03 July 2011

Cought in the Boys' Game?

Just having posted the last one and reviewing my blog, I to my shame find that up to know all linked videos refer to male actives.

And I start wondering myself: Where are the girls in that game?

I am a girl (well, more into the direction of a woman but I also like the girls aspects a lot) myself, so how does it come that I myself, having stood in for female power (and general justice) since I can think, revolting harshly and with all personal consequences against patriarchalistic domination, sticking out my neck for women's rights (and childrens') for such a long time, am now only posting findings of obvious male authorship?

Well, one reason can of course be that especially those males I refer to, have much more sides than the classical defintion of 'male' and therefore synchronize with my own frequencies. Personally, I am proud of certainly having many more aspects than the classical (and unfortunately long not overcome) definition of 'female'. This is good, does it show that we all have enough of the other in ourselves and that we in principle could be ready to end that Cold War that men and women are at. Sorry, need to correct (colleft) myself:

The war the present boys and girls are at.

That war in which they daily execute the other, and even if the other is claimed to be the very own partner. They are at war, from morning to evening, and even during night. The weapons are the way you let the other wait, you push him/her away, you deeply disrespect him/her by either rude words or no words at all. The weapons are as extended as the gap of these people to becoming adult is. Unfortunately, they usually are far over 21 and look like mature while by no means they are.

I prefer hanging around with nerds and discussing technical and constructive issues rather than hanging out with females and discussing typical female stuff and doing that weird 'socializing' thing. Sitting with coffee or hanging around in colleagues' doorframes in the mornings and admiring each other's hairdo or so. It's nice if women give each other compliments and support each other. That is a quality and necessity of our social development and evolution. Not nice is if it becomes the only glue that keeps them together and the minute they turn around the girlish grin, begging for sympathy, leaves their faces and you see the true disgust towards the person they have just before smiled at and talked with singing Barbie voices.

Also males celebrate their tea parties. It is just called 'business meetings'.

And also women create their own hierarchical groups. I just feel dislocated in hierarchies, anyway.

I prefer to be a wanderer between the worlds, in all regards.

Women are the most involved in that the games that are played are still going on. Each (local) generation of women have their very own load to shoulder and challenges to meet, and always have there been exceptions to the rule. Mainstream is never the measure. The exceptionals are the ones that change the world. On both sides - the male and the female.

Personally, I had to search for long to find those exceptions but it makes me happy that they exist. They are few though. Some I found through their literature and some, indeed, as living examples in flesh. I would like to thank my sociologist mentor at this point. Though often discredited, threatened and thrown at with dirt, she is a wonderful role model and she had the guts to relevantly break taboos. Thank you here and now, Anita.

I could dwell more in why I call it a 'boys' game' and why it is not at all a 'men's world', as some might like to believe. I will certainly dedicate a complete post to this once and when I am in the mood. Or even more than one as there is so much background to first be clarified until the conclusion becomes evident. That females try to co-play and now try to compete the boys by submitting themselves to those rules, is not especially a sign of their female maturity. Almost all women in power these days are simply women copying the boys' game strategy. Not more not less. With female empowerment this simply has nothing to do. But we need both those qualities to become the ones we are meant to be.

Ah-Ng-Els have neither face nor gender. I guess, it is more by funny tricks of nature that we are given exactly the bodies we are born in. And we can make the most out of it according to the given possibilities.

Unite the qualities.
For instance. Instead of selling the own ones to highest price obtainable we could really come into the grade of evolutionary understanding which made mankind what it became at a point. This world is not about gaining for oneself. It is about gaining all for all. Or loosing all for all. This is what makes us so strong. This is what makes us so weak.

Today a musketeer, tomorrow a smoothly purring cat.

It just depends.


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