31 May 2015

In the Beginning

In the Beginning, they arranged men into marriages which made them easy to function well, not to become too bold and to work off their asses to feed their families and be exhausted then when coming home.

Now, they don't have to do that anymore.

Men are functioning well, never are becoming too bold, they are working off their asses, are exhausted when the get home .. without families.

Now they have 689 tv channels, the internet and smartphones which have taken over that form of control. Men now can order anything they wish on line with the money the have worked their asses off for.

From the article: 'The digital impact of behavioral imprinting at early stage and through the ages'.

Kidding, Just came into my mind ;-)

Have a good new week then,

22 May 2015

Mean While.

Meanwhile, I notice that, maybe due to the packed situation we are getting into more and more and still scientists deny, the negative aspects in so-called civilized humans are just rising and rising.

The too-many-rats-in-a-cage-effect shows clearer and clearer.

Humanism is a nice thing. People have free will. Not everybody, of course, people in extreme situations have no choice at all, yet some even manage in such situations to stand in for values they consider life worth. This deserves the highest respect and I wish for them, whether in this or the next world, that their hearts may be smoothed and their souls caressed.

From the perspective of a halfway still standing Europe though as we (still) have. I am aware of the fact that also here many people are just fighting for survival, I have had such experiences personally during several stages in my life, and the hardest when raising little children. I talk to all kind of people anywhere and I got my eyes, ears and certainly my heart open.

Therefore, I even less can accept persons who have quite a lot but are not aware or grateful at all, and yet are trying to catch the fish not by themselves but from the boat of those who have much less or sometimes nothing at all. 

If you once had the idea and ideal that mankind can move forward in developing better social and collaborative skills and also rise in awareness, this creates a huge delta then. 

If you have no ideals, never had, and anyway regard mankind as a bunch of greedy apes, it probably won't hurt you.

Awareness though is what is rapidly going down.

Of course it is logical that if I already criticize most couple but also other kind of relations as a kind of business deal respective prostitution where one part is selling its goods to the other at the highest price, which has to me nothing in common with partner-ship or even so-called 'love' relation or even relation at all, I would as well address and name the more aggressive form which is intruding and causing a huge backlash for civil evolution.

Bullies are taking over, more and more, additionally they are rushing to where the good is, taking what others have built and created, and as outlined many times before: No intelligence can beat the sheer bully. 

The last post is on what gets more and more obvious recently. It is a highly stressed competition of each one for him or as in this case, for her self - the opposite of any civilized collaboration, we are getting pushed into an estate where everyone is the next enemy to the next. If you are aware of that mankind has developed thus far by especially NOT fighting each one for itself but by respect, communication and high level collaboration skills, you can imagine and know the consequences.

Who 'sees' this may refrain. Who 'sees not' will go on.
The logical outcome is that idiots beat intelligence.

Women, especially the lesser blessed with brains (while academic certificates meanwhile have no worth anymore, especially not in this regard - any idiot can fill his or her brain with data and spit them out in a learned professional manner but be incapable of thinking well) and inertly developed  strength, are thus more eager to let a man do the work for her and create herself an easy life. Their skills went another way: they'd become much more tricky to achieve their personal goals than any man can ever assume.

Men (boys, to be precise) have another system among each other of getting along and are quite helpless to notice signs and signals which are appealing either to basic instincts (red lips, blonde hair, certain invitational moves, also seen in business more and more, and other key triggers) or over-generational psychological traps by hostage conditioning (certain tonality of speaking or body language, bargaining attention only for doing certain favours and more). Here you may have to connect information from my earlier writing, they still function on the triggers that left them helpless and usually was never overcome, passed on through generations. Those females, themselves from social systems of an earlier stage, now well how to (ab-) use this fact.

And it works. The whole thing works even better in context with the factors as described above: rising pressures and competition diminish the ability to think logically and on the younger, further developed brain parts.

By this stress, humans are driven to the lower brain functionalities, just that easy. And that is also why yo just have to raise this level to get people mentally down easily.

