) realize if so to find a better way to heal?

Another maybe helpful hint and what I found just today. I appreciate the author very much though I am not sure which of his publication are available in English language, too.

'Coping under such conditions is only possible by the activation of more primitive, less complex neuronal circuits (emergency responses) and by the use-dependent facilitation of self-protective defense reactions (dissociation, depersonalization, derealization etc.).'

From the abstract on: And nothing will be any longer the same as before... The impact of early traumatization on further brain development / Und nichts wird fortan so sein wie bisher... Die Folgen traumatischer Kindheitserfahrungen für die weitere Hirnentwicklung.
Hüther, Gerald, Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie, Vol 33(116), 2002, 461-476. 

Source: APA PsycNET - American Psychological Association


Some people are frightened of the word dissociative. They believe that if someone has a dissociative disorder that means that a person must have a severe trauma history. Sometimes that’s true, and sometimes that is not true. A person can develop a dissociative disorder just from life’s circumstances. Some studies have suggested that growing up in a family where a parent is frightened, frightening, or severely grieving/depressed during a child’s first years may be enough to generate the organization of mind that relies more heavily on dissociative adaptations to get through the day.

Source: International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation

To me it is important to understand because I have not only once seen such happen. Without understanding deeper I would not be able to understand more. And it is each time, especially when you really like someone, so terrible to realize how our world really looks like and how difficult it is to get out but more, they pass it on, sometimes not wanting, sometimes not knowing.

And societies are quite under pressure these days. The firsts who will suffer from these pressures are ... ? Guess. The same as usual - those which can the least defend themselves. Psychologically or physically, no matter what.


03 August 2013

Wives or Women? Males ... or Men?

Did you know that in origin the term 'wife' is totally contradictory to the term 'Frau' which derives from the 'goddess' which means there is 'good' in it and got nothing to do with the anthropologists' classification, 'Freya' and to whom is dedicated the 'Friday'? Same is related to the term 'free'. Our roots. Though Anglo-Saxon origins from a former Indo-European language (and culture)  and everything is evident from the language that is used, there are always still those political fights about taxes for wives. As there are elections to come soon (in my stupid part of the world) the conservative parties arise with a slogan 'hands off the tax reduction for wives'.

I think I mentioned it earlier that the term 'wife' refers to being 'wief'. 'Wief' is a kind of being smart for your own benefit. The question is whether this is a good reason for all taxpayers to pay for. And as reduced women, what is it they pass on to their offspring? I am sorry to say very clearly, the spirit of freedom certainly not. I am fed up with the idea there is another generation which humbles itself to slavery and keeping others as slaves.

To make it clear, the UN was also extremely variable in determining the 'protection of families'. What happened is that they gave a wildcard to malevolent 'wives' and 'housebounds' ('husbands but slaves indeed), not perspectives to children, freemen and freewomen. Obviously they have not given any second thought to the fact that the term 'family' is with a lot of bandwidth interpretable (deriving from the Roman interpretation - I am no Roman, sorry for that). And that courage and thinking does not belong to those who seek an easy and most comfortable life.

So it seems they left it to local interpreters. As a fact, the UN Declaration of 'Human Rights' is so variable that any abolishment of Human Rights is sanctified. Especially the Rights of victims to inner-familiar violence. Violence in families comes from war and leads to war ... as it is s passed on to further generations and all around. If it is allowed to happen. And people suffer alot from any  disrespect of their personal integrity. Might kill them - might be that the survivors will arise. UN is brainfucking itself meanwhile. No wonder with their background and selection of further hierarchical streamliners. Someone put it very nicely together in another context regarding the same organization: 'They would have the capacities but not the capabilities'.

Those who are not streamlined in such a system have tough times. Thanks, dears.

Thanks to all courageous kids and survivors. 

They do a great job though it is extremely lonely and filled with desperation, sometimes.


I know. 


None of us is alone, though.

I leave it up to anyone themselves to think about it - or not.

The chaff is separated from the wheat these days. It is up to anyone what they will be part of, anyway. You choose.

Cheers, yours,

(all ways me)

01 August 2013


In a recent discussion with someone whom I like very much, I find out once more that the only feature of human which impresses me is authenticity.

With good antennas, anyone can easily detect where action and words of anyone are in-congruent to what is turning and moving them inside. Oh, they have learned so well to act to the outside in a way that has got nothing, and really nothing, to do with the being inside.

monkey in the mirror found on
A War Between Science and Love/http://victorianpeeper.blogspot.de
But the latter is the only matter which counts, actually.

And the good thing is that I had another recent discussion where I can see someone I like very much is on his way. A way is always a path of uncertainties. Much better than having no way and just being  plagiarists.

Cheers and lots of courage, dears,

16 July 2013

Re-Decision Times?

These days I am wondering whether in this time quality especially, people once more get placed in front of them situations they long time in the past had the chance to decide and go for differently but went for a certain way they then for long had to and still struggle with. Which means that RIGHT NOW, they get exactly the chance to re-decide a second time. Or call it a second chance for thinking things over and doing things anew.

