It's an ongoing shame Europe and its governments are creating by accepting Turkeys atrocities.
(Warning, graphic content)
I am sincerely apologizing and expressing my utmost empathy with the Kurdish people with regard to the
complete incapability of European governments,
taking so wrong decisions despite all better knowledge.
Shame on Mr Jens Stoltenberg, the war horse scraping its hoofs -
shame on Drunkyard Junker, nobody did elect you but somehow you managed to claim your role - shame on Donald Tusk who definitely was informed and to whom many pleas were addressed with regard to the situation of Kurds in Turkey.
I know.
Besides trying to place relevant information in doable doses in public discussions, which is quite difficult to manage in doses which people are ready to read and on the other hand will proceed through censorship, my heart needed to address the High Commissioner for Human Right of the European Commission yesterday.
Dear Sir,
as an interculturally grown-up Middle European citizen, personally dedicated to Human Rights, children's and women's rights as well as discrimination issues in general, it gets hard to bear any longer the silence of European media with regard to the culminating violence against the Kurdish people in Turkey since July this year.Though it gets clear that there are various other interests behind which seem to hinder an open discussion of these problems, the culminating violence acted out by Turkish state organs against the Kurdish population has reached a measure which is far beyond anything which could be half-way acceptable as an 'inner-political' issue.Having been part of a work group for rights of mothers and children in violent life circumstances for over ten years in the past, I am very much aware of underlying psychological mechanisms. One of these is that a serious violator will definitely NOT stop destructive activities until being forced to face consequences.Necessary measures are always and in all cases:a) that a hierarchically higher person or entity with relevant power exposes and clearly names such actions as what they are, publically critizing them,b) making very clear that his ongoing violation of laws, of social agreements, of Human Rights in general and of specific rights of others will have serious consequences to his disadvantage.With this in mind, I am with urgency asking you in all politeness to please consider within the Commission and next to kick-off respective necessary measures to:1. Record, secure and possibly verify respectively relevant information which is at the moment, due to extreme public media repressions in Turkey, communicated mainly via social media.For this purpose a taskforce could possibly be set up which could consist of efficient persons dedicated to the cause as a mixed team of relevant professionals. As I have researched through presently existing publications by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), I find that the Kurdish problems in Turkey are mainly not being followed or published. In my view, documenting as a basic first measure would be very much necessary and relevant. As is also known that Kurdish organisations themselves are physically endangered also in EU countries, such tasks would need to be taken over by the EU which would not be endangered in same ways respectively would not need to be exposed in person.2. The topic should please become publically addressed from the Human Rights point of view as soon as possible.I am not sure which impact this could make but I am personally convinced that it is inappropriate to keep on the silence as has been done until now.The only effect is that the violator/s will interpret silence as tacit consent, increasing their actions in quantity and quality. In this case it looks very much like there is even further cruelty ahead despite the current status has already exceeded the red line by far.Hoping very much that this little letter and plea will be heard and may cause this entity to dig deeper into the subject.[...]With all respect once more pointing out that the case of Turkey's actions against the Kurdish people is far overdue to be addressed, I remainYours sincerely,[...]
I know how little impact this will have, nevertheless it would have if many would do the same. If you think you can do tha,t I am asking you to please address your lines to the
Council of Europe
Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Due to today's deal with Erdogan the Slaughterer, Europe is, latest from today on, co-guilty for each single Kurd or person of one
of the minorities Kurds have protected and do protect who is harmed either by Turkey or by the forces the Kurds - any of their organisations (!) of brave men and women - fight.
A good analysis on the subject,
published by
By Paul Davis yesterday at 06:30
Which means:
Europe is a whore.
Indeed. And:
Turkey: You'll pay. And yet, you can never pay back all that.
You won't be afraid of a clown like me, I know.
Never worry.
Heavens will take GOOD care of you.
With even MUCH MORE LoVE for the awesome Kurdish people,