That type has existed before but was much less and especially less openly aggressive than it occurs these days.Which shows a lot where we are moving to. And it is logical, again - those who did not develop humanly step by step and phase by phase are 'learning' techniques but not the processing units which would be necessary for steering a vehicle without constantly causing crashes in dense traffic.

Another troubling element  is the group effect and additional social pressures. 

When one runs there is in the herd animal a strong tendency to run with the group. It takes a lout of consciousness to step out of inborn instincts and deeply implanted early conditioning.

Finding of some days before and with regard to how difficult it is to step out of any latent violent social system, an excellent article in The Guardian,

'Losing their religion: the hidden crisis of faith among Britain’s young Muslims'.

Some excerpts:

"He doesn’t want to be any more specific than that about the location. “If someone found out where I lived,” he explains, “they could burn my house down.”"

"Last week the hacking to death in Bangladesh of the blogger Ananta Bijoy Das was a brutal reminder of the risks atheists face in some Muslim-majority countries"

"What worries me is that they go back to my parents and damage them, because that’s not unheard of."

"It is stigma and rejection that causes so many ex-Muslims to conceal their apostasy."

(And add to this the intentionally inflicted traumata I had been writing on before, and its effects on personal inner development which makes it hard if not impossible to overcome as also the relevant symbiosis stage and fundamental trust had been severely effected - by purpose.)

"All through his teenage years, when adolescents typically rebel, and even at university, Vali dutifully followed his father’s faith." 

(Remember, this rebellion is a really relevant stage, and also undermined in Western educational system.)

"Instead he was ousted from the family. He was disowned."

(We know this is re-traumatization by purpose, a repeated experience of the childhood loss of safety and protection any child in my eyes, but also as defined in the UN Convention on Children's Rights, has the just natural right for. As adult though you may see through the mechanism, even if it is extremely difficult as this is one of the very effective triggers implanted in a human being.)

"Although it is fraught with human drama – existential crisis, philosophical doubt, family rupture, violent threats, communal expulsion, depression, and all manner of other problems – the apostate’s journey elicits remarkably little media interest or civic concern."

(Exactly what I also ask for though on a more cross-discipline level as this topic is a cross-functional and requires the elements of the whole system working hand in hand. Though it is a very hot potato, as we know. Everyone openly dealing with these topics might expose him or herself to threats and isolation.)

"To raise the subject of apostasy is to risk demonising an embattled minority. Some will see it, almost by definition, as Islamophobic or even racist."

(Well, only because many Western politicians are cowards who are frightened to face reality, and also bear a 'Mental Inbreed Problem'. As I say, inbreed has no good and kills diversity. Unfortunately, exactly this mentality of covering up will cause what they and also any free person in the West fear, with each denial more and more. The same mechanism as described before here is at work: Bullies beat intelligence, foresight and creation.)

"Vali has seen his mother just once for a few minutes four years ago. “She didn’t want to touch me,” he says. “She thought her God would be angry with her if she treated me kindly.”"

(Exactly this: punished with withdrawal of love, while at the same time those kids had been ripped off their fundamental trust in their natural right for protection by their mothers; remember my anger with those women who can not realize love even at the sight of the most wonderful gift of life. Though I certainly understand everyone is victim in that destructive game.)

The article perfectly describes the complex system which entangles the persons within. And also points out the connection the psychological effects, see:

"“I’ve had bouts of clinical depression,” Nasreen says. “The thing is, Islam teaches you to grow up with low self-esteem and lack of self-identity. Without the collective, you’re lost."

Which surely holds true both for males and females though females have to additionally face other and more kind of violation and yes, in a 'culture' where she has to show her attitude by dressing up in certain ways, it gets more visible and she exposes herself much more. Also a part of the tricky system and probably while my intuition had told me well what's good and bad when even my brain could not yet name the open offense to freedom. People still think the dress code is traditional. A shit it is, it is part of the suppressive system to keep humans in depression to keep them easily steerable.

In the end, we need to find out that it is definitely love, not that what we have learned to assume that is, but a deep love from very deep inside we have to detect all by ourselves, that can give us, as a whole, the chance to overcome. It is a tricky game though. The world does not look like it is willing to explore this way. The polyp like system is set up so tricky that it takes ages to look through, as other polyp like systems, too.