It almost looks like. Looks like, at least with so many people I recently meet and get to know their stories, or with whom I am in touch.

Funny. Amazing. Interesting.

Anyhow, cheers!


07 July 2013

The Plan-B-Effect

The plan B strategy is a life strategy some people - or many people, who knows - have developed and which might look quite successful at first glance. But not at second.

The real effect though is: when having a plan B in whatever high level life decision or what you really want to go for, your mind is not free and hinders you to achieve.

If you would put ALL efforts into ONE issue you are going for, you might achieve ... or maybe fail.
Because of the possibility to 'maybe fail', people try to establish a soft pillow to fall on. They establish a plan B.

Now comes the tricky part:

When the 'plan B' is always on your mind, it by itself becomes the major obstruction to really put ALL efforts into this important decision you wanted to head for.

While you would need all your focus on the high level issue (which might change your life enormously), you also always will look down where there are the pillows you have placed ... just for in case.

Later, when the important issue might have failed or most likely will have failed due to the lack of focus, effort and heart placed on it, people find themselves telling THEMSELVES: 'how good that I had my plan B'.

The point is only that they MIGHT HAVE HAD SUCCEEDED with the important issue IF they WOULD HAVE HAD put ALL their energy in plan A.


So they WOULD HAVE achieved their goal when NOT HAVING HAD a plan B.


Plan B is not an 'up plan' but a down plan. The pillows placed for just in case first cost you extra energy to establish and/or maintain, and secondly have a magnetism of their own.

like fractal feathers - pic found at 'only hd wallpapers'

So the very best decision would be to trust your self, trust your soul. 

You might discover unknown abilities if you don't know them by now. And for those who have lost this trust: start building, re-connect.

Bear in mind that the worst plan B if you want to head for an unknown terrain is to stay on the ground which has already shown it is not fruitful, anyway.

There are many distractions and illusions on each one's way.


Who is in search for an angel and is looking out for wings
might find himself taking home a goose.

obviously by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, first Prof. for experimental physics,
*01. 07. 1742 - † 24. 02. 1799

And another I find quite nice:

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.

John Maynard Keynes (probably).

Cheers for today!

30 June 2013

Just Some Words on Words


Words have been mutilated, torn, turned around, been disfigured, used to touch, to share, to exchange but also been abused to mean something else than they have meant before, something else than they mean by themselves.

People like to distinguish themselves and their very own (possible) peers by adding codes ... which serves a kind of power plays, only, but never a respectful togetherness. Especially not togetherness over a wider social context. Wherever words are abused, they turn against - against someone, against groups. The main essence is: being against, to form a 'one power' versus an imaginary enemy. An inner and an outer. A black - and a white. Between those, being built: walls. Total nonsense, and totally unnecessary. But this is just my view.

Language connects.

Language separates. 

Language, lingua. Tongue(s).

The word is what it is: the word with its very own meaning, developed over hundreds of thousand of years from very first expressions of emotion to differentiated, sophisticated meanings. This was a long long process which is, as information, stored and remembered straight within us. This IS, this remains, no matter what people add, blur or distort.

As soon as people find they have power with the words the use and choose, and if they use them
The outcome is in-congruence between what we 'know' and what is put on us.

  • In-congruence makes it difficult to take the proper actions. 

  • In-congruence disables us to identify the real picture. There is conflict starting up, inside. It makes us stumble.

  • Where already analysis goes wrong it gets quite unlikely that the proper remedy or reaction is chosen.

Most likely, this is what is intended - no matter whether the intention is obvious or conscious to the actor or whether he or she is using this tactics by just having adopted it from an environment which also has not learned it any better. If we dig in the past, in our generational heritage, we might find out where a switch might have happened. Most likely, it gets impossible to find. It already is difficult to find out what happened only two generations before. There is so much shame, so much where people would like to close the sight on something that is hurtful. There is so much taboos.

And next: consider that our language including words is very very old. Unimaginably old, actually.


It starts (and started) with the first babbling sounds any child respectively our predecessor species have uttered and found that and what it impacts - inside, outside, in between. And probably starting much earlier - translating the outer world as an inborn expression and impression, a native verbal and nonverbal communication medium. The tongue senses most complexly, it is connected and wired in most dense ways, to control it for reasons of drinking breast-milk is one of the biggest challenges any human faces. Any and every of us.

So tongue - and language - has developed together with us humans all along the way of evolution, accompanying evolution of complexity in our brains. Words create frequencies, words carry information. Frequencies resonate, they transport information, they penetrate and permeate. Brains, languages and bodies have evolved as a team, all in one, all together. 

Everything is adapted to evolve in perfection. Unless it is disturbed.

Can people really think they just re-invent what has taken so long to create an inclusion of wording and feeling, of expression and association?

Whenever they try, they also separate bodies from brains; they split. The usual kind of schizophrenia we are experiencing all around.

