14 July 2015

Just Fair

... to hear and listen to both sides in case of conflict, I assume.

Seems that professional judges, from the most unimportant countryside courts to the Humanly Highest, have somehow lost track of this basic understanding. Or there is something blinding their eyes. Or brains. Brain is always such a nice little central unit that can so quickly be re- and de-coded.

So here is the other side.

'srebrenica dossier'


»SREBRENICA« Lügen & Manipulationen der US-NATO u.SDA (in German, definitley relevant: 'Srebrenica - Lies & Manipulation by US-NATO and SDA)


As usual, please extract  yourself what you are considering as pieces of the truth, as most probably you are doing everyday with the daily news, too.

I knew a lot of that over 20 years ago, just coincidentally as many events happen in my life I have been around there and somehow involved as a listener and watcher at that time, just as usually most people have not, and also I learn something new everyday. Until today, no hearing of both sides has taken place and respectively, the public view has remained on the same poor information level as at the time they were to be infected with a one-sided view. Unfortunately this way no transformation, no processing and no learning curve takes place. The general European public anyway does not know a lot, even not the so-called educated. Maybe because they prefer to play the 'head in the sand' game, the more academic though their preferred one called 'I am in the tunnel you can't see me'. One day, when they might need to pull it out they could face quite astonishing news. Like also not understanding what has happened to Greece all along the timeline it has been played with like a mouse is being played by a cat. Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle connect, just certainly not if you and he and she and whoever keeps on envying their neighbor or colleague or other next person and putting their only efforts into 'winning' over them. This is a sign of only little gammas, embodying the perfect marionettes.

As mentioned, Beware of the Weak. The strong does not need such strategies.

It is simply all up to you if you like to know more to get a clearer view, or reject.
Just consider, we all have been born here to not just be bags of walking meat in neat dressing.


Add. Link:

Institute for Research on Suffering of the Serbs in XX c