As it looks, it is definitely much easier to grow up with less 'collective identity' and find yourself your own. Wandering (and wondering) between the worlds might be troubling, yet it provides a lot of chances, too.

Isn't it always amazing that those who are pushing forward the ideology stronger and stronger, always argue with the humanistic standard of 'Freedom of Religion' which the 'religion' itself does not provide for its own kids?

Double standard would be too weak a term. It is hypocrisy at its best.

Enjoy thinking about it if you like so.
If not, keep on going but try to suppress the 'Moooh'. It would become too obvious.


16 May 2015

"Ain't no Love"

"Ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people."

Obvious a tweet of a young man entangled in his own hostage situation which led to unguided outburst of self-hate on uninvolved third parties. I am sorry. To me the whole thing going on each time sounds like a kind of 'and another little baby child is born ... in the ghetto'. 

Not to take the term ghetto literally, please, more to be seen as a metaphor. The ghetto though is the 'ghetto inside'. Created by mischief.

For me it usually works that way that if I am breeding on a question in mind it takes some time, and I will be lead to the answers, on various ways. Whether I like the surrounding circumstances is another issue, usually I get into something which involves me with all heart and brain and physically, logical when those are not disconnected. While I can certainly state for the strange kind of culture I grew up in, lucky enough to receive plenty of comparative information, that it still carries lots of unresolved traumata from past generations, anyone seriously interested in complex inter-reactions latest since last year must have started to deal with what is going on with a complete, so-called cultural, group whose mainly young males are so easily to misguide. Not that others are not misguided - of course they are, each by an individual story of inner-familial, usually psychological abuse. Else you could not explain why people are considering other people to not exist but as objects, and the cause is most usually a block in a healthy psychological and emotional development, combined with uncontrolled greed ('wanna have') and narcissistic grandiosity ('wanna be' + 'control'). 

People who have not overcome these feelings by knowing who they are, what they really need and how to stand on own feet will always remain in a status of dependency, a child status which may never turn adult which means become a 'man' or 'woman'. or 'human' as a whole. Puberty is not an easy change, additionally, but next, remaining in the 'revolting' phase means also not to become free - it only means to always be against, which means you can't go FOR what you really want. Also in this stage, many are stuck.

If you don't turn into an adult, you can't experience ever real - not peer-group or reactive - friendship and also not love between a man and woman either but only repetitions of the implanted hostage situations. Then, also anyone is probably your enemy (while in real life, certainly there is other reason enough to consider someone enemy for what he has done. Here, it is more about the fantasized enemies - which can become real enemies, certainly). Most logically that in such underdeveloped estate one should never make children oneself .... but again this is a theoretical idea because people grow physically into men and women but usually never mind- and heart-wise. 

Our 'cultures' are the hindrance - the Western as the Eastern, just the same. We can pick out and keep the good parts, though, and abandon what makes sick.

As long as we as humans, generally, keep on going the same old ways, there truly won't be love in the hearts. Only the latter would form civilizations and cultures worth the title. What we have created and live in now, globally, is a disaster and whoever has not noticed by now must be emotionally blind.

My empathy, love, sorrow and mourning for every single of those victims, and the victims of the victims. And the victims of the victims of the victims ....... as every single child was certainly not born for that kind of fruit. Please understand well that to me this is no excuse either. I have often enough suffered myself physically, psychologically, emotionally, financially and whatever kind of under the deeds of such mislead humans. But it is for me relevant to at least understand, which is not the same as excusing. what leads to another. 

Only if we under-stand we might be able to act preventative and find better ways. 

Something interesting I tracked with regard to male circumcision, an underestimated source of unhealed as yet underestimated trauma, these days:

Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys

Results: With a total of 4986 ASD cases, our study showedthat regardless of cultural background circumcised boys were more likely than intact boys to develop ASD before age 10 years. Risk was particularly high for infantile autism before age five years.
Circumcised boys in non-Muslim families were also more likely to develop hyperkinetic disorder.

