30 January 2014

New Dogmata, New Religion ... New Blinkers.

I always find it amazing how many nowadays people have become seriously enslaved by technology.

Tech is tools .. that's what they forget. I work in this field with the purpose of getting people to understand but with the focus on adapting technology to people's needs. Therefore let me repeat this:

Technology is tool, not purpose!

After a recent post with some clearly unique tags, I was just a little bored and such followed the 'next blog' links for some distraction. What Google 'offered' me by their algorithms were one Muslim website after another. Interesting though how many of these exist. With background in market research, it is always interesting what happens all around.

With my latest post, Google quickly 'found out' that I am interested in Christian blogs. It guides me from one such blog to another. Funny. Google must 'think' that once someone is interested in one topic, there is no other interest in a complex being as a human is. Next, following their very own assumptions and guesses, they try to 'guide'.

What they reveal is much more their very own mono-dimensional view on life and things.
As mono-dimensional as any reptile brains when they try to work without the rest.

No better are the marketing algorithms of Ebay, still one of the advanced tech leaders in their field. Amazon is taboo, anyway ... hope most people have found this out by now. As what we support with our actions is what we create on this nice little planet. Still, professionalism in this field is poor and gets poorer with the blindness of the new kids which are dumped for serving but without seeing the connections.

The 'market' though - which means we, the idiots - has lots of power.


Just that people do not get it and use this 'tool'.


And each day the don't use, they loose ...


You might ask why then I have chosen a Google.blogspot then?
Be sure, I was thinking this over for a very long time before I did.

The question we got to ask ourselves all the time and each day:

Will we USE Information, Technology in general but especially Information technology or will


WE get USED by IT?

It is more than time to Enable our_self. 

Disabled are too many.

With kindest regards from with_In/with_Out the Matrix,
reMinding of that WE create it ;)

Faithfully yours,

pic ref: another free wallpaper this time found on http://wallpapers4ipad.com

21 January 2014

By the Way ... Fragile. So Easy to Be Torn Around.

Just checking out this and that as I am a little 'on hold' these days and I appreciate it for my own re-organ-ization (ooops), found a clue by shere coincidence. Our old religions ... contain some truth but it is terribly tormented and torn and therefore difficult to find what is behind.

Starting point is the usual translation of bible(s) referring to 'the serpent' ... as equivalent to 'Satan', 'the devil' and some more. Seems all (or All) is simplified by throwing it into one big soup which honestly is an insult for any bi-brained being. Of course, Satan, Devil, the Dragon and the Serpent mean different entities or concepts.

Once upon the time in my life when I was tracking some stuff for quite a while in so-called shamanistic environment, the big cheese in that group, of whom I learned a lot about tracking, too, especially deepening some tools like remote-viewing and other stuff, got mad about that the bible is somewhat really weird like in some ancient myths writing about a serpent in the sea which is a little later in the text translated as 'a whale', then as a 'dragon' and so on. Of course such information is confusing ... either because the author(s) or translators were confused themselves or simply they wanted to create that confusion. A con-fusion, by the way.

The entry door though is lying in the fact that these scriptures are somehow a root connection to mankind and what we all, mankind, are and have inside as heritage. 

'Tech adorers' may find out one day that no linear technology is superior to such a long-term development as is humans' and its brains and minds. But it depends on what people make from their given gifts, and this is not much, even in times like this where we have so much access to information and knowledge as never before. But non-trained brains easily become overloaded and due to earlier conditioning, people simply refuse to process or even access given information.

By tradition - carrying it along in both senses, 'traduir' (translate) and trādere are not very far from one another, to the same group also belongs 'to trade' etymologically  - topics have messed up a little. Any communicator in the row additionally has added his influence - in here it's mainly definitely about male passers-on in a very rigid, male-dominated environment. It is like with the left hand-right hand relation: one would really hope that one day people might understand that none is nothing without the other.

Well then, what about the serpent? Isn't the serpent so neglected, aren't the kids of all ages (being)  filled with fear about? Fear is a very nice manipulation tool, anyway. Maybe the best as it works on our deepest levels most of us never may access.

