15 June 2014

Just One Week ...

... before Solstice. And the world is burning. Almost everywhere.

Water, Wind, Earth and Fire.

Are usually and ritually supposed to cleanse.

Unfortunately, tools in wrong hands become weapons. All is owed to our, human, terrible immaturity.

There should be no power or tools, whatever kind of, in hands of people who do not know to create.

But who am I ... well, let me think.

I am a drop in the ocean.
I am a breath in the wind.
I am a tiny grain in the earth.
I am a little flame in the fire.

What about you?

Just be aware about what happens.

My empathy for the people in the middle of it all, and who pay the highest price. We all are mothers, and fathers, and brothers, and sisters, and children, and Elders. At least this we all have in common.