Just something to consider further. 

I really think there should be much more research on the psychological, sociological and psychosomatic inter-connections and long-term effects of this early childhood traumatization.

For myself, I am glad that whatever had happened to me, and life here was not very kind to me anyway, I always kept on wondering and that I always was connected to the 'other' world which knows, while we in this world are more supposed to 'not know', and which allowed me to re-assemble each time, and probably saved a lot in my children, and some others, too. 

And I am glad, the more the more I learn about the issue, that my instincts have made me protect my boy child from that ritual traumatization, even if I have paid a high price myself fighting that violator who was, most funny of all, heavily supported by state authority in all of his moves to break and pursue a mother of small children. Honestly. Shame on a society which calls itself guided by Human Rights and on its dark side does such to their healthy mothers instead of being glad that at least someone is mother enough to protect her child from useless violation. And myself I am very glad to have learned mothering from a cat and not a human mother. It can be difficult, but nevertheless most often healthy to step out of chains and vicious circles, indeed.

Yet, I understand (not justify!) that the broken hate un-brokenness for itself. 

Because if the would allow, the would have to admit their own brokenness, and mourn about what they have not had or what they lost. This is to be prevented, sustainably, be their implicit 'Ego-Defence-League'. Or, as the demon said: 'You can call me Legion, as we are many'.

No one of us can turn around the past but each of us can do better. Not always perfect, as we are on the go - and we also need to forgive ourselves where we could not make it but we tried, at least. Yet, I see a lot of people fighting for the better, risking their lives, status, material and physical integrity. These are the heroes and heroines, actually.

Someone, standing for so many others, who wanted to become a lion but yet remained a cub, will be executed for the deeds of his mother who was not mother to protect and teach her children well. 

One among many, many others in the chain.

All those boys who never were and will be allowed to become men, always and forever be personal hostages, never allowed to find out about love, they are blood sacrifices of slave women breeding slaves. Even despite the gift of life in their hands should have awakened them. I understand they are victims themselves - but also that they make it just too easy.

Yet, a few examples show that also this can be survived though generally rather not. These exceptions though are no good reason for mankind to keep going on with purposely violating and mutilating children's souls. If an old man once upon the time had suffered from phimosis, it's his personal thing. Just like so perfectly persiflaged in 'The Life of Brian', because Brian coincidentally has lost his sandal, all 'follwers' are taking off their sandals. Hum.

Why I am writing all of this? Because it is heart-breaking if you look into the souls of wonderful persons and have to find that they will always choose the painful way just due to what has been done to them - by their 'culture' but also by their 'mothers' who have let it happen, and thus do not deserve such title at all. Of course, there is all other repression around. 

For a human child though, like for a baby lion or any baby mammal, the mother who is the primary protection freely giving the cub away for ritual violation is forever deeply engraved.

The best we maybe can do (when shit has already happened) is to find out and understand that blood line is for the soul more or less coincidental, thus retrieve our very own right to live according to our soul-selves and not pursue what our ancestors have messed up. Yet, I think that this world is quite through and this might only help as a preparation for after the big disaster. We only can do what we can do but yet need to have tried our very best, at least.

Anyway, we should have in mind:

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. 
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls ...

... but protect their bodies and souls. 
What they will do later is another chapter.

Could have become a lion, could have become a wise owl, or a Raven, or ...  - we don't know. 

But what we know is that they never become men and women if we - parents and the whole society, too - don't do our very best to guide them well and support them to become 'humanes'.

Keep going, heart pure and head high, with lots of love and strength for whatever happens,


14 May 2015

Just Logical - Chains

You use people - you get used.
You are used by people - you use. 
You think this is 'normality'?

Likewise the Chain of Pain, there is the equivalent Chain of Use.

Until somebody breaks it. 
And it is YOU who got to do.

Just a reminder as this inter-dependency won't change until WE do so. Even though we can analyze and therefore understand all causalities behind, at a point, it does not matter whether you have been enchained yourself if you keep on doing the same to others whom you think you are in power of NOW as others have been in power of you BEFORE. 