No one can separate thinking from doing unless being separated in oneself. We need the word - in brain - to sort what we experience around, to share, to compare. We use them to bring together pictures, sensual information, any kind of environmental with inner information and vice versa.

So if people separate thinking and feeling (as sensual information processing) from doing, if either they never have learned these processes in good ways or were inhibited to learn or do so, they automatically separate themselves ... from themselves and from reality. And as a result, most likely and unfortunately with them many others who are close or near. No one is an island. 'No man is an island' which is supposed to be a quote by John Donne as of 16hundredsomething ... already includes the torn word 'man'. 'Man' has a meaning in human lingual evolution - and this one has been contorted and abused, too. It is very difficult to use language these days without being misunderstood or causing associations which are not intended just because at times words have been loaded and backpacked.

Reality is the information we need to process to act in ways which are constructive. 'Re-Al' not only but also, is formed by words. Words are visualization tools.

Views create words.

Words create view(s).

So just, some words on words from also a limited perspective.

Enjoy a fruitful Sunday, too. Or in-joy ... if you like so. ;)


29 June 2013

And a Little More

Just because I like it right now: In the Summertime. Was a special time that time :D And sometimes also I need ... just a little more non-sense because also the non-sense is fine with me. As long as it creates ... good feelings and does not hurt anyone. Don't know why I always need to explicitly say that. Should be naturally understood.


Take risks or you will never move forward.

Take risks - or you will never move anywhere. This is the way we learn. Without taking risks we would still be lying in our cradles - and would have been starved meanwhile. Would have been starved, long time ago.

Have we?

I can clearly say no.

What is it you can say?

Cheers, yours,

26 June 2013


Who is trying 

to preserve the past, does neither have a present nor a chance for future.

It is good

to be wary of the past, nevertheless - else the future might be passing without ever having begun.

pic from BBC UK, Nature Wildlife - Primates

No man can

walk north and south at the same time.

Many try 

though, and are amazed that either the one or the other recedes.


Just this for now, out of general daily observations.

Enjoy the day, yours,

25 June 2013


We are strong when we are able to admit weaknesses.

A weak one can't.

It just is wise to be clear about towards whom we admit. And sometimes it is necessary for finding out who is how.

Have a great day!


21 June 2013


Confusing times and mountains of changes. People freaking, it's hard to cope, it seems.

There's energy in the air which triggers covered up emotions. Covert realities, too.
So disturbing. So precious. And I believe it is for something good. I hope.

The no-good in between looks a little frightening though.

Let's see.

Re-gards, this time, to our magic plasma ball.


19 June 2013

Drives and Needs

Though the last period of time brought me so many talks and new views - other views which always are of relevance to explore - one recent I cherish so much.

It was about the basic drives and needs. One option was, some output by a therapeutic coach transported to me by a wonderfully sensitive person: that every human wants (or needs) to be loved.

My issue was that it already would be a great achievement to feel understood (as a wanderer between worlds I do not often feel very understood, so I hope this wish is somewhat understandable). Already sometimes being understood would ease human lives so much if people would have someone who just 'understands'. Being loved is such a high goal that I bet many are giving it up long before their ship is leaving and go for somewhat minor by far. And also: what do we know what people understand by the term 'love'.

This one is very relative one. A child that has been tought that whenever it is abused this is because of being loved will connect abuse with love, or maybe in another situation will just not have any clue that love exists.

Until it learns to separate and analyze and starts to sort its peas - or lenses. The good ones - keep. The bad ones - digest (with a little help from some friends).

Then our talk moved towards the term 'accepted', and thus we were carried into the triangle of




I need some more time to philosophically juggle with these three. Maybe you can do it meanwhile. I surely also will.

Now the other side is: what about a need to love - to actively love, something, someone, oneself?

Being loved is a need from earliest time on. A child needs to be cared for otherwise it will die. Sometimes humans function so simple. Only if we understand these basics we can go for further.

And the next issue is what happens if people constantly are denied their basic needs. If we create a social system, a way of living together which barely gets out of demanding what we can't get because every one is so needy so that he (or she) mainly wants to extract from others rather than give so that another one's needs can be met? Aren't we to a high degree living a system and in a self-created society like this? It all starts with fundamental physical relations like being born, being needy, needing care of parents who really can parent, who are able to work as a loving two in one (or one in one if no better is doable).

By the way, did you know that the understanding of relationship is happening in a very young child, long before it can consciously put anything together? Well, it's a basic programming we all receive by the relations of our parents and the direct, close environment. Only if we question at a point where our mind starts to wake up we can put these deepest impressions into place.

Next: where essentials needs are not met, the way to compensating is somewhat pre-programmed. I also have been talking lots to people who wish nothing more than to be loved, partly really having everything in life - except for love - and those constantly/consequently will do their very best to avoid this to happen, they even would push it away very harshly the moment it could start. They simply do not allow - so that by the damage of lack they have suffered they re-create the lack over and more. You - and I - know what the symptom is called that occurs from the repression of basic psychological needs.

