07 March 2016

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God sees and knows.


What shit is this supposed to be - apart from all that shit that happened before?

They can not humiliate honourable people ever. Not by dragging them when dead like dogs nor by exposing killed women's bodies.

These bodies are sacred forever.

Because GOD knows how much they are honourable. Never worry. In God's eyes, those who do such are disgraced, never ever the ones to whom such is done.

And the revenge is God's. A mighty one.

If people are already on the way to help - also never mind. I would also be with you.

By the way - would I hold your hand - if we saw us in heaven? 

Yes, I would, I would remember every motion and every single sense you have been giving to others, and I would remember your face. I would testify all that I have seen and witnessed - and the fucking crux is that I see a fucking a lot. Worst of all (for others): Our kind can not be shut up.

I  am so much moving in and out that place that I am quite sure I would recognize the friends as well as those who are applying there with false testimony.

I am sent here as a watcher, to witness, and I will testify for each single one who touched my heart, no matter which way. I am never judge - God alone is.

In Heaven ( - quite near to Heathen, actually - what we all are and mostly those who believe they are on God's right side. This was a trick you did not notice, sorry so Kajeen's heirs):

LoVe 4ever,