Too much is happening respectively in preparation to happen, these days.
Europe has prepared its breakdown complete itself. No one else is responsible but a population and structures which did not want to wake up and use their brains. Public discussions are mostly so ridiculous these days consolidating the impression that the whole of Europe is a bunch of gasbags. None wanted to listen in time, now the time is running out - have fun. Unfortunately, the results of such misleading most often hits those who are most vulnerable or most innocent at first.
Just proving which kind of no-culture has been established by the Reign of the Incapables. Who was ever objecting? Yes, there were, but so very few. Thank you who did work on values ever and all the time, usually there is little to no thanks because others mostly don't see. As usually, on these functionally working the bullies exercise their skills in how to bully better. It is always the same mess. In general? Dump those so called values - there never were any. On paper, yes. In reality, Human Rights have provably not existed in Europe even throughout the last decades, only a social-Darwinist right of the 'stronger': Of the more violent, of the more trouble-making, of those who scream the loudest, block up the closest or address and trigger the ones in power in the most underhanded ways; a right of the 'smartest in cheating'. All under Betas and Gammas. You really want to face what comes? Lol. We know you will be running away first, and leave the shit to us.
'Leaders', 'teachers', 'healers' and 'watchers of and for justice' who all were supposed to re-arrange and organize on behalf of civilization, have fallen for the honey-sweet talks of liars, assembled such around themselves.
No leaders, no stopping perpetrators, no working organizations (they ony look like - watch closely when they will fall apart), no chance for living with values and honesty in environments like such.
A thin-walled hollow generation named Y is acting like their stars on their screens, ironically copying and following role-models which were supposed to work as extreme exaggerations of possible defects in human characters, in combination with armies of societal break-downers entering the dementia phase right now. For Western Gen Y, the only relevant question remaining is: 'Why did we not see THAT SHIT HAPPEN, when ALL was on a better way?' For gen 'boom', cohortes of self-centered naives who did not notice any signs of time, using up all resources and with it the future of Europe and maybe the world, eating up all perspectives for youth in growth will eat up just the rest by for long time having to be literally pampered, dement but as dead bodies also not so quickly dying yet.
How is it possible that with the estate of knowledge which mankind has achieved, just two generations can be so stupid to eat up the grain which is supposed to be sowed for future?
Baby Boomers own parent generation had experienced horrible times - every where - and had worked enormously hard to provide their next with a real good start; for that generation this having obviously functioned only as a signal to waste it all, not pass on even a slightest chance for those after.
Black holes into which everything created has disappeared:
Leaving no chance for a functioning flow.
Politics are crazy, too. Just a result of the psychological estates societies are caught in, and this is the problem of so-called democracy as I have tried to mention some time ago. If you take into account that general drug abuse even in the middle-class, Prescription Drug Abuse and many forms of performance enhancers have enabled the most un-useful to fill all relevant positions and at the same time many 'normal' people are already suffering from in-depth change of their neuronal structures (Aspartames, Aluminums, Estrogen-like plastic softeners, a strong enforcement of only right-handed meaning 'left-brained' thinking only and so forth), many outgrowths become some kind of clear.
Sick sticks with sick.
It agglomerates, so to say.
In healthy environments sick would be isolated and certainly rendered harmless - the term 'neutralized would be appropriate in biological wording but unfortunately also has another meaning.
In these systems it is the other way around, the sick attack and sort out the rest of healthy; in such ways, systemic monsters are created which in no healthy system would ever survive. The structures of bureaucracies - bureau-crazies :-) - and organizations show all that nicely, and you will find not really differences between such systems of various ideologies. It is not a matter of belief or this or that side thinking or of any of such:
It is a matter of 'healthy' or not, of if there is an enlightening spirit - or not.
While it looks kind of hope-bringing that at least Russia and the US plus amended parties are starting a 'kind of communication' (feels definitely a kind of relieving) caused by the facts created.
At this time, Fascist Turkey requires utmost attention, supervision and control.
A psycho needs a place in a cell, not to be courted - unless you call for hell.
Again: Hel is a kind lady if she picks out person by person. My concern is the collateral damage as that one is using innocents as shield. Best would be actually to hinder every further damage.
Hope the Powers will act wisely
During the weeks to come.
LoVe & Be Safe,