So I would like to think about if one of our basic needs would be

the essential NEED TO LOVE

- not only being loved.

Then the question would be: to be or not to love.
And this, contrarily to being loved, is something anyone can decide and go for on his, her own.

And if we don't allow ourselves, if we deny to ourselves this fundamental drive:
what will happen from this? With and within us, but also in the wider, even the widest context?

Just a start for now. There are no objects. All subjects.
Others like you, others like me.

Enjoy the beautiful day.


17 June 2013


Meanwhile, I am quite convinced it still has got to do with the war. Even several generations after, and even though it looks as if all went fine some time between. It has got to do with the ways people led their relations and how they dealt - or not dealt - with the pain they had suffered and seen. What they passed on as generational heritage. On all sides, by the way.

It does not matter what people think or tell or do.

It matters what we will be making from it.

Maybe cryptic - but sorry, that is me.

Ciao for now, yours,

16 May 2013


Actually this is a thought as of March. See how tough times are these days ... I rarely find any time for updating any thoughts in here. Never worry, I update mine in my head very nicely ;) . Anyhow, here we are. It suits today also very nicely.

We obviously must go through certain processes to re-(de-)fine ourselves.

Many people did complain about the long cloudy winter. There was sunshine, all the time.

Wishing everyone a nice final spurt.  Don't worry. It works. :)


03 May 2013

Giving in ...

... and giving up.

Are you recognizing something?

If so, have nice dreams. If not ... have nice dreams, too. The quality is what makes the difference.
Go for the better. Not for the worse just because it seems more easy.
Ciao for now, yours,

01 May 2013

Who Serves Whom?

As I really do not find very much time these days, neither for my complexly wiring thoughts nor much thinking about them at all, just a little note for today.

Technology is to serve people - it's never the other way around.

So if you find yourself spending more time than necessary being dragged into fumbling with technology which is supposed to work FOR YOU: Blame it on the ones who earn the money with it. They are paid for it - don't just do what is THEIR job and silently accept that trash.

Besides this I have the serious impression that there is a lot going on these days. Some can stand it ... some seem to have some serious probs. Unfortunately when this kind of people have problems they create problems for others. I think this habit should definitely stop. I mean I can wish or think a lot of things ... at least it is not forbidden to wish and think and dream.

Glass pane, shattered, by nchenga found on flickr.com - with thanks
Just some very weird people are outing themselves as clearly not having left the middle ages of mankind behind. Those middle aged ones seriously claim that victims of terrible violence should not talk about terrible violence and terror which had been done to them in the holy name of the even more holy inquisition (see, I am not writing it with the letters 'wh'... here for reasons it might derive from another root than 'whole'). Funny that those are the ones that declare other regions or cultures to be late in development. I always find it funny when someone sits in the glasshouse and is happily throwing stones and does not realize the cracks and splinters. I mean, the view behind such is not very clear, is it. Seriously.

You see, a lot of seriosity. At least, nothing to laugh about. Anyhow. Cheerio and enjoy a good day. We never know how many we have. So each one is a precious one ... and that's a nice way to live.


07 April 2013

Not alone

Let me share this one for today.

There is a feeling ... in the air that someone somewhere out there could need exactly this one. Now.

For a good start into a new week and an always new day - every day.

Everything matters ... and especially do you. Your most inner you - not the thing you might have made from it.

(PS. just take some little time ... to revise who is 'friends' ...)

31 March 2013

About ... Letting Go and Saying Hello

Yesterday was a strongly important day for me. Regarding letting go. And ... with some time of sound preparation which I knew was a necessary process ... I did. Wow. I am so glad and as it happens when inside and outside want to live as a couple in integrity, also the materials (well, stuff you keep, stuff I keep as a nice or beautiful reminder for lifting our mood by memory) connected with this were cleaned out. And I am finding it is good ... as it is now. Old not only sometimes but most of the times must go to make the way for what is waiting there to come.

Let me point out:

Letting go is definitely not the same as being indifferent about something or even worse, about everything. 

It is also not the same as being to shy to go for anything and then telling oneself that you have these high level abilities inborn of just letting go. Because it is a point which is not easy to come to.

Staying on the ground sitting down there in the valley is not the same at all as having climbed a mountain and seeing the landscape from there and wandering down again, no matter which side then ... as then we can choose. Not so if having remained sitting in our little places and telling ourselves that we could if we wanted to but just we don't want to. This is childish, actually. But many many adults act exactly this way.

Think about if you like so and have a great Easter Sun Day ;)
So you think there is no sun? Well, there is. Always.

With regard to Sun ... I think I already posted once that the sun itself creates sound, radio frequencies, which are too 'infra' for normal human ears and their processing unit to 'hear'.
Nevertheless, it is. It im-pulses ... on many different channels. No wonder Ancient Egyptians knew a 'go(o)d' which they named R-Ah. The sounds you will find shared are still speeded up far too high but it seems a compromise to at least make them somehow perceivable. Unfortunetaly, it also makes it less ... majestic though majestic is what it is.

