Why ever this became the headline this morning when waking up with Freddie Mercury's song 'You're my Best Friend' spinning in my head, still running.
The amazing part is that communication happens on so many different levels, and we as being in the world wide web of nonlinear communicators often enough can not identify what's that that's coming up. The strictest to be avoided is any
inter-pretation without sufficient background and distance.
As do reallife interpreters mess up a lot in communication and contort contexts (see Bible), so tendencially does the inner interpreter depending on stress and pool of information he/she can use for creating the picture he or she tries to explain. Therefor it is by far the healthiest to
not interprete at all but let that what comes, explain. The only way to learn about those intuitive things. Unfortunately, it is
not easy to
not want to know what some inner knowledge is wanting to tell you. Sometimes the answer to the riddle comes within short time, sometimes it takes years. The only thing we may not do is thinking we know, and this is very good education for keeping information input just loosely together so that we can re-arrange the view when we receive additional pieces.
When you fall over interpreters of dreams, quick interpreters of visions, it might be good advise to be more than careful. The 'other side' is by far more complex than that it could be easily interpreted by a linear mind, and especially by people who are themselves cought in a certain mindset like fears, vanities or even self-unaware obsessions, who too quickly see their presets as proven (while the information wanted to tell them something completely different). Evolve intuition and listen to its soft, almost unhearable voice. It can be trained; that takes some efforts, time and awareness. Most of all, it cannot take place in a distracting or noisy place. It needs a good part of time to 'collect the self together' and 'clean mind' regularly.
I may believe that worded language is translated in the left brain hemisphere only or mainly; this is quite likely and meets with personal experiences as whenever I go into very deep things I never have language for that or it would be a terrible stuttering and if so, I prefer the much clearer though most people confusing language that expresses much more in proactions which are highly connected to the whole being as might be painting, lyrics (as they have rhythm ... a reason why almost all magic follows rhymes which activate the connection), or just physical expressions.
People who try their luck with schamanistic stuff should be the most careful as they themselves might be cought quickly and get controled by what
they wanted to control - this also holds for all the (black) magic used in so-called 'legal' churches and unconscentiously by their followers and supporters.
What the ego wants is most often most contradictory to what the self wants and needs.
Check out the basic meaning of the term 'Sha-Man' if you like so - then you get what shamans are supposed to be. A precondition of any 'magical' work is the synchronization of the brain hemispheres and to bring the frequencies to a particular condition set or 'mode'. Which frequency that is you must ask the left-brainers who are good in putting things down to linearly understandable media though always know that no one can catch multidimensionality on a plate. If we are called, we are not called to use the gift for our egos, dear. We may understand the richness of what is given, act in it, but always in context with the whole. Who does otherwise secludes him or herself from it. It is a humble path, not one to exalt oneself.
Maybe not the most beautiful, no perfect pic but
beautiful to me: thanks, lily, I love your kin |
Anyhow, back to my song: I won't interprete it and will just let it flow, and there will be reason why. It feels great and today is a beautiful day, another day that is given as a personal present if we want to understand it in the very best way we can. When there is not so much beauty around in some moments, we still can lift the tiny, the little beautiful things that happen there and look at them as little daily miracles. Another one of my lilies opened, this year in red ... the grubs that made my plants suffer last year are almost all sorted away. My little garden is my very own metaphor for how my life goes; if I take care, it flourishes, if other distract all my energies, my love and my resources, it also falls apart. The world is a garden, too, and the smallest is in the whole while the whole can be seen in the smallest and most tiny representative. And I cherish the people who take the time to take care of me these days I need.
Thank you, dears, every One.
Some people still have lots of work ahead to get rid of their bugs. Where the intention is to lift the soul, too often the ego and the dragons to which the ego clearly is connected, step in with heavy artillery. While the soul cries, and for those who can hear it yells, the tank takes over and dictates the driver. The tank, by the way, can't really see where it goes: too small are the slits for the eyes, and if a plane, it often simply is too fast and too far away to see what's going on on the ground. As we might be aware of, the
IFF (friend-and-foe identification) systems quite often fail. As I love metaphors and if you can identify the parallels, you might check out this
sentence from a war tec advert:
'The new Mode 5 interrogators and transponders have been in development
for the last six years with companies including [...], all producing Mode 5 systems for use on military aircraft
[...]. BAE and Raytheon also produce Mode 5
cryptographic appliqués that store the secret keys and will be used to
support flight-line testing of the aircraft systems.'
Well, store the secret keys ... in machines on mode 5 systems.
If we would re-al-ize, we also would realize that it is us who would be better to have all keys in our hands.
Dragon power and dragon magic always drew
people under their spell. Probably some people are also aware of that the whole industry is happily flourishing with the business to take over thinking for the people, and you can be sure it will be and is sold to the population as 'technological progress'. The dummies, and that is what most of our population despite (or maybe, due to) a high level of e-ducation has become, will certainly swallow it that way. Grounding and at the same time being able to rise high is not a paradoxon though at all.
