Actually, I first wanted to take on a totally different subject, within the line but more an issue for when at last there is peace.
Interfered by the next Kurdish cities Turkey is massacring.
About Cizre, everyone should know by now, the city that was closed down and bombed, with snipers on the roofs so that the population could neither care for own supply nor bring the wounded to hospitals nor bury their deads for full nine days.
No action yet did happen by neither any US, UN nor European nor NATO entity. It's a shame.
Momentarily under fire and civilians slaughtered by Turkish Police and Forces:
Silvan - you can follow via Twitter by #silvanunderattack
Nusaybin - #nusaybinunderattack.
Or you don't.
I am not bothering other people to become aware of the Hitler of these days.
That a people which does not feel like watching their families and beloved being lynched or otherwise killed give back should be normal.
By the way, I once was with a guy who at a point started hitting me when I did not do as he wanted me to. This happened a few times. And one time - I hit back.
That guy ran around spreading the story I hit him. Of course, I did. See the logic in the argument?

As referred to: Just other methods but same mechanism - as in family so in organizations so in politics.
But we should know what we deal with. Also in our own countries. Germany for instance is housing over 4 Millions of Turks, quite some of those were electing Saruman's AKP party. Strange enough that emigrants can vote from exile but looks like Germany has a different rule set for them.
As UN seems to have a different one for Genocide when Turkey does.
Ban-Ki, had some pleasant business lunch today? Nice dinner, too? Are you sleeping well? Having some sweet dreams?
Maybe you'd check out what happens right at your feet?
An account of a Turkish Fascist like TÜRK'ÜN GÜCÜ (no ad - just pointing out a peeing dog) shows another side of the problem those Turkish nationalists have. No honour, just sick.
Some excerpts, translated:
With the pics of smashed Kurdish: "LEŞ" - trash.
The massacred Kurdish girl wears a necklace with a Christian cross.
Turkish Hitler's comment:
Same with a killed Kurdish fighter. Looks like cross is proof for necessity for 'Armenian' genocide. Read today, following tweets from an enclosed in Silvan, and also some times before in tweets that Turkish police many times names them while practicing their raiding "the new Armenians" or "Armenians of today".
Europe is so 'tolerant' with religions?
I think you better seriously take care.
Not so much of what comes in. This too.
I spare you the pics if don't want to see them. Therefore the links. It almost kills me all the time and I know many people are not so much used to the facts on this planet while at the same time keeping up a feeling open heart and soul. I see them. With personal pain but this is a feature I especially have.
No clue how those who DO know and could have done something about will sleep then just one other night. These are many, many of 'our' so-called 'leadership'.
PS. This post is, though publishing is automatically dating it as of 3rd of October, of Friday 2nd.
This is when curfew and para-military actions started massively despite the general suppressions continue already for quite a while.
Interfered by the next Kurdish cities Turkey is massacring.
About Cizre, everyone should know by now, the city that was closed down and bombed, with snipers on the roofs so that the population could neither care for own supply nor bring the wounded to hospitals nor bury their deads for full nine days.
No action yet did happen by neither any US, UN nor European nor NATO entity. It's a shame.
As mentioned typical feature of a psychopath, a monster does not stop by itself unless stopped by a stronger power.
Towards relevant outsiders, it will act calming and sounding reasonable enough.
Any such terrorist does - whether in homes, in companies or in politics.
Momentarily under fire and civilians slaughtered by Turkish Police and Forces:
Silvan - you can follow via Twitter by #silvanunderattack
Nusaybin - #nusaybinunderattack.
Or you don't.
I am not bothering other people to become aware of the Hitler of these days.
That a people which does not feel like watching their families and beloved being lynched or otherwise killed give back should be normal.
By the way, I once was with a guy who at a point started hitting me when I did not do as he wanted me to. This happened a few times. And one time - I hit back.
That guy ran around spreading the story I hit him. Of course, I did. See the logic in the argument?
It works.
It is not even a lie - just a single information out of context.

But we should know what we deal with. Also in our own countries. Germany for instance is housing over 4 Millions of Turks, quite some of those were electing Saruman's AKP party. Strange enough that emigrants can vote from exile but looks like Germany has a different rule set for them.
As UN seems to have a different one for Genocide when Turkey does.
Ban-Ki, had some pleasant business lunch today? Nice dinner, too? Are you sleeping well? Having some sweet dreams?
Maybe you'd check out what happens right at your feet?
An account of a Turkish Fascist like TÜRK'ÜN GÜCÜ (no ad - just pointing out a peeing dog) shows another side of the problem those Turkish nationalists have. No honour, just sick.
Some excerpts, translated:
With the pics of smashed Kurdish: "LEŞ" - trash.
The massacred Kurdish girl wears a necklace with a Christian cross.
Turkish Hitler's comment:
"Armenian offspring will all die.
Same with a killed Kurdish fighter. Looks like cross is proof for necessity for 'Armenian' genocide. Read today, following tweets from an enclosed in Silvan, and also some times before in tweets that Turkish police many times names them while practicing their raiding "the new Armenians" or "Armenians of today".
For a leadership and in good parts a people who still does not reflect the genocide of before, it gets obvious that there is no need to plea for stopping this by insight.
Europe is so 'tolerant' with religions?
I think you better seriously take care.
Not so much of what comes in. This too.
Much more of what you already have there.
I spare you the pics if don't want to see them. Therefore the links. It almost kills me all the time and I know many people are not so much used to the facts on this planet while at the same time keeping up a feeling open heart and soul. I see them. With personal pain but this is a feature I especially have.
One day, the truth will completely unveil.
No clue how those who DO know and could have done something about will sleep then just one other night. These are many, many of 'our' so-called 'leadership'.
Nevertheless, wish deeply that this people will achieve peace, and justice.
LynPS. This post is, though publishing is automatically dating it as of 3rd of October, of Friday 2nd.
This is when curfew and para-military actions started massively despite the general suppressions continue already for quite a while.