Just to remember: just because the nowadays average human is not able to receive or grab a frequency it does by no means mean that it does not exist. Sounds is vibes ... and vibes matter in everything around.

Maybe there is even much more space radio that we receive than people would like to know. If you like so and have some time, you might like to check out some at http://www.esa.int/.../Sounds_from_space. It is quite an aweseome experience if you simply allow yourself without trying to interprete or prejudge. Finding yourself free falling is also sometimes nice. As well as giving away ourselves. As long as we find the way back onto our feet.

Frequencies affect, not only definitely but even quite a lot.
Whether anyone wants to registrate those frequencies or not.

It's much nicer if we learn to extend our senses and re-gain insight in that there is more than p(l)ain perception.

This may remind of that not all that we do not registrate in daily life is not existing. Maybe it is just the right time to re-start and listen.

In the end it does not help to deny. What exists exists ... and by so hard trying not to see it, it does not diappear. The only thing we create for ourselves with such an attutide is that the awakening one day might become quite a rough one.

And anyway, it is much nicer to go for and explore much more.

If the sun can do - we also can. 

So if you like so - and why not? -

just go for some swing today.


Just watched a squirrel climbing up a little roughly plastered wall up to the 4th floor.

What a beautiful sign for this day.
Hej, little brother - thanks ;)

Considering it my little present I remain,
in faith, yours,

17 March 2013

2009 - 2012. Through The Eyes of Someone

This time I would like to mention three films which I learned about.
All three gorgeous, miracolous and worthy each second of the time.

And it is like seeing things through the eyes - through the 'I's - of others. Beautiful. Reflections.

The first one of these is the Ai Wei-Wei 2012 film

'Never Sorry'.

Maybe some of you know it ... for the others, I would like to really recommend it. It is precious as it shows so simply and intensely that it is always, even if not easy at all many times, up to us what we do with our lives and even under the worst circumstances.

People DO change the world by changing thinking by just doing what is necessary to be done when we follow our innerst and do not give in to repressions. If some more would ... it would all be so much easier. Ai Wei-Wei does and I am thankful for this man to be in the world. Thanks from my heart.

What a man.

And this globe is lacking men so much. These days.

Another movie I fell in coincidentially, is life so often happens (and why everything always is good for something), is Margarethe von Trotta's

'Hannah Arendt'.

A time to think about the controversary of just obeying citizens who can be major contributors to the worst that can happen - just by doing what is asked of them. At its end, the film mentions the continuing trouble which bothered Ms Arendt throughout the rest of life: that it seems the just very 'normal' man who through 'normality' did the most evil which is thinkable. The path of 'understanding' is not easy at all, the most troublesome indeed. Without understanding, we won't understand. Not even our selves.

Maybe this philosophical dilemma can be solved by not trying to find the 'evil' as such incarnated.
Maybe it is only ... a lack of good. The world is not dual, and there is no duality ... and has never been.

Just this lack of good and lack of acting according to 'good' in our hearts causes most 'evil'.
So look around how common is this 'underlings mentality' everywhere. In organizations, in neighbours, family, your nearests - and maybe partly in yourself? You might slowly start to see.

No. 3 for today is Mark Cousins' 2009 'First Movie'.
A magical journey ... which I stumbled in and totally fell in love with.

Though the film seems to be of 2009 I bet not many fell over it by now. Also this one is ... just awesome.

Looking through and into the eyes of children with special experiences. A boy stating love is. In the people. Everywhere. In this village. A village, an area which experienced more than extreme violence - the Anfal-Operations. I write this here as I was wondering what the elder women were talking about. Though I know about the fate of the Kurds (in several areas ... not only Iraq), also I did not know the expression used.

Huge thanks to the filmmaker, himself a person with these special experiences. It makes sense to really listen to what these humans have to say. There is so much learning options in simple sentences, sounding profane.

So - if you get the chance to view any of them, I kindly recommend you to - do it. :)

Or don't - as you like ;)

And by the way:

Every one must live and die himself or herself with what they have done - or not done-, what we have lined up with, where we have spoken up or having kept shut our mouthes.

We are fully in respons(e) ... ability. Each moment of our lifes. 

And this fact is beautiful, you know?

Cheers and enjoy, experience a beautiful SUN~Day,

10 March 2013

But face it real

While the last post refers to what anyone who tried to hide or flee from reality has to do, I am noticing how many people actually are doing exactly this. They DO face their fears by repeating patterns over and over but without ever realizing how much they are forced to do it. Thus, they face but as they hide at the same time, they also do not face. They try their very best to become numb .... and as result, at a point, will turn out dumb. Remember the knowledge on neuroplasticity? It's we ourselves who are forming our brains. We can.

