14 December 2014


Looks straight like the majority of democratic civilizations has not reflected a difference between



Bad mistake.

Multi can be like a bitter-sour fruit salad: just many without reflection does not necessarily bring out the best taste. Multi can also be many parallels that never meet. That's why some kids are kidding about 'my world is parallel'. Sad but to the point.

If one deals with the other, from beginning and always, it would look differently and people could learn one from and with the other. Developments into disastrous directions might be noticed early and, normal in an open society, might be spoken out when they happen. Many open-minded people have done so during the last two decades.

Where societies cover up for long, people learn that they must shut up.

It takes quite some civil courage to nevertheless try to open people's eyes and many times you might be the outcast. Therefore, I like the symbol of the canary in the coal mine - problem about is just that only few notice the canary already having passed away.

If societies would not have been so busy streamlining everyone and everything, there would be a much better concept for solution oriented conflict management. Instead, problems may not be spoken out, censorship rises remarkably, hidden behind other 'good reasons'. But people are not dumb. When suppression leads to counter-pressure it might get ugly, and that is what was to be prevented.

Increase of suppression and loss of freedom in Europe in 2014 is just remarkable.

We may learn from cultures - including freedom to reject what is wrong.
We may learn through empathy, which is a bilateral channel though.

Empathy does NOT work with those who themselves have none, unfortunately.
Same as tolerance does NOT work with the intolerant.
Equality also is falsely placed with those who do NOT regard others as equal.

The question remains who measures. And who prepares the indictment.

We know the lie is most times swifter than the truth.
Where we find that facts must be suppressed or shifted, there is good evidence that truth there is not.

Civilization or Idolatry. That is the question.
Respectively, the first is the one in question.

Take care, yours,