Freud and consorts might dwell in some coca-inspired concept of female fear of the snake as a symbol for the male phallus. None of this.

There is an old 'goddess', long forgotten, named


There is not much to be found but as it looks, she was companion of Marduk. And companion respectively brother-sister-couples who even may marry usually refers to the splitting-up, analysis of whole things as you can see in any kind of godly genealogy. It is a way to explain elements of a whole but not meant for disconnecting them - more a kind of analytic thinking in pictures by personalizing the analyzed parts.

If it was so that 'she' could also be symbolized as a snake then we should remind ourselves of the knowledge that 'snake' is a healer, too. The 'snake' or serpent is mentioned in Genesis re-alizing the fruit of knowledge. And the serpent, the 'hissing one', is the one who, inside us, stretches out in a love act towards theupwards to (re_) unite with the Good which is 'a bove'. So torn, the knowledge and wisdoms of our ancestors and our past. The point is now that we have ALL this information inside us, and as soon as we start to neglect and even fight it, we only fight ourselves.

Maybe, just springing up, the (he-)story about 'God cursing' the snake by letting her 'crawl on the ground' is more an alliteration for the rise of patriarchy. But when this 'serpent inside' is the allegory for knowledge and wisdom - we might think well what we do to ourselves, to mankind, to all our environment, and in the end - whom we then serve, then.

Yearly and to remind was celebrated as a holy ritual the re-connection, the '(w)holy marriage' of the both.The connection of Male and Female as equal players. Look it up if you like so, and don't get lost in pictures others have implanted for their own purpose.

Sarpanit most likely a 'mother goddess' and at the same time, creatress of seeds, 'Earth' is mother goddess in many ways .. and people always have understood that we depend on its fruit and being nurtured by it, the other way around, caring for it and all that is 'her' children, too.

Similar the 'Eve Concept', who realized she delivered (the awakening of human consciousness about creatorship ... ) and felt just joy about it.

Later, this act of awakening was torn around and was loaded with 'guilt' and 'sin' ... which is sheer nonsense, as this was interpreted this way by only old men who must have lost all contacts with their roots including being healthily male. A healthy male would not hit at a woman for the fact that she delivers but understand that he is strong for protecting and taking care.

Getting back to Freud, the 'godfather' (sinfather would fit better) of psychology, drug-headed and directed by his very own fears and brainwashed child of a society at that time, his idea of 'penis-envy' might much more refer to a common state of disconnection of females, especially of that time, to connect with the inner serpent, the inner wisdom and healer, the knowledge about nurturing and developing seeds. As still, modern society's concept of psychology follows the basic principles set up by this guy or his disciples, what really is female is still neglected and rejected. Thus it is no wonder that still, people all over the world with a few exceptions, are caught up in that useless fight - against themselves.

Whether a religious dogma comes along in the cloth of religion or the religion is named 'science' does not matter in the end. In the end what matters is what fruit they bear.

Therefore, to remain fair - any 'religion' who devalues what is 'female' is no better at All. 


And what is most important: those females who devalue female are the worst of all.

Plus: As all men have an 'X'-chromosome they do not harm the seemingly 'other' with it - they harm themselves. How intelligent!

And if I look at India or China which outwardly have either no or many religions, all those probs in society are quite related to devaluing women. The beasts you may get as women who also want to survive and get no open way is a proper rebound.

Christianity has had their dark times and we all know this. They wanted to keep people stupid for reasons of power and therefore extracted all knowledge and all who carried knowledge and wisdom for the sake of the people. Same as is now happening as a backlash. When I lived in middle-east, I have learned a lot about ancient high-civilizations and really huge 'kingdoms' which were ruled to the best of the population. If we analyze a lot of scriptures well and with an open and not pre-occupied view, we might find that many texts and passages refer much more to a state of mind rather than local or historic events.

It's states of minds which bring forth materialization on this planet. 