Again, it is us who need to be aware that it is us who need to take care what the tools and the technologies we invent are used for.
This leads me to something I wanted to point out for some time, as again, it might be differently interpreted:
When I call the ways we live, man and women, how families or societies live 'a war', I of course mean the equivalent of how our evolutionary nature reacts on a physical war without trying to diminish any of the effects of the latter.
The reason is that both of these forms of violence trigger the same effects in the human psyche or call it soul. It is ours to learn about, clearly pull out and move away from it and overcome. Having experienced both forms personally, and having additionally experienced some insights by being in a revolution and a war even though not deeply affected (luck), and having had to do a lot with people who did, on both sides; that's why to a certain degree I know why I am making this statement. Where I don't know, at least I can distinguish stories by sensing, a skill that functions by re-cognizing which in turn requires a cognitive process. We need all our abilities to 'connect'.
People with psychological wounds can not heal if they keep on being exposed to the violent environment same as a physical trauma, which always is a violence against the soul additionally, cannot be overcome when people have to stay in that. The latter is known by now, fortunately, the first is still a taboo, as when we would look at these effects closely, we would have to immediately question the ways we live all along. The worst that can happen is that we adapt to a sick environment. Blessed in this case the people with adaption disorders;
Past has regularly shown that adaption to a destructive system only creates destruction, latest when the lid is taken off the steamer.
In Europe, for instance, the effects of the last World War are still rumbling in the generations after. Who does not want to see this must be blind. As just one of many many examples where such pours (or poors) out: not so long ago going by airplane, I got into a smalltalk with the (adult) boys besides who actually looked quite nice and friendly at first sight. After a little and a totally non-triggering conversation, the Dutch (adult) boy who visibly had a severe ego problem (despite or because of the academic title he pointed out within that short talk and which, of course, does not interest me at all) stressed that 'fortunately we have no war nowadays', pointing at my nationality (though neither my identity nor heritage which clearly is global) as a German (and forgetting that we have many, many wars around the globe these days, constantly).
In second generation after that unholy episode which shook the continents, it seems that at least the West-Germans have worked up much more than any other country even if not to the very end, and had been undertaken a permanent brainwash to make the generations after be aware of that 'guilt'.
Some clearly have worked up some more and some less, of course; but what is evident is that the rest of Europe obviously has not as it had been so easy to declare the guilty one - a symptom which seems to recently become refueled. If there is good reason, I am fine with speaking out openly what's on one's mind and I am the first to blow the whistle in my very own environment (which does not bring me many friends but those who are affected will at one point understand). But if it only is an unprocessed ex-pression (ex-
pressure would be to the point) of something people want as a to a holy grail stick to, I am not. Any thing and any information need to be analyzed, so puzzled apart, to be put together, synthesized, in the ways the picture slowly gets somewhat more complete. Lack of broad knowledge is not a help, certainly. E-ducation should definitely be the opposite to in-doctrination - but check out where we stand, yourself.
Even many European countries only very recently achieved halfway democratic systems, and every society, its culture, tradition and history, has of course formed their inhabitants and members. Having been working in that European organization til last year, I was shocked about how deep the trenches in fact are. And shocked about what narrow views the 'highest'educated' people can have (and the bad manners), too.
Additionally, I found out just these days and to my very surprise that several countries in Europe as there are France (where incest between consenting adults is not prohibited), Sweden (not prosecuting incest between siblings and farther relatives), Spain and ... The Netherlands legally allow so-called 'consentual
incest' between parents and kids. The age of consent is mostly everywhere defined with 16 years.
The latter I had until a very short while ago thought of as at least some kind of Northern-Europeanly civilized but found to be totally wrong.
Reading through some platforms where actively concerned persons write, mainly the involved 'consentual children' party, the
Daddy's girls and Mummy's boys, it gave me pure horror about how deranged, how severely deformed humans can be ... or become. I am not into discussing this from a 'moral' point of view. It is more an ethical thing, and we all make our sexual experiences in different ways and sometimes went wrong to find that we were wrong, simply by a last or at a point evoked healthy repulse and/or cleaning reaction re-calling us to deal with it. Call me prudish if you like so (and I know I am certainly not) but in my view, also taking into account the more than difficult to overcome entanglements that anyway exist in 'families':
if sexual intercourse between parents and their children from age 16 on is somewhat tolerated as a norm, it gets difficult for both parties to draw lines in good ways - and stay mentally sane.
that is the glue that keeps societies (and families) together, I prefer to emigrate respectively stay on my island.
