18 February 2016

Honi soit ...

... qui mal y pense.

For days, Turkish keep attacking over the Syrian borders on SDF, the Syrian Democratic Forces, an Alliance with the YPG/YPJ.

International political voices urge this to halt, condemn.


Last night, a car bomb attack occurs on Turkish military buses. Last status, 28 died, many are wounded.

International political voices condemn this attack, reassure Turkey their 'shoulder to shoulder' alliance.


Same night, it is noted that in Amed planes are starting up.


Same night, Turkey bombs the city of Diyarbakir, Kurdish: Amed, 200 people trapped in basements. A journalist, also affected and from the basement:

"Heavy clashes are going on, and the area where we are is being bombed intensely by mortar and tank strikes. They (state forces) are making announcements, saying "We will conduct airstrikes and kill you all"."

(Source: kurdishquestion.com - others might come later, as so often)


Just for your update: death toll in the Cizre basement massacres has risen to 158 after finding more bodies under the rubble. In Cizre, despite all efforts to get International attention to halt the predictable massacre, the so urgently needed International support did not happen despite time to make it happen - people all died and yet, many of the circumstances are not brought into the public where they would belong, also because witnesses are not left alive.


Reminder note


The last time when International community started drifting from Mr Erdogan's close side, also a bombing 'happened', in Istanbul - which perfectly brought together an at that moment ailing relationship between Merkel and Erdogan.


Would it be possible, would it be just thinkable, that  ...?

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

(Prayers for those under tyrant's attacks)