What ever is visualized is sooner or later taking place.

And we can use this in both ways - forward, or backward in time and development.

And to find the loop to today:

What state of mind is it when by now a complete generation is - not by religion this time but it can become one - only skilled in two-dimensional, short-term-oriented and quick re- and action?


Just my thoughts of today.

Looks like very dreadful downsizing of abilities. At least to me.
As I know it is we who have it in our hands.

Have a great day then,


PS. no pic for today. I didn't find any useful one of Sarpanit.

19 January 2014

Fragile Goods

Have you ever tried to freeze a moment?
We can't freeze moments.
Moments don't want to be frozen.

Ever tried to freeze life?
Also life we can't freeze.
Life does not want to be frozen.
It will find ways around, though.

You can freeze smiles, never the less,
and hearts, yes, hearts you can, too.
Even if neither of those ever wants so.

They are just
Fragile Goods.

Handling with care,


Ref.: Ice crystal microscopy pic found on www.microscopy-uk.org.uk

12 January 2014

Vulnerables, Violation, Violence. Is this 2014?

I find it amazing how sometimes I know what comes without this could be possible at all, according to 'logical' thinking. Maybe it is so clear that the truth and information about it is everywhere, available around us. Just that in 'normal' situations and the ways we got used to live, focused on certain fields of interest, is ignoring or denying until it comes and truth reveals in clarity, performed like a piece of theater acted out by actors who act like robots and schemes.

Ignoring and denial are habits that make us 'not see' even what lurks around and is just waiting to strike. Yet, we know - without seeming to know.

Well, I had my encounter of another kind in the early morning hours of the day which is named 'Silvester'. Silvester derives from 'Silva' - woods. A nice metaphor for what actually happened. The wood opened and showed the trees - the breed out of darkness of societies; one society 'mine' but I know I don't belong to it for quite a while, and the other of what cutting off instinct does to its children.

It also gets clearer each day that no one can stop violence by tolerating intolerance.

'Tolerating' is simply the wrongest one can do when facing anyone who considers intolerance of rights and violence towards at least one half of mankind as legal.

We have plenty of politicians who cover up their lack of courage by naming this concept 'tolerance'.  In reality, this is sheer laziness and comfort to take position where it would be necessary combined with fear and lack of a sense of what is just. They close their eyes and hope that the problem will just pass by. They flee internally and externally and still believe they are a kind of 'ethical' leaders. No such they are - if they can not protect the most vulnerables when violated which is part of any social pact.

Ignoring, denying, even imposing muzzles and handcuffs to those who speak out when violence is happening while watching is just another form of violence. There is good reason why so many constitutions include punishment for failure to render assistance.

The only way to stop it this terrible increase of imported violance is to make clear how people CAN live together on this beautiful planet, and yes, there are plenty of people who show that we can.

There are many wounds, imposed by one generation onto the next, which need to be opened and seen as what they are; and wounds is what they are.


Children exposed to violation of their selves and their integrity ...

... will, in the worst but also the most common case, over-adapt to their violators including adopting doctrines of those - as mentioned in many posts before, it is a kind of mechanism for surviving.

Any healthy parent, man or woman, would logically try to prevent their offspring from getting violated - if not, and this is an intra- and intercultural problem, just the same had been done to them, and the have arranged with this specific kind of violence. Here is where the problem is.

In some 'cultures' these blind spots refer to major lack of cosiness and direct support or protection which as mammals we all need; in others, it refers to direct violence performed by those who are supposed to shelter their very own kids.

Direct violence is any violation of physical or psychological, mental and emotional integrity.

In severe experiences like wars, which regrettably are re- and re- and re-initiated, at least you think you know who is the enemy and you will turn against those individuals. Terrible enough to understand another human (or any) being as an enemy.

In 'cultural' context, you are violated by you own kin and not being protected by those who are supposed to do so - which leaves the highly intelligent human being terribly broken and mislead

Any child in this world is born with a natural right that, usually, their parents, family or group will protect them from harm and from being violated.

