28 April 2014
24 April 2014
Bits by Bits
Pieces by pieces.
There are a lot of pieces. We all come together at a point. Meet, understand (or not), and leave.
Those who are left are very much left when they have over adapted. See the post before - to maybe understand nothing in first instance, but grow it. It is like seed. Your sub understands. Sometimes we realize with conscious brains only decades after something, some circumstance, has happened. Enjoy it when it comes. Whoosh, when out of the sudden the flash hits. Embrace it, for it is good.Good is good, always. Just some times it is us who miss access to it.
I told you 'continued'.
The country I am born in, recently handcuffed me for using body language in a situation where this was most appropriate.
Rural people, 50-70 years behind in evolution and in this case, stuffed into a police woman's uniform, those with all their depression and mountains of minority complexes towards 'citi-zens', feel offended by anyone who is not as depressed as they are. Their mother never dared to face ol' Daddies wantings and authority - and wow, now a woman is clearly speaking out what's wrong, and even is gesturing - oops, no, women should not gesture, they should protect themselves in Daddy's year 194something. Case for getting her quiet, as Daddy had showed them. Over-asked with any situation that is not according to their simple village structure, they clearly are the very wrong people in the very wrong task.
Now, happy to be in a place the sun (god) has blessed but which is yet in a kind of suppression, I really feel how it moves away from me.
It is never good to not be yourself - unfortunately, rigid systems conform people and reduce them. Like countryside primitive social pressure, religions primitive social pressure, oppressive political systems (... primitive social pressure). All appealing to the fears of people - and people not overcoming this fears when being traumatized, and re-traumatized and ... and so on.
Then these such 'Pawlowed People' move around, by public education able to catch jobs they by no means may manage, dwelling in illusions that they are 'someone' which they are, of course, by no means. Honestly, they, fresh from the stable and with IQ and EQ of dairy maids and stable boys (who, the real versions, might be poets compared to what is flooding the cities and opportunities), make it to some pseudo-academic degree with all the arrogance training included, This is dangerous power definitely in wrong hands. Should I be happy if this my country declines? I tell you, sometimes I wished so. Any country which enables and fosters worst features, and has laws and rules only for those who care - which is of course the wrong way around - is dooming itself to loosing the precious members. Those, slowly and silently, have for long quit. Maybe not yet physically. But clearly quit.
They are, physically, still around. Innerly - they are not.
Anyone can immigrate - but we can not emigrate.
What is just about this?
They are gone. How does a culture survive when those who backbone a culture, are gone? Good luck, anyway. Politicians, definitely, should wake up. if someone has the power, has privileges, he (or she) also has duties. Lots of duties, actually. More duties than anyone else.
Good morning, Europe.
You won't work with the cheapest option and chemically neuro-damaged inhabitants.
Or, as someone, academic, wrote on a discussion platform: It is not economical to invest in Western European. You get humans cheaper from somewhere else, xxland, for instance.
And what about so precious diversity - and what about quality?
A clearly forgotten, suppressed, left-handed (right-brained) skill in a right-handers (right-voters) world? See. All is connected and we all get what they sow.
Cheers on this!
It is - Still Life.
There are a lot of pieces. We all come together at a point. Meet, understand (or not), and leave.
Those who are left are very much left when they have over adapted. See the post before - to maybe understand nothing in first instance, but grow it. It is like seed. Your sub understands. Sometimes we realize with conscious brains only decades after something, some circumstance, has happened. Enjoy it when it comes. Whoosh, when out of the sudden the flash hits. Embrace it, for it is good.Good is good, always. Just some times it is us who miss access to it.
I told you 'continued'.
The country I am born in, recently handcuffed me for using body language in a situation where this was most appropriate.
Rural people, 50-70 years behind in evolution and in this case, stuffed into a police woman's uniform, those with all their depression and mountains of minority complexes towards 'citi-zens', feel offended by anyone who is not as depressed as they are. Their mother never dared to face ol' Daddies wantings and authority - and wow, now a woman is clearly speaking out what's wrong, and even is gesturing - oops, no, women should not gesture, they should protect themselves in Daddy's year 194something. Case for getting her quiet, as Daddy had showed them. Over-asked with any situation that is not according to their simple village structure, they clearly are the very wrong people in the very wrong task.
Now, happy to be in a place the sun (god) has blessed but which is yet in a kind of suppression, I really feel how it moves away from me.
It is never good to not be yourself - unfortunately, rigid systems conform people and reduce them. Like countryside primitive social pressure, religions primitive social pressure, oppressive political systems (... primitive social pressure). All appealing to the fears of people - and people not overcoming this fears when being traumatized, and re-traumatized and ... and so on.
Then these such 'Pawlowed People' move around, by public education able to catch jobs they by no means may manage, dwelling in illusions that they are 'someone' which they are, of course, by no means. Honestly, they, fresh from the stable and with IQ and EQ of dairy maids and stable boys (who, the real versions, might be poets compared to what is flooding the cities and opportunities), make it to some pseudo-academic degree with all the arrogance training included, This is dangerous power definitely in wrong hands. Should I be happy if this my country declines? I tell you, sometimes I wished so. Any country which enables and fosters worst features, and has laws and rules only for those who care - which is of course the wrong way around - is dooming itself to loosing the precious members. Those, slowly and silently, have for long quit. Maybe not yet physically. But clearly quit.
They are, physically, still around. Innerly - they are not.
Anyone can immigrate - but we can not emigrate.
What is just about this?
They are gone. How does a culture survive when those who backbone a culture, are gone? Good luck, anyway. Politicians, definitely, should wake up. if someone has the power, has privileges, he (or she) also has duties. Lots of duties, actually. More duties than anyone else.
Good morning, Europe.
You won't work with the cheapest option and chemically neuro-damaged inhabitants.
Or, as someone, academic, wrote on a discussion platform: It is not economical to invest in Western European. You get humans cheaper from somewhere else, xxland, for instance.
And what about so precious diversity - and what about quality?
A clearly forgotten, suppressed, left-handed (right-brained) skill in a right-handers (right-voters) world? See. All is connected and we all get what they sow.
Cheers on this!
It is - Still Life.
Over Adapted
When on the 22nd 04 2014 I just missed the earlier and had to take the 13.13 bus, I somehow, once more, felt excited enough for what might be coming.
The most terribly enslaved are the ones enslaving themselves to slaves.
Just thoughts.
I like word plays. And plays with numbers - and digits. Micro plays to place the micro pieces back in context. Mix it up - place it anew. Until it is sound. It is harmonious sound when placed properly - terrible sound when not. If people have messed up their ears to hear, they won't notice. But who is able using their senses any more - and sense what makes sense? Ooops. Not the ones who can't steer their vehicles because they really have no clue where is front and where is back and what is all around. They shut down themselves. Dismantling their hardware.
So, here I am. In the city where the doves cry and people's eyes don't. Just being some kind of empty and some kind of far away at the very same time. I feel exceedingly sorry inside. This is what humen (no typo here) produce - cutting off roots, trying to control and enslave simply every thing and being, maybe to one day find that nothing works this way. It can't and therefor will never. It is only surviving for those who remember what and how life could and used to be.
On the 24th, I was heading for the Mount of Temair, while my own little growing magic king has his first time feeling what it is to not have what he is used to have around. Good experience always, to not only process in the upper brain parts but to feel the strong connection. All that are connected feel it. The more we train these abilities, the more it works.
Will be continued.
Lyn. Actually combining attributes again of two who barely go together, in one name.
Heritage keeps us running - and gets us breaking. Weak DNA now shows.
Science is good for finding out. Just humen then find nothing better to do but intensely trying to enslave it - instead of learning from those findings. The latter is where curiosity meets intelligence.
Intelligent is not to keep on living against rules we have already known and human idea of superiority leads them to abuse.
Intelligent is to ask and find and wonder about the miracles we live in, and feel blessed, enjoy and pass on the flow of gifts. It is, we make, and this creates the magic. Oh yes. We will be ready to see it when we have stopped denying.
16 April 2014
The past is not passed.
The past is as long not passed as we are not constantly aware of it.
Constantly aware of all that is passed.
And when we find issues to get in order, we have to get them in order.
All has a reason, until it is passed. Then - it is past.
Got it?
The past is as long not passed as we are not constantly aware of it.
Constantly aware of all that is passed.
And when we find issues to get in order, we have to get them in order.
Only then past is passed.
All has a reason, until it is passed. Then - it is past.
Got it?
Looking for Answers
But the answers are in you. Only in you.
You must peel off all the shit that was wrapped around you to find the access to what is true. Because we all, everywhere on this planet, live on a lot of lies. Mountains of lies.
You must peel off all the shit that was wrapped around you to find the access to what is true. Because we all, everywhere on this planet, live on a lot of lies. Mountains of lies.
Have Courage.
Have Love.
It is inside of you.
10 April 2014
Every Day
Every day ... is always a brand new Chance to make things good.
What you stuff yourself with
(literally or metaphorically)
is what will shine through you.
Old knowing, sometimes well to remind ourselves of.
And, interesting though evident:
Question arises what results being lied to will have to the pattern of not just lying and cheating others but lying to and cheating oneself which is the worst part of it because it diminishes human ability to re-assess oneself and, by decision and if wanted so, to change back to the better.
In a world which mainly consists of faking a picture of oneself and besides, bending the truth itself, the consequence to at a point believe those illusions oneself is quite high. Add lack of necessary quality nutrition plus intoxication which confuses the brains, and you get a mass of 'brains' which certainly can't function any more the way they were designed for.
Not happy about it but observative enough to see,
What you stuff yourself with
(literally or metaphorically)
is what will shine through you.
Old knowing, sometimes well to remind ourselves of.
And, interesting though evident:
Lied-to Children More Likely to Lie and Cheat Themselves
We don’t know exactly why this happens, but two mechanisms are likely involved:
The authors conclude by saying:
- Children might simply be copying the adult.
- Children think that because the experimenter appears to be a liar, it’s OK to lie to them.
“The actions of parents suggest that they do not believe that the lies they tell their children will impact the child’s own honesty.
The current study casts doubt on that belief.
…grown-ups may have to re-examine what they say to kids. Even a ‘little white lie’ might have consequences.”
Question arises what results being lied to will have to the pattern of not just lying and cheating others but lying to and cheating oneself which is the worst part of it because it diminishes human ability to re-assess oneself and, by decision and if wanted so, to change back to the better.
In a world which mainly consists of faking a picture of oneself and besides, bending the truth itself, the consequence to at a point believe those illusions oneself is quite high. Add lack of necessary quality nutrition plus intoxication which confuses the brains, and you get a mass of 'brains' which certainly can't function any more the way they were designed for.
Not happy about it but observative enough to see,
07 April 2014
Get Infected
... by the good moods, energies and flows around.
And have your immune defense system well trained in detecting and blocking off the other stuff.
Have a great week,
05 April 2014
Maybe the Western world has forgotten - and the Eastern World, too.
But this is to be woman. We all long for it - and she reminds us. Thank you, lady, for just being around. You reminding us is precious beyond.
Exceedingly sorry that the 31 +/- 5 is simply lost to life. A completely missed generation. Every One wanted to be a model or a manager or millionaire - totally sorry that your Daddy could not buy it.
Same as the 51+. Sorry 4 U.
Exceptions Rule the Game.
But this is to be woman. We all long for it - and she reminds us. Thank you, lady, for just being around. You reminding us is precious beyond.
Exceedingly sorry that the 31 +/- 5 is simply lost to life. A completely missed generation. Every One wanted to be a model or a manager or millionaire - totally sorry that your Daddy could not buy it.
Same as the 51+. Sorry 4 U.
Exceptions Rule the Game.
02 April 2014
Monkey Man
Fell over an awesome vid recently. Since High School, Biology is one of my favorites, especially the part which compares Homo Sapiens with the rest of its bunch. When I was 21, working in male dominated profession all of my life time since, I noticed (and for my part personally rejected to join) the fact that most people spend at least 70 percent of their daily time and energy with what here is aptly named 'going ape'.
It is so true if you look at it taking the cloths away, and the more people are or feel under pressure and distressed, the lower they reach down in their behavior shelf. The major difference is that these days people are wearing suits and ties and are using elaborate wording carefully put together to seem different than our kinfolk in black fur.
If you like so, enjoy the film.
This compilation actually includes some interesting experiments and is, as you may see, designed for PUA or goal oriented purpose. Nevertheless, the density of insight is gorgeous. You may find if you like so, the Nat Geo episodes on 'Going Ape' on http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/.
Hey, let anyone be apes if they feel for. Just get them into their reservation and not in charge of important social decisions and other relevant stuff.
As I am quite behind to make your animal your friend, and same as with technology:
Know it, see it, accept the part of it and enjoy it
but yet, don't be the idiot who is steered by it.
Animals we are, and it would much greater if people would realize, understand and integrate but not try to hide their factual backgrounds and getting lost in the spider web of their own defense.
All would be much easier if humans would admit they are just territorial bastards instead of trying to fake they are sooo 'human'.
The beast is what it is, no bad, no good, and if it was directly visible and openly discussable, it would be much easier to deal with it. Instead, people in all kind of clothing try so hard to look sophisticated where no such is.
Maybe it is about integrity and authenticity, for me.
It is so true if you look at it taking the cloths away, and the more people are or feel under pressure and distressed, the lower they reach down in their behavior shelf. The major difference is that these days people are wearing suits and ties and are using elaborate wording carefully put together to seem different than our kinfolk in black fur.
If you like so, enjoy the film.
This compilation actually includes some interesting experiments and is, as you may see, designed for PUA or goal oriented purpose. Nevertheless, the density of insight is gorgeous. You may find if you like so, the Nat Geo episodes on 'Going Ape' on http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/.
Hey, let anyone be apes if they feel for. Just get them into their reservation and not in charge of important social decisions and other relevant stuff.
As I am quite behind to make your animal your friend, and same as with technology:
Know it, see it, accept the part of it and enjoy it
but yet, don't be the idiot who is steered by it.
Animals we are, and it would much greater if people would realize, understand and integrate but not try to hide their factual backgrounds and getting lost in the spider web of their own defense.
All would be much easier if humans would admit they are just territorial bastards instead of trying to fake they are sooo 'human'.
The beast is what it is, no bad, no good, and if it was directly visible and openly discussable, it would be much easier to deal with it. Instead, people in all kind of clothing try so hard to look sophisticated where no such is.
Maybe it is about integrity and authenticity, for me.
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