Just some findings to recall some connections.
1. A vid on 'Police Brutality Across Turkey', compilation posted on YT as of Jun 3, 2013 already:
2. Footrage of a 'Refugee Camp' in Turkey. Reminds of ... yes, a concentration camp much more than anything else.
I am just pissed by those discussions in Europe wrt refugee crisis who claim that Turkey is a safe zone. For fascists, certainly, it is. Convince yourself of the arrangements by "Turkish gendarmerie beating Ezidi refugees in Midyat camp", published Jun 27, 2015 © ÊzîdîPress here:
And last but certainly not least,
3. A reminder of a courageous journalist: Serena Shim.
Vid interview with her when she knew she had a problem as Turkish Intelligence agency MIT had called her in, Oct 18, 2014:
And vid published Oct 19, 2014 when it was clear that she had had a "car acccident", collision of her tiny machina with a heavy truck near Suruc:
And the follow-up on how "Turkish Gendarmerie refuses to reveal identity of driver involved in accident", as of Oct 20, 2014:
It is all for too long going on and people just keep forgetting so fast. In addition, they are being kept so busy. Those with heads (& hearts) lost long ago anyway are well-trained in keeping themselves hasting; those who still have open eyes and senses are amazed how fast events happen and how quickly people get distracted in the overwhelming amounts of fast-rotating information.
Of course I am asking you to NOT follow any of my conclusions but to ALWAYS track yourself.
What I am wondering recently is:
Daesh/IS has claimed NEITHER of the major 'suicide attacks' in Turkey but almost immediately claimed a bicycle bombing (what is that called then - a BBIED?) in Syria just recently. Who then is behind the Suruc, the Ankara and the Istanbul bombings?
Cui bono - who benefits?
Who benefits from the civil mess in Germany, who from the state of emergency in France?
Just wondering. Nope, no hasty conclusions. There are probably many who are holding shares.
Just keeping an eye on that - informationwise.