The prob is that most parents on this globe have themselves experienced violence, in various forms.

  1. Directly, by open, visible violence against their bodies and emotions.

  2. Passively, by experiencing their closest protectors not helping them when they were violated.

  3. Indirectly, by having learned that no one acts when someone else is violated.

And the worst, all these together including being told 

  • it is to their very best and thanks to that trauma they now are really special and higher than those without. 

This is the most perverted form of violence which breaks the wholeness of the person - at young age and without a chance to escape if having to remain in such environment and belief.

By the mechanism of ignoring or denying, which is fostered in many cultures just in different ways, those parents will NOT protect their children against what they themselves have integrated as it has traumatized them in the very same ways.

When then this pain is lifted to be 'good' (while, of course, violation of integrity is is never, this causing a kind of devil-worship-mentality while believing you serve good ... a real mental disaster) and what is commonly accepted just because 'it has always been this way' (tradition) or because an or some self-declared 'leaders' have indoctrinated over long times.

Betraying their own children due to 
  • own integrated denial and 
  • sociological pressures

is just the same as the metaphors of

sacrificing ones own children and
sacrificing virgins for the dragon.

Obviously necessary 'sign' found on Uncommon Sense Media Webpage
Think in pictures and you get near.
Babylon is today and is a mental state - voodooistic blood (life energy) sacrifice is going on and on.

And those supposed to protect don't act.

Gorgeous civilization we have.

It is time to wake up and understand that any violation which we have experienced, wanted or not wanted by those who acted out, has been violation which can not be ignored or denied.

If we continue to close our eyes, we are sanctifying violence and are new violators creating new violators, and so forth.

This is a time where there is not only a war between men and women, depending on 'cultural' backgrounds fought out in very various and sometimes subliminal ways, but also times of war against our own children.

Imagine little boys, same innocent as any little boy around the globe.

Apart from

  • often enough lack of proper nutrition, sometimes chemical stress, sometimes stress induced by simply difficult life circumstances which require struggling for existence
  • add stress hormones induced completely unnecessarily in his mother, contra nature - healthy instinct would induce a man or male to protect and shelter pregnant and offspring
  • plus indoctrination he has already started to receive from an environment which lets him know that he is superior 'by nature' (I don't want to go deeper for same issue on little girls ... as this is another topic and very, very destructive towards LIFE itself, so let's just think of the boys for this moment) ... 
... who is methodically 'incised' (circumcised, correctly but I know why I am using 'incised' here) at a development stage where age-appropriate black-and-white-thinking would start to open up and diminish by a development stage of curiosity and learning to differentiate. Such, you incise and cut off the human developmental line ... the body and physical may grow, the soul or socio-emotional development is stopped.

Any human, especially as a child, can be broken, and any human being can be stopped and taken away from further socio-emotional development by inducing severe trauma at a certain stage.

Read up what serious psychologists have written on this issue ... and pick out the pieces of truth. I need to say this because sometimes studies are correct regarding some issues or a core, but also approved scientists are only humans and part of traumatized social contexts so that they inflict their emotions into a piece of what is supposed to be 'scientific'. It is here not about pointing on other ethnics ... I am pointing often enough and strongly enough at the own sick culture I have to live in and its heritage of trauma which we need to overcome. Yet, not even near to being out of it, certain mechanisms are driving us much further back. I am far from blaming anyone of conspiracy ... but it looks like a kind of system-inherent and we got to drive it out, thanks to some developments in the past maybe some more aware of how systematic trauma works.

  • nurture those fears by an early violation experience by well-dosed, re-traumatizing events like further violation
  • methodically re-direct hatred against persons who could have been expected to protect the child, who was expected to give them relief and shelter,
  • 'help' them to project this hate of not having been protected on a whole gender, 
  • and teach them how to transform this hatred by projecting their self-hate and hate on their parents (who did neither protect them but even told them that the pain was 'good' because of social fear to oppose the mob), on others ... ... and you got it: 

a never-ending war of in such ways treated individuals against - All. 