When you see into what status of lack of health these (now adult) children are and to what they deform, showing openly that '
self-aggrandizement' of cheating the same-sex parent, how superior they consider themselves over the original adult partner ... it is shaking and it becomes clear that it is a problem that affects mentally and the whole personality. The persons involved though don't have the feeling that anything is 'wrong', to the contrary. I do not think that legal acceptance does make it easier for people to step out of such entanglements, enmeshments and terribly destructive bonds, and it is evident that the persons involved suffer from low self-esteem anyway already beforehand but feel boosted and superior to all the others by doing what they do. They bond even more as they 'share a secret' which differentiates them from the rest of society plus they can create a 'common enemy' when anyone comes near to touch that secret - another type of dysfunctional but quite longterm-functioning social glue which creates the illusion of safety within a group. Like drug-addicts they have found a ventile for living out their sexual thrill without even leaving the house and without facing all those challenges that would make them grow and mature.
Why I deal with this? Why does it concern me? First, I know how terribly hard it is to get out of suppressive systems to have a little chance to start becoming oneself. Second, sexuality in itself is a huge source of creative power - and what we use it for makes a difference. When this center is injured, occupied by persons or psychological entities who got nothing to fumble there, violated or corrupted, humans always run strange ways until they get it cleared. The other point is that these people can not create good - they must interfere, reject, oppose and overthrow any good that comes into their lives, that others create and what they leave behind is a lane of destruction, a desert where for a while nothing grows, as their trace. In real life, they run around like any other people so it is really hard to detect that kind of spirit beforehand. Most times, we must have experienced and seen it to believe.
Certainly you also did not want to know that 'in Japan, it is not uncommon for mothers to sexually stimulate their children to soothe them so they will sleep. There have been stories in the press of mother-son incest arising from
the strong nature of this relationship in Japan and the important
maternal role of ensuring the son succeeds at school. According to Hideo Tokuoka, "When Americans think of incest, they think
of fathers and daughters; in Japan one thinks of mothers and sons" due
to the extensive media coverage of mother-son incest there'.
(Source Wikipedia, Incest
Do we have to wonder about the difficulties of men and women to become such at first at all, and if they manage the first, to find good ways to inter-act with the other? Painful games continue on and on, and people who have been going for loving and being loved fail, close up, end up with loading their pain on others again.
I closely knew a man once who had been 'sexually initiated' by a female housekeeper at the age of six - plus some additional stuff but always things are co-related and not one event makes us break, just many, the undermining of our innerst knowledge and if we find no one to function as a kind of lighttower for at least some kind of orientation. That guy never found his way in life, was anti-social and any healthy human coming his way was the same way destroyed as he had been destroyed, including he lay a most unusable fundament for the children he 'produced' all around, as he additionally followed, unconscentiously as it usually all happens, to realize his mother's dream to 'have a child with blonde hair'.
People do not realize what they do to others ... and sometimes it is difficult to find out who is the active part and who in fact is the abused part. I also know a Dutch father, highly intelligent but a slave to the active manipulation of his daughter and he simply cannot
re-act or act in any healthy ways to her clearly sexualized approaches and how she steers him, same as he can not keep a healthy distance with any kind of women who similarly play on him. He certainly feels uncomfortable but doesn't get it managed to ensure healthy and clear relational messages. Part of and woven into the context of an environment where systems sustain systems and where something already must have happened to him at an earlier stage, he only tries to do what he
has been tought what is 'right' and without daring to take over a mature role in the system that in itself is is wrong - and consequently does all wrong he can. Maybe it is a kind of punctual view - but maybe, it is in accordance with all signals that were sent, just to the point. Actors in such games have the tendency to leave marks, either for help or for showing off how grandios they are. Time will show the truth, anyway. Allways.
A sign of tolerance? Or simply a sign of decay and degeneration which form the people while it is the people who in turn form society?
It is certainly not of advantage to be blind on one eye, and another good reason to activate and integrate the 'left' (but right) brain hemisphere.
But first of all, to learn to say 'no' to the persons who deserve that 'no' and also need it for their own sake; and not close out and flee the truth.
We must be very careful what we chose as role models - also in political contexts.
A Europe that is based in so many regards on the lowest standard is certainly nothing to actively go for.
And as is easily to see, we all should start to clean up by sweeping around our own front doors.
Physical war and the ideas people get in there to use against people, the total loss of empathy, the pure instrumentalization, the treatments people act out physically on other people though have their origin in the minds and psyche of the same.
Without a psyche that is first subdued to a 'war mentality', in families, in educational systems, at workplaces, no war would be going on. Psyches are broken before the humans are old enough to act in wars ... and there is the connection: it is in the ways we educate our children, it is formed by the ways we live relations that in the end cause wars, psychically or physically.
And that is why it is of so much importance personally to me to end both of them, while it is clear that the psyche must be the one to steer. Not the tank, but the whole, grown, inside mature 'man' and 'woman'.
The very personal part in it is that for quite a while, due to personal experiences, I had kept myself in a world that consisted of females only. It was not healthy for me to mingle with men, I knew, and