02 December 2015

Finding of The Day - So Detached

Testimony after testimony is coming in which Europe's politicians are providing evidence of their lack of competence.

Surprisingly, here a smart interviewer not really lets him get away (thumbs up -  we definitely need more of such guys!):

Another move of the World Leaders' geniusses shows in the Vienna Talks on Peace in Syria:

There is literally everybody in that boat.

Except for the most relevant party.

The one who knows the most, the one with most sight of the bigger picture, the one with most integrity of all:

There are no Kurdish representatives. 
Though there should be, definitely.

Bad big mistake.

Or big, big Kindergarten, as you would like to see it.

I am personally extremely much fed up of being ruled or led by people who cannot even take responsibility for tying their own shoes but wanna play 'rule the world'.

My goodness, give those politicians brains, guts and balls or let them  die instantly, please. As a proof of that they lack all of these. Ashes to ashes.

And souls to souls.