Or even are in power of you 'til TODAY, as you are hostage of someone who had no right to do that to you. If you do soul work, you can even SEE these jail guards and perpetrators inside human beings. Just the beings themselves can't, obviously that's part of that ridiculous game.

Also it is no excuse if you prefer to choose the passive-aggressive style - PA is same a type of aggression and there is no such 'but I didn't do anything'. The Qu'ran, by the way, is very consciously using 'passive' aggression in an instruction for punishing women who don't 'obey'. You may well think about how much this kind of sheer conditioning is inhumane, and whether it has been experimented with on you if you do.

The worst chains are those you cannot see and keep denying.
And those you are tought to glorify.

The tricky part is to differentiate healthy, fruitful connections by free will and unhealthy, destructive  ones by chains, especially if that is the only estate you have ever known. Someone in chains will even flee healthy relations due to his estate of being hostage in an unhealthy relation, no matter whether his/her hostage taker is still alive (on this planet) or not. This goes far beyond the material world.

What I can say is that it is a long, long way.
Nevertheless, lots of love for this another brand new day,


10 May 2015

Baboons and Other Breed

Recently I have mentioned that mankind as it exists today is a kind of negative selection. Darwin and even his replacements were horribly wrong about the idea of the survival of the fittest. Human has, obviously synchronously with the switch from godly to the ungodly, turned everything around. It is constantly the best which are SORTED AWAY and eradicated. If we look at today's Near East, where especially there is a slaughtering of those people standing in for humanely civilization, e.g by protecting their girls from rape but also by belonging to more peaceful religious groups, or Iran which is sorting out people standing up against old haters, herein especially from the minority tribes whose cultural descend is far from such 'Old Bitter Men Tyranny' ideology, we have an idea of what the Roman Realm has done at the time of the Celts (and to all other civilizations they have broken up) and the Catholic Realm, actually similar stuff, to the intelligentsia of Europe and within their reach for ages. Add an Austrian with clearly social childhood problems with traumatic effects who got lost in mad ideas about an 'Aryan Breed' which is basically breeding a homogenous population on recessive Genes, and you know which type of human you deal with: People with horrible fears and suppressed selves who try to get back control over their own lives by hitting hard on or eliminating others whom they sense as an obstacle to their grandiosity phantasies.

The major misconception in such weaklings is the false belief that it is the STRONG to fear. I mentioned - it is not the strong to fear but the weak ones to fear. Only from the perspective of childhood, when the child is faced with an adult who initiates the pain, it looks like that one is strong.

An adult who is giving pain to a child for what reason ever, except for reasonable self-defense (that's what I learned from a Brazilian growing up in a Favela - life is not everywhere as still (!) halfway 'safe' civilizations), is WEAK. Not strong. But to understand this one would have to overcome childhood traumata, and the people eliminating just anything they fear for possible loss of their (self-) control, have NOT overcome. This is the crux.

When 'cultivated' and ritualized, such becomes a 'cultural' feature.

What they also all share is that these groups obviously had had no mothers who were able and ready to protect and shelter their very own children as nature has given as a very natural duty.

What we can see and watch today is history lessons pure. 

Add to this the inbreed problem and a need to breed on less capable women for millenia by now.

The down-break of men from what they were meant to be, the victory of the mob over the natural leaders by social and physical skills results in coupling of those gammas with even lower females due to their minority complexes, logically despising and feeling fear in the presence of adult women - which results in turn in suppression and outcasting of naturally capable women, a typical example is the Catholic Church and the burning of so-called 'witches' - , which again results in even less capable offspring which is brought up in worse ways than would be good for personal health and evolution, and so on and so forth. Clearly an irony to what we as mankind were given as both natural but also cultural heritage.

Usually, and this is part of the scriptural heritage, it would be man and woman, or 'Ego' and Godly 'I', to 're-cognize' each other and bond and especially the man to LEAVE the parents, in the sense of growing out of the role of child of the family into a man, which means to LEAVE the implants behind himself and in a way being freed by choosing the love with a woman and bond with her for the sake of a new generation.