What they don't is to get over their fears by repeating them as same sequences. But this is what I meant with 'face them' - to become aware at a point. To simply not look at and away - but look at straightly and with open eyes.

Traumata are fears engraved - and I know this very well. We all have, and there is none who does not. The more you face them, the less you become afraud. The better your brain can work, as fear is a terrible stress factor which disables our capacities to think.

The point is that we need to get into a same or closely similar situation and become aware of how they work and function - and therefore how WE DO work and function. Then also we can find better ways out of destructive behaviors. Many humans become destructive for themselves and slowly kill the last pieces of their own soul ... and many become destructive for others. None of those is worth going for.

Intoxicated, people become toxine for others and at a point, unsociable. At a later point, they also will be unsociable with themselves. What a life to choose. Now - watch around and see. We are in the middle of exactly this. Who wishes so desperately to forget ... will forget. The question is whether the outcome is a) desirable and b) bearable. For the generation after, mainly.

In such case it would be necessary and wise to detox ... get out of the mess. Just then, again, you can face what caused it. And maybe, from a distance, see where things went wrong, to not fall into the same trap again. And you must be honest. Honesty might sometimes hurt. But better a moment of hurt which can be overcome rather than a lifetime of intoxication, numbness and dumbness. Maybe you need to let go some things, some occupations or someone who  has kept you down, often without realizing themselves either. So many have fallen into the dump and of course, this is also so relevant to understand, pieces of systems keep pieces of systems within. There are causilities. When we realize, we can choose. And we can change. Beware; it is getting complex. So complex at a point that you might think your brain is breaking. It's worth it ... if you are ready to bear some and master. Step by step, task by task. We need to face our inabilities to become able. Quite hard for a population of narcissists and bipolars, I know.

This is what is to be a 'warrior'. To be wary. To stand upright, use and enable more of our skills, to sharpen our senses which we have mainly lost. To take proper decisions by not being pushed and steered around but by taking timeouts also to re-assess any situation, oneself and clarify within.

I realize morew and more how many men - born as good, sensitive and sensable boys - are depressive. They are drugged and drugging themselves as a substitute for becoming men. They don't go for women but for same disabled females as they are. Another sign that being 'male' is by far not 'being man'.

They repeat their childhoods patters, become copies of what they never wanted to be just by having given up and trying to please someone who never was worth it. This is what they don't face - as a result, they do not face what it is to become a man. They run away - literally, by defense or denial mechanisms, by hiding and ducking away like they have been hiding when having been children. Hiding in numb pictures of themselves, in substitute societies instead of playing a real role in a real society, and in their virtual holes.They are not able to face any real situation as real humans. It is them who depress the man they were to become. And they are seeking for any help to do this they can get ... and they get as there are many who want them to be exactly like this, emasculated and castrated - instead of seeking help for growing.

The point why I am writing this is:

We need them.

It can't remain the ways it is right now.

We need them, and we need them to open their eyes, now.

We need them to turn back, switch back to what they were born to be - before they gave in, gave over and gave up to a form of society which turned right into wrong and left behind every cause of value for shere material existence. 

Materially existing are also machines. We are not.

As it is fact that even if they would open their eyes NOW, it is still a long way to go. 

Transforming all that stuff is not an easy path. It is a challenge.

Ciao and find some clear sky, maybe, too. And maybe a boy may find out what being 'man' is meant to be. I wish them all luck in this world. Be wise. Become what you have been meant to be - not depending of what any other wants you to be.

And it's another great day, again.


27 February 2013


The way to overcome a fear is to

Face it, face it, face it and face it.
Until you have found the switch.

The same holds for traumata. 

Traumata are fears, engraved.


Depression is the gaoler.

And sometimes what holds you down can look soooooooo innocent that you would never dare to question. ;)

In other cases it is also something you were tabooed ... another good reason to question taboos.

You can break them by opening the box.
Never be afraid ... all you may find is good.
The only thing is that YOU need to promise to yourself to deal with it.

And now some happy reprogramming ... and my best wishes for your success,


The kittycat is innocent ... it's just a 'picture' for your 'other' brain hemisphere. To get it what is meant. :)

25 February 2013


Information, though we have definitely entered the information era for quite a while, still remains relative. Everything is relativ, of course. If we deal with information we need to be aware of how communication functions - and of how people function, fundamentally and basically. Otherwise we won't be able to distinguish the lots of information we receive neither to process in proper ways.

We need to learn about motivations and goals of people who deliver and spread information. We got to understand the ways of expressing messages and the ways of talking around a core message.

We need to understand about communication and even psychology a lot. Because often enough people do not lie consciously but simply dissociate and/or are projecting. Therefor, it is of relevance to understand how we function. And still, humans function mainly and basically as the animals that we are born into.

It is us who direct where we go. Each one of us. There are no excuses when we only follow what others have defined, due to our shere idleness. Or due to the triggers we function on. Remember, those are not yours; those have been imposed on you due to where you were born but have nothing to do with your real self.