The schizophrenic part about it is that these kids do not know anymore by healthy observation what is right and what is wrong. For observing in healthy ways, full integrity would be required.

Those are cut-off from natural instinct, and completely cut-off from healthy male behaviour.

Connections which are supposed to function are disconnected from a soul which was, like any other, born by the miracles and beauty of life itself.

What you get is robots - here and there.

And in this case, they can easily be indoctrinated that this hate against 'all that is' is directly connected to All-Ah. 

See the knot? Allah is originally meant to be 'All Godly' (/good). It is a perverted connection.


Those who refer most to this ancient syllables
in fact torment and pervert them the most.


And I am wondering when people will realize that they only follow the anger and bitterness of some  old men who have long time ago turned away from life and respect for any living being, having been overwhelmed by the spirit of wanting to control as a result of their own traumata (while nature and life can not be controlled ...), using their last bit of intelligence for misleading anyone else, like this trying to conceal that they have failed their human mission on this level.

It is just the same as people were and are still mislead serving 'DEVS' (deus, Latin), also by weird old men societies with schizophrenic tendencies.

What they do without healthily realizing, is invoking and following a misguiding entity which pretends to be 'good'/God; by this they pervert truth and diminish the chance that others may find it, too.  I have no problem about anyone failing, as we all are 'under construction' ... I only have problem about not changing then and tearing others into the same mistakes. Or even tormenting, seriously.

It is so easy to fall for the lie who claims to be the truth by wearing its clothes.

In the case I refer to, these are willing destroyers and helpers to anything that has to do with good, with life, with warmth or with the beauty immanent in all creation.

They will dwell on their minority complexes, an induced imaginary superiority, a constant fear and reasonable paranoia which they turn into hatred against all that is not broken - as them.

Place this scheme on what ever you want ... the globe is getting narrow, and whatever happens in any corner of the world does affect any other corner, too. It is time to protect us and our kids from imported violence. We can only help others when we are not broken ourselves and we can only see clear when blur is giving place to clarity. We can not make all the same ... it is not all the same by purpose, and diversity is a part of the beauty as long as diversity respects all other in reverse.

Any war is always accompanied by a war against life - which is, destroying life in future generations by destroying happiness and life in kids, girls and mothers who could care.

Cowards fight women and children. This is a War Method, has always been and in such ways used for systematically destroying 'the imaginary opponent', in this case living souls, over generations and generations.

What people with this kind of mind do not realize is that 'the opponent' is only in themselves. Brought so far down, the inner animal is just biting any hand, and also the hand that would caress.

It is time for any and all people to wake-up and start with their very own children who have a

right to be protected from harm -
- by their mothers and fathers, by their aunts and uncles, by their clans, their societies and culture(s), by their communities and states.

This holds for everyone ... no matter which religion, ethnicity, gender or whatever.

Any minor mammals do it better than we, humans, do.

Europe with its ever detached administration and disconnected organizations thanks to their selection of streamlined 'useful idiots', is making a major mistake by trying, once more, to brush problems under their usual carpet. By not protecting own women and children, the bill may soon to be presented, and for all sides. When All is inside, how would they think to get away with it?

Where methodical violence is applied on parts of a population who would need most protection, it MUST be NAMED so that criminal behavior of violators will NOT INFLICT a backlash on those who are NOT that way, but coincidentally of similar looks, religions or apparent groups. 

Only when you name a problem you can look at it the ways it is and find solutions which are appropriate against violators of a certain kind. Tolerating violence as part of culture ... is simply fear of facing the challenges to examine the truth.

Tradition ... is what is being carried along until we refuse to carry it any further.

Culture is connectivity, collaboration and change. Culture that is not in for mental, social and emotional growth and development is no culture.

It is us All to sort the lentils ... keep the Good but transform or reject the destructive.

Cheers on a hopefully more fruit-ful New Year,
May the cuts be healed, bewailed and overcome.
For All.

My Good plus your Good is our Good - there is All-ways connection.