Anything else is keeping him, man, and with it us ALL, in the estate of fearful children.

An awesome analysis puts this effect together very interestingly:

Where you have a devalued female and an over-idealized mother, as you do in Arab and Muslim culture and where there is a prohibition to separate from the mother, violent problems may ensue—such as murder-suicide.
[...] This creates tremendous ambivalence, on the one hand to want to bond with mother (ummi) and on the other hand at the same time remaining terrified of her, resulting in a confusing sense of identity. Perhaps this is why Muslims struggle so and are always fighting to prove their identity.
Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin interviewed on her Book 'The Banality of Suicide Terrorism: The Naked Truth About the Psychology of Islamic Suicide Bombing', found on newenglishreview.org

Anyway, and also this I have been referring to before quite often, psychological violence and emotional abuse has at least the same effect strength as the physical form. Also have I mentioned somewhere once that this 'role' of the abusing mother, this not as a judgement but description because such systems always continue from one abuse to the other, can be taken or passed to another female relative - this can be a sister, too, herself needy and incapable of leading a good relation with her man, or even a daughter who has learned this kind of 'female' role behaviour within that family system. It's such a pity but the majority of men worldwide is in such traps and with them, the females. None will ascend or break out - until some one does, and that some one is most likely to be placed into the black sheep role.

Almost impossible. But necessary, if we want a tiny sense of human life down here. It is the key for lots of steps further on.

There are many derivations of psychological abuse and the major problem is that it is much more difficult to detect and especially to name and totally impossible to prove for the victims. All of them cause the syndrome described as 'Stockholm' and a constant recreation and repetition of the pain and hostage situation.

Thus it is just logical that my current fave tv format is 'Hatufim - Prisoners of War', an excellent Israeli work. It would be so helpful if we understand our selves as such, still or formerly (escapees though are only few) hostages, and we might understand maybe a lot more about ourselves no matter whether we are males or females - the abuse is always, as a result of false partnerships of the parents, over-generationally mutual until we realize and reject the pattern and break the code of conditioning.

Merda, forget that most have fled into camouflage mode by compensation and (yet) invisible depressions. Okay, those won't find out.

Human, by the way, I was wondering about some time before and as it looks the 'hu' in the term is related to the syllable for 'spiritual' which often is used as an equivalent for 'godly'.

While 'man' is clearly both hand (lat. manus) and man which means we are able to act with hands, the pre-Islamic deity 'Hubal' demonstrates this quite nicely as being the 'hu' of 'Baal' who in turn is a connection of the 'Ba' of 'Al'. Still I have not found an answer what is the 'wo' in wo-man though. Maybe the 'womb man'. Maybe just kidding.

What has all that got to do with Baboons? Well. Just watch their patriarchal and violent structures, their constant quarrels, their females being hit and in turn hitting their next for being closer to and favorized by the males in power, sexual submission of both sexes, the abuse of their own offspring for letting off steam and so on and so forth. Example of the mob in action, a nice behaviourist short study if you watch the body language of the apes:

Looks familiar? They are the closest with regard to all behaviour to how mankind shows itself these days. No matter whether in Near East, Far East, on the streets of major European Capitals or in Real time Business Life. In the latter, the mob just works more subtle.

Just - what about the 'hu' in 'man', the spirit (with-) in our hands?


01 May 2015

Not only in Business Life

Most problems, not only in business life, occur because people who are over-asked are trying to mask their in-capabilities.

On Complexity

It's all about complexity and the connections between the isolated. 

Whether cells, neuronal cells, brain or other hemispheres, humans or even humanity as a whole, is simply the same.

If you understand that no organism, not even any organ, can ever work on a kind of higher level by  one cell alone without appropriate connections and interactions, you might understand that splitting up every single one and isolating it, or doing it exactly the other way around by enabling and empowering each one, is a crucial element to a either backward or forward evolution.

On the other hand, if you disable connected cells from properly processing input and phrasing output for being understood by their connector 'cell', you will have the same effect of being kept down low.

Just came.