It is our personal duty to become aware of who we are and what we are here for. As inconvenient as this might be. We got to dig deeper to rise.

Just as reminder: we have not been placed on this planet to multiply materially. We are here for bearing fruit as we ripen our selves: which has nothing and really nothing to do with doing it like rabbits do.

Have a nice start into a brandnew, a real GOOD week.

Just try to make sure you go for what YOU really wanted, not for what someone else or 'many elses' have imposed on you.


19 February 2013

A Warrior's View

At first, I was learning to fight. Against what felt not right.

As I grew, I understood it's more worthy to fight for.

And now, I am just learning to not fight anymore.

It works, as a process, in no other order. If it has to do with growth, a seedling first needs to break through the surface of the soil. Then, it heads for the light for being with and soaking energy. Just with this, it can grow its roots deep into the soil where there is water and the rest of materials it needs.
Picture yourself.

The other aspect is that no one can let go what he or she has not been in for before. So when someone states he or she has no probs in letting go, but never fought at first against and next step for anything:  most likely this person is simply too afraid. For anything. Then such statement is the easiest to gain illusionary superiority, before oneself and before others.

But it remains illusionary: there was no process and such, no learning effect at all. 

Apathy with a well-sounding excuse is not the same as being able to really let go. Letting go something which is of worth for us is a sincere act.

Just being indifferent ... is only being not determined enough to make a statement or committment. And probably a good excuse to not act, as when we act we can win but also loose.

It keeps away from exploring one's inside, from strong feelings and also from growth.

Cheers, have a nice day and keep on tracking.
Else you might wake up one day and find your self float like a masterless boat.


14 February 2013

Just Like This

In many regards what you become is what you are filling yourself with. What you will be is what you are able to allow flowing through you without getting tormented. 

The latter is largely a matter of own decision.

Sometimes people only see what has been done to them by unconsciously doing just the same to another person who is just as they once were. Sometimes people are sent on our ways to experience exactly this.
Now ask yourself how often you get persons sent into your life who accept you exactly as what you are? Is it so hard to let down the harnish most of us have built around during a lifetime where they have experienced the full cruelty of the absence of all that we really need? Is it so hard to be looked at with love as what we really are and still to be loved - as what we are?

In the reflection of what we do, we can see ourselves. If we wanted to.

Just by NOT doing to another child what has destroyed the child in us, we can heal our child and another child at the very same time. By having mercy with other souls, not by obeying the pressures we have known from the moment we came here, we also have mercy with our selves.

We got the power. Definitely. It is in us.


Fasting. Rising. Breaking Chains (V-Day)

Having on my mind for today two issues:

One of them is about fasting.

The major benefit of fasting is simply to break habits. Habits in eating, in behaviour, in anything we are used to. A nice and welcome side-effect may be to get detoxicated from what intoxicates us too often and as we are so used to, we have lost our senses for feeling it. For feeling us and also for feeling the others around.

It is about just to think what we daily do and become aware.

Get away from self-destructive habits which are even not your own. Whether it is compensation for what you are really missing. Or just a stupid practice you even don't feel for but got so used to.

So think about! ;)

And the other topic is:

A rise. Sincerely.

One billion rising, actually.

'I refuse to watch as more than a billion women experience violence on the planet.'

Let's break the rules (and)
Break the Chain.

Please check out why, at
V-Day.org home.

A good idea is to 

Just do it


Take a heart now.
Namely yours.


13 February 2013

Finding of the Day - Not and Alone

To be alone
without one to love
is a waste to the body

To be not alone
without one to love
is a waste to the soul

Love is harmony

Seems to be text by Su Yen Lu in the television series "Kung Fu", quoting her father.

Saw it ... liked it.

Have a good time in the coming time,

Pic reference: Beautifúl 'White Lily Flower' found on flowers-picture.blogspot.de. You know I love them :)

07 February 2013

Finding of the Day - What will it benefit?

... a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life?

Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? 

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)


For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul?

Or what will a person give to regain his soul?

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)

Both found and selected on Online Parallel Bible. A great source (and the only one I know online to this standard) if you want to look at the the different possibilites of inter-pretation of a same source. Especially if you are a searcher yourself and wish to look at the Hebrew or Greek version, too. Just to compare the meaning of the two translations to 'exchange' and 'regain' is nightfilling. In another version the term 'soul' equivalents the word 'life'. And this is what it is. No soul - machine. Machine - no life. (Did I tell you that I love huge and powerful machines and talk to computers and systems?)

Just yesterday my daughter sat with me and sparklingly told me about that other people noticed her voice getting more and more soul when she is singing just for fun.

She went through a lot last year. She grew - inside. Voice makes it clear.

Definitely souls grow with what they  go through. 



See, you only lose when you don't dare going for life itself. Your life, of course. You got yours as a major gift - the main gift we can receive. If we avoid living, what do we earn? What do we achieve if we do not go for what our soul tells us?  If we go for what others tell us or have told us in the past so that we still are stuck with their wishes and influences?

