Maybe my aversion against anything which works against free spirit and free own decision has a lot to do with the fact that I had learned a lot about biology, herein especially also ethology at school, had been around with animals quite a lot and quite intensively - among halfway wildly living ones but also with a Circus for several months -, about (manipulative) psychology in young years when I was working in a highly professional sales organization for a short time, and that I had always been a very eager child to learn by observing which includes to sort, compare and review the puzzle pieces I already had gathered.
Of course, I was in sales not for long as it contradicts my convictions but I still cherish that I have learned a lot about those practices. When you know about first, biological basics but then also about how conditioning works on animals, you also understand when seeing this placed on humans and in the aftermath you see a fulfilled conditioning in the ways people re-act on triggers. Today, it's easy to detect such patterns in many inter-human interaction and each time such affect my alarms to ring immediately, something many persons obviously have either never had had or had lost on their way.
Maybe it derives from a sound ability for definitely necessary and constructive criticism which I have preserved while the majority of people fears criticism in both directions and as a result, avoid straight discussions which would so easily clarify. And maybe I was just born that way and it has to do with intuitive, given, in-born respect for each individual which contradicts a sheep or herd mentality completely. Maybe it has to do with my bi-hemisphericality which forces the inner instances struggling until they have checked and discussed through to the essence, supported by high amounts of information having to be validated, verified and proofed. This is quite opposite to a mentality which just accepts what has been told and 'learns' by repeating stuff until it is programmed in.
Sometimes that hurts because what goes with it is a deep inner connection which you also have to learn to let go. I had to learn that the 'higher' connection exists though persons themselves mostly don't know what drives and how. This is pretty tough stuff as when you are emotionally deeply connected, it really hurts physically. As hurt me the things happening around the world while clearly seeing that the ones in charge are partly helpless but partly also very unwilling to change games they personally benefit from. 'Divide et impera', divide and rule, is still the method of choice and I can not imagine anymore that people do such unconsciously.
Latest when you sense you cheat yourself and you need to do more and more of [whatever] as your inner can else not be soothed any more, you should take a moment and re-connect. Don't run with the wolves when you are not one. (Again, wolves are more healthy, social-wise, than humans ever are.)
People who drive and play these games have never had or lost access to the whole and are driving so many others into unbearable estates. Their loss of souls, their disability and unwillingness to reach out for and become an instrument of creation instead of the separation and destruction they chose, is like an ongoing wheel I hope which will break soon.
Well, when you know how e.g. animals get trained, based on 'conditioning', you also each time detect when such methods are played in human inter-action. Conditioning is always possible when the object to be conditioned does not take a moment of time-out to re-assemble him or her self. In the hamster wheels we are mostly forced to run in, we try to run faster but while doing so, we miss the option that we can also step out. For a while at least, and then get back as long as we find appropriate.
Free choice was given to us because we have THIS ONE LIFE to experience this planet with all it's beauty, options and physicality. WE still ARE the ones taking the choices while mad people running wild are forcing us to constantly also run for our lives - physically or metaphorically.
As with Easter the circle of year is at the point of a new start, of new fertility, of the rising Sun (in the East), a new Beginning. We celebrate it from East to West, connecting it in the West with Ostara (again, reflecting the other way of pronouncing: 'Ost' (=East)), an old 'goddess' (while 'gods' or 'godesses' in the old way of understanding are always Facets of the Whole).
'She' is simply the same as the Near-East Inanna or Ishtar, the Mediterranean Astarte, Egyptian Isis and probably has many other names. She brings back life, to visualize the principle for anybody personalized but for understanding the generic rules behind. She is independent and undomesticated - which shows a lot about that the ways we are used to live today still under patriarchal and right-handed (left-brained) conditioning is just as false as anything CAN be false.
You may understand once more why such mono-cultural conditioning HAD to cut us off from our inner connection, has to cut off mothers from protecting health and sanity of their children, has to cut off man and woman as partners, destroy socially necessary women to women relations and will only survive, as living such cannot be called, by pulling people away from asking the right questions. Often enough from asking at all.
Isn't it strange that in All times All cultures had strong natural female rights and female leaders, even female warriors who certainly did not have to disguise or hide themselves? Those are known from the highest north to the deepest south and as mentioned, from east through west. Why I have to point this out is ridiculous anyway: Male and female were once to be equal and complementary, the estate we know just now is simply perverted extremely far backwards into a system of 'the stronger with less social but higher manipulative competence eats up the rest'.
Clearly, former cultures had higher cultures than our 21st century has now. Not perfect ones but at least with a core of better complex knowing and understanding, considering more aspects while nowadays predominance of the more primitive totally contradicts the theorem of a 'survival of the fittest'. That one was also made up by a separated man - how else. Some thousand years of breeding and conditioning the worst have left their remainders, though.
In this sense, I will keep on asking for bringing together what belongs together, for the rise of fruitfulness - nothing to do with breeding like rabbits which even the latest Pope dared to speak out, and nothing to do with women as 'acres' to be used and therewith abused to end up in the spiral of ab-using their children in turn - but also for a necessary separation of all that which is de-structive only and especially at the wrong marks.
