21 December 2014

Peace 4 Prosper

Whether in families or orgs (not Orks this time, I mean: organizations) or in the wider sense:

We should have learnt by now that prospering needs peace. 

If we have not learnt that, then we need to ask ourselves 'why not', actually?
Didn't we have some decades time by now?

I think I have told all along always little bits of my personal history and one tremendously important aspect is that I realized what my father tried to install among us children. It is the false assumption that humans perform better when the are in competition. Thus, create constant competition and you will 'bring out the best in people'? This kind of thinking though is installed in many people's heads. Yet, many simply can't fulfill what is expected and end up always pretending this or that.

It's such a waste of energies to always act 'as if'.

What it leads to is not better performance of the whole thing but it is a kind of environment where everyone is the other one's hyena. Sorry to the animal, as usual, who is just born such way as its survival scheme.

Humans though CAN decide to be the animal or change through mind. 

The true result is:

  1. Constant competition - instead of collaboration according to the best features everyone brings in - causes constant distress.
  2. It is proven in neurobiology that constant distress exorbitantly reduces creativity.
  3. I add to this: Constant distress is even 'eating up' the neurons' functionality, physically.
  4. Competition is nice in sports though - and also here only if rules are played fair.

With this in mind you might understand me continuously pleading for bringing up children in sane ways. We need the energies and skills for solution finding, not for one bringing down the next possible other.

What happens if this is not the case you can see in Central Middle East right now. No excuse but for sure a contributing factor is that any human, having known nothing but war for all their lives, severe need, violence, desperation in a constantly unstable and unsafe environment goes very wrong ways.

Psychological violence though is not better at all, another point I am trying to hint at regularly. 

Still, many parents believe they give their children an advantage in the rat race if they eradicate the child's true self and implement the 'Beast App' in their kids.

Psyche and body are through the ways we 'are made' so much connected that
  • either psychological violence is detaching the mind from the physical existence so that you produce persons who look visibly functioning but inside everything is dysfunctional, 
  • or/and the physical body shows same symptoms as if the 'only' psychological treatment was real physical violence.

Violated children learn the patterns from environment and may most likely become violators again or passive-aggressive supporters of violence.

The more the mind is forced out of the body, the more the instinct survival schemes rise.

These come with symptoms like greed where there is no reason for greediness, envy where there is no reason for if you look closer, hatred which is projected at others but is mere self-hatred, big Egos and drive to control and stomp others into the ground and  most of all, a simple thinking pattern which differentiates only black and white since childhood, and sorts the world that way.

Only in peaceful environments people can use all their creativity, enjoy to lift the other because they know those would do same in return, invent new ways instead of following old and worn-out, proven dysfunctional schemes. In peace people can teach one another what they know, bringing out the real best in everyone, not the 'best' in the sense of competition where one has to loose so that the other may feel as the winner and which encourages underhandedness, lying and manipulating information, false flag and sabotaging the work of others.

Peace also needs clear rules where people

a) understand the consequences of what they do to others and environment and 

b) same laws are applied to everyone.

The a) is of course much more difficult to achieve, therefore societies have installed laws.
The problem is that also b) is not working and this obviously throughout all times of mankind.

This, as none of this is the case, we are not in peace, and it really all starts in the minds of every single human person.

I think we had a small window of time over the last decades to have installed fundamentals and structures in societies which would have been needed for what is ahead.

Yes, it makes me sad to see that only so very few people have understood and worked on this.

Today's solstice, the shortest day and longest night for the Northern globe. The sun is shining straight into my face and warming while I am writing this. I wish a lot of sun light for each and every one.

Let's see what happens in the mystical three days it is 'buried' to re-new.

We are children of Earth. As in the children's rhyme, she had four children, and each one she loved same.

Only people separate by inducing competition. What we need is to understand that only respect and collaboration will end that game.
