17 February 2015

Finding of the Day - Withering, Unseen.

A house of which the foundation stones are broken
Yet is a house.

But a house of which the foundation stones are broken.
Withering. Unnoticed.

Until it becomes seen as what it is:

Just rotten from below.


16 February 2015

All-Godly ... or Old-God. Over-Old.

Ages ago I think I was having a post on a possibility that the All-Ah would ethymologically be connected to 'Al' or 'El' of which in turn the word 'all' as everything or 'All' as another word for Universe.

Recently, I learned anew.

The first syllable is not pronounced as an open 'A' at all, more as an guttural 'o' or 'u'.

It is not 'allah' but something like 'ollah' or 'ullah'.

This changes everything.

The roots of so-called Indo-European language, what a blasphemy, and the cultural navel of ring of mankind's spring of civilization lies more or less in the Near East. That part of the world which is recently turned into a continuous mental desert. I am not saying that not many interests were and are involved. Resources which would enrich people seem to turn out to be more of a curse than anything else. Neither being human or being developed can be bought but resources obviously at these times bring out the worst in everyone. No examples here, there are plenty of anyone can find.

In a recent discussion another guy placed religions all on a same level - Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Looks like everyday people no day ever are checking out what they are talking about. Talking the do, nevertheless. Wish there would exist a kind of natural lockjaw which each time activates itself when people try to utter anything about something they have no clue about.  Fashion these times - never mind.

Back to topic.

If our languages own definitely that much resemblances, the conclusion would be much more logic that

'Ollah' is the 'Old Godly, the Old God.

Etymological connections there are as well through the old word 'Ole' in English as well.

That Old God that probably existed BEFORE God decided to no more enjoy in blood or other such sacrifice, a notion which is mentioned somewhere in the quite early parts of the scriptures. Don't ask me to find it - just wanted to share thoughts and know it exists somewhere there so anyone can find it who likes. It actually is quite clear, at least to me, that a collection of scriptures is a collection of scriptures. Still, it is the maximum available to get back to the ways of thinking of our forefathers, rarely fore-mothers, and must be seen as what it is, including the mindset of probable authors and inflictions through communication over time.

An Ol' God who enjoyed and enjoys in blood and sacrifice.

All-ah in the sense of an Almighty God or Higher God that one is simply not.

No clue whether that one was woken up or has always been that one, a thought which is also quite reasonable if anyone reads up (and not only places the Islam at the same level as other religious traditions whose spiritual content is connected to definitely different entities than the Qur'an and its self-chosen interpreters who are driving young people, whom they have traditionally psychologically crippled at youngest age, into becoming the most monstrous beasts.

I won't deny that an area which has known nothing but wars and civil wars for decades already has a problem. And I would agree if you said that the West has participated with it's share.

But it would be the duty of the elder to use wisdom for a change to the better for the sake of their young. Not driving them into blood-thirsty monsters. I mean, our old leaders are also not on good ways. Obviously everyone runs mad these days.

Okay, now that Ollah is the blood-thirsty Old God, I am no more surprised, yet wondering how that Beast came out of its Hell. Was it the radioactivity? Was it evoked? By whom? Actually, it is quite likely.

We never fight humans, it is always demons and spirits, implanted, we deal with.
In a wider sense.

Everything we deal with is a Matter of Mind.

Had to share my thoughts.
Verify - not verify, this is the question.

Praying to the God I have in mind, for the go(o)d children, go(o)d women and go(o)d men on earth and those who left. Simply in-understandable that in the 21st cent the world turns so much backwards as it does these days, and everywhere on this planet, obviously. Pray for Good.


12 February 2015

Finding of the Day - Weak and Strong

Found as a quote in an article, unfortunately could not verify the author ... but hits the point in many regards:

'The strong one is occasionally weak because of his pangs of conscience;
the weak one is strong because of his brazenness.'

Think so it is.


05 February 2015

Nothing Connects

Nothing connects as strong as a common enemy.

I think I had a post on this on a minor scale some time before. It works from small to large, actually. As everything works from small to large and the other way around. Microcosm is macrocosm and macrocosm is microcosm. This is the law.

Unless we break out.

What about transforming into humans instead of being beasts and bastards? Humans with the ability to feel instead of following greed and vain, humans to start thinking and feeling about what we do to all the generations to come? (I think I also wrote some posts about this passing on pain from generation to generation some while ago.) We have to get a lot of things straight, certainly.