Those who love the separation game should harvest all their isolation for only themselves, not affect or impact others as they so massively do. There are so many who are lost.
Things need time to recover. But more than that, it is usually us who let precious time go by.
In this sense:
Happy Rising, Merry Ishtar!
Of course, I was in sales not for long as it contradicts my convictions but I still cherish that I have learned a lot about those practices. When you know about first, biological basics but then also about how conditioning works on animals, you also understand when seeing this placed on humans and in the aftermath you see a fulfilled conditioning in the ways people re-act on triggers. Today, it's easy to detect such patterns in many inter-human interaction and each time such affect my alarms to ring immediately, something many persons obviously have either never had had or had lost on their way.
Maybe it derives from a sound ability for definitely necessary and constructive criticism which I have preserved while the majority of people fears criticism in both directions and as a result, avoid straight discussions which would so easily clarify. And maybe I was just born that way and it has to do with intuitive, given, in-born respect for each individual which contradicts a sheep or herd mentality completely. Maybe it has to do with my bi-hemisphericality which forces the inner instances struggling until they have checked and discussed through to the essence, supported by high amounts of information having to be validated, verified and proofed. This is quite opposite to a mentality which just accepts what has been told and 'learns' by repeating stuff until it is programmed in.
And funny, in my life there have always been events or people showing up which gave me answers or keys, not always in the ways I wished, to ongoing questions. Always.
Sometimes that hurts because what goes with it is a deep inner connection which you also have to learn to let go. I had to learn that the 'higher' connection exists though persons themselves mostly don't know what drives and how. This is pretty tough stuff as when you are emotionally deeply connected, it really hurts physically. As hurt me the things happening around the world while clearly seeing that the ones in charge are partly helpless but partly also very unwilling to change games they personally benefit from. 'Divide et impera', divide and rule, is still the method of choice and I can not imagine anymore that people do such unconsciously.
Latest when you sense you cheat yourself and you need to do more and more of [whatever] as your inner can else not be soothed any more, you should take a moment and re-connect. Don't run with the wolves when you are not one. (Again, wolves are more healthy, social-wise, than humans ever are.)
If we have not understood by now that the only constructive way for a future is respectful, synergistic collaboration by understanding and appreciating diversity we probably never will, We get lost in the games of separation which keep on going for so long time.
People who drive and play these games have never had or lost access to the whole and are driving so many others into unbearable estates. Their loss of souls, their disability and unwillingness to reach out for and become an instrument of creation instead of the separation and destruction they chose, is like an ongoing wheel I hope which will break soon.
Well, when you know how e.g. animals get trained, based on 'conditioning', you also each time detect when such methods are played in human inter-action. Conditioning is always possible when the object to be conditioned does not take a moment of time-out to re-assemble him or her self. In the hamster wheels we are mostly forced to run in, we try to run faster but while doing so, we miss the option that we can also step out. For a while at least, and then get back as long as we find appropriate.
Free choice was given to us because we have THIS ONE LIFE to experience this planet with all it's beauty, options and physicality. WE still ARE the ones taking the choices while mad people running wild are forcing us to constantly also run for our lives - physically or metaphorically.
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Celtic/Gaulle |
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Assyrian/Babylonian |
You may understand once more why such mono-cultural conditioning HAD to cut us off from our inner connection, has to cut off mothers from protecting health and sanity of their children, has to cut off man and woman as partners, destroy socially necessary women to women relations and will only survive, as living such cannot be called, by pulling people away from asking the right questions. Often enough from asking at all.
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Inanna/Ishtar, Sumerian/Babylonian |
Clearly, former cultures had higher cultures than our 21st century has now. Not perfect ones but at least with a core of better complex knowing and understanding, considering more aspects while nowadays predominance of the more primitive totally contradicts the theorem of a 'survival of the fittest'. That one was also made up by a separated man - how else. Some thousand years of breeding and conditioning the worst have left their remainders, though.
When mankind broke up into specialization and idolized parts instead of the whole, we have made specialists Gods. Unfortunately, separated, they can bring forth just no-thing, infertile as they are (this literally will show even more in the future), with goals like 'more' and 'faster' they inevitably end with 'pro-ducing' 100% reject goods.
In this sense, I will keep on asking for bringing together what belongs together, for the rise of fruitfulness - nothing to do with breeding like rabbits which even the latest Pope dared to speak out, and nothing to do with women as 'acres' to be used and therewith abused to end up in the spiral of ab-using their children in turn - but also for a necessary separation of all that which is de-structive only and especially at the wrong marks.
Those who love the separation game should harvest all their isolation for only themselves, not affect or impact others as they so massively do. There are so many who are lost.
Simply that it is not for Human to decide on Others. We make mistakes, we are not perfect ever. (And luckily, we also don't need to be.) Nevertheless, we learn. Constantly. Continuously.
Things need time to recover. But more than that, it is usually us who let precious time go by.
In this sense:
Happy Rising, Merry Ishtar!