02 April 2014

Monkey Man

Fell over an awesome vid recently. Since High School, Biology is one of my favorites, especially  the part which compares Homo Sapiens with the rest of its bunch. When I was 21, working in male dominated profession all of my life time since, I noticed (and for my part personally rejected to join) the fact that most people spend at least 70 percent of their daily time and energy with what here is aptly named 'going ape'.

It is so true if you look at it taking the cloths away, and the more people are or feel under pressure and distressed, the lower they reach down in their behavior shelf. The major difference is that these days people are wearing suits and ties and are using elaborate wording carefully put together to seem different than our kinfolk in black fur.

If you like so, enjoy the film.
This compilation actually includes some interesting experiments and is, as you may see, designed for PUA or goal oriented purpose. Nevertheless, the density of insight is gorgeous. You may find if you like so, the Nat Geo episodes on 'Going Ape' on http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/.

Hey, let anyone be apes if they feel for. Just get them into their reservation and not in charge of important social decisions and other relevant stuff.

As I am quite behind to make your animal your friend, and same as with technology:

Know it, see it, accept the part of it and enjoy it
but yet, don't be the idiot who is steered by it. 

Animals we are, and it would much greater if people would realize, understand and integrate but not try to hide their factual backgrounds and getting lost in the spider web of their own defense.

All would be much easier if humans would admit they are just territorial bastards instead of trying to fake they are sooo 'human'.

The beast is what it is, no bad, no good, and if it was directly visible and openly discussable, it would be much easier to deal with it. Instead, people in all kind of clothing try so hard to look sophisticated where no such is.

Maybe it is about integrity and authenticity, for me.
