Different start. Different End.
Interesting that the Celtic cycle/circle of the Year starts with a time when the worlds are openly connected, moves through the cold and dark time via spring and winter towards harvest. And then, after a frightening reshuffle, all anew.
The usual modern Calenders would start with the darkest, move through the phases and ends in darkness. Others may start in Spring - and also end in darkness, maybe a little on the way to light again. It is just interesting at which points people have decided to celebrate.
And wondering how much also this affects, unconsciously, the way of thinking.
More than 90% of all life is ruled by the unconscious, rarely anyone is reflecting, even not him or her self. Pin balls.
Gang reigns.
Research has played with observation and found out that humans prefer a not really outstanding joint experience they can share by far over being interested (at all) in what others who had extraordinary information would have to share. With a quick search can't find it back but will deliver the link in case I will fall over it.
Interesting is that this explains wonderfully why people are so easy to catch with low quality but ubiquitary and shared stuff and why it is so easy to turn them away from being curious with regard to learning and exploring the uncommon. Media millionaires like the Candy-Man and others are built on this nice human feature, and as you might guess, it is a perfect little weakness to play with. The drive to belong to a community, no matter whether this community provides with nurture to grow, is strong (in most).
Exclusion from community as a felt death sentence triggers basic fears. If you know how humans CAN act when they exclude someone from THEIR group, in many places these fears are not at all unreal but harsh reality.
Based on it, people end up hyping the worse over the better, due to 'need of belonging to a group'.
As in monkeys so in humans. If you are fortunate to understand French or German (or both) please check out (if you like so):
Primates des Caraïbes/ Primaten der Karibik.
An awesome experiment on behavioral development of a social makakes/macaques on a secluded island over time. Just watching and comparing societies gets to understand more than a thousand words could do. Grasp & Feel is training for braining.