Nothing, I fear. But this is my opinion.

The quote is actually robbed a little from the website of an actor I know coincidentally and who plays both film and theatre.

I didn't know where the quote is from and the man I actually met again when buying my longtime favourite dustbin. Life is like this - looking coincidentially, being all perfect. It is again only us who do not see the miracles. All knowledge is ready for us. It is us who need to be ready for the knowledge only.

And miracles happen in every day life.

Just start being open.

All is perfectly set up and made. Only human fly perception (you know what I mean?) makes us think we are the ones who manage.

We can create though - and feel the joy this gives. 

Eve felt when she realized for the very first time. Again - a metapher. About how counsciousness came into human life.

If there is no joy .... it was no creation. And joy differs severely from lust or just fun. It fulfils. It is deep. It exists out of the act of creation, deep inside of us.

Think about ... hopefully.


27 January 2013

For Someone

For someone. Just sprang up.

pic under creative commons though author not trackable due to fuzzy content management these days


Though you certainly can:

It might also be better

to not pull the trigger

too fast.

If you like so, find the rhythm ...
... and go for it.

With a smile
totally subconsciously today. I even don't know for whom this is. Regard it as a presence present.


(And seems it's a very inspirited time these days again and I am very curious for more to come but need my shelter first).

Finding of the Day - Consciousness

Human consciousness ist quite a funny thing. Most people are convinced that they do have reasonable knowledge and understanding about why they act in this or the other way.

Beautiful Sri Lankese Elephant from http://www.srilankasafaris.co/asian-elephant. See the fly????? Sry, I couldn't not resist .....

In reality they resemble a fly which is sitting somewhere on top of an elephant.

Whenever the elephant heads for an action or direction, the fly is delighted and tells to itself:

'I am such a smart kid. Exactly that is where I wanted to go.

I really got this fully under my control.'

Enjoy the picture in your head, have a nice Sunday, too.


21 January 2013

A Smile Each Day ...

... keeps the doctor away.

Or: Can smiles save lives?

It's not only once in my life and experienced in both directions that this simple recipe showed to be the essence for human survival.
Its ingrediences are even for free.

Of course, there are also false smiles and they may contain some worms hidden. But you will soon find out about by what they do to you and how it feels. In the short or in the longer term you will know.

Just never listen to any kind of people trying to convince others that what is for free has got no worth.


It's maybe even to the contrary:

ALL that is of worth IS free. 

(Which does not automatically imply that everything that is for free is of worth, too.)

Never noticed? Just look around and think it over once more (if you like so). If you have to 'pay' in no matter which sense for humanly necessary interaction THEN there is something severely wrong. Though people do it all the time, practicing livestock husbandry instead of understanding the meaning of human interconnection.

And it's up to us to cherish what we receive ... and keep it well and worthy.

Me got this smile just by seeing the blackbird sitting in the remainings of the Christmas tree on my balcony. As around here their habitat was taken, for a while only hopefully, they now settle where they find a nice place to be (and I am happy I had had no time yet to get the tree to recycling). Even old Christmas trees serve a great purpose - and if it was for only one smile in the morning. Not that I cherish only these; I cherish any being that is.

Looking forward to my little portion of sunshine, to give and to receive, and wishing you also a brightening up for this day (and that you may be able to notice). I know not only from one occasion that a smile can save a life. Literally bilaterally.


13 January 2013

Rediscovery of the Day - Friendship

For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught.
And let your best be for your friend. If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also. For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?
Seek him always with hours to live. For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

From the great Khalil Gibran's 'The Prophet', 'And a youth said, "Speak to us of Friendship"'.

The tiny booklet is each time beautiful and read or listened to from time even over decades, growing and learning to know ourselves through time, we learn and learn more and more and understand. There are still passages I know I will only get in ten or more years in the future. Growth is a mystery, too, in itself though that and how it works can not be measured but is nevertheless proven.

And as soon as spirits which belong for a good purpose have found one another, there is always an illusionist not far away, taking advantage of a prey. Who falls for sirens in neediness or due to programmed triggers will be left much more needy than he ever thought he could be.
It's us who fall for illusions which, if to be seen through would  be wiped away like a silent tracker who follows an invisible path in the underwood will dust off the net of a spider just like nothing, on his or on her way.

Intuition tells us the truth but we are the idiots who do not listen. So soft is its voice that it never urges. It is there and respects our free will.

The input did work but the siren sang so overwhelmingly sweet.
I am sorry, so often. We all have to find out by ourselves.

Recovering and rediscovering,
especially that we are never alone,
gratefully for this life despite
all the unnecessary I daily see,
curious anew and
over and over



(For anyone who was and is and is to be cought to get stuck on his way)

02 January 2013

Finding of the Day - Unique

All human beings are born unique, but most die as a copy.

Sorry, I could not track the author. I clearly like the way it is to the point.

Cheers and a happy, entirely New Year,