But not every song does the same. It depends on the frequencies of the songs we choose, the message in the wording and the vibrations they create in us. In the best sense, singing creates flow and harmony. In the worst sense, we can call in our most feared nightmares and get struck into problems by unconscientously choosing what we sing, in which context and towards or with whom. No person is an island. People are always a part of a whole. What we vision, there we will come, and what we sing that comes on us. What we set our minds on becomes reality at a point when we might already have forgotten an unconscious 'wish'. What we connect strong emotions with, sometimes unfortunately by choosing words and thoughts carelessly, we call into life. We are all creators. And we are all in a world where there is lots of people around who also have their wishes and who also do create.
There is good reason why singing is used in any kind of 'magical' contexts. Dancing and singing is what comes deep out of ourselves as humans, and what goes deep into ourselves, at that point, when using it sloppily or being unconscious about the impact, beyond controllability by will.
What we dance can do the same, by the way. In various cultures, everyone (or at least some person/s) knows that certain entities 'own' certain songs and dances. For good reason. All is re-flection out of and on and into our brains, whether as external observers when we just let it come through to us, or as actors as singers and dancers ourselves. Our bodies and brains, our emotions and thoughts form a unity we can not escape. One is the other part of the other, always and whether we acknowledge it or not.
Singing is certainly one of the strongest emanations of thoughts and words. It involves the whole body, a vessel only but at the same time an entity with very own powers. The power of 'the word' is in principle well-known, the thought, the clear formation in our brain. It is no coincidence that old scriptures so emphasize that power.
So just my little hint that it really matters what you sing, when, with whom, to whom, with which emotions (which we ourselves sometimes do not realize so clearly at all), with which intention and in which context.
Words matter. If we slur with words, we slur with our lives as well. And wonder why things show up so weirdly as they sometimes do. At the same time, regard that none is all alone and that we always act within a system of others who all have their own visions and goals, and the same power as anyone else.
Just start caring a little, reflecting a little, from time to time.
That's all what's asked. The rest comes from alone.
As similar attributes count for symbolisms as for singing, maybe we (you, she, he - whoever feels free) also can start reflecting which symbols we are using or exposed to in every day life.
Every little thing we do shines through.
On many different levels.
And hey: Everyone of us is still only human. So it's good to take things serious, but also not. Where and when, depends. It's just that we may, no: we must (!) also forgive ourselves. We need to, to be honest. None of us is perfect ... and none of us is imperfect at the same time.
With my best wishes for a good week
and a good song from time to time (and right now is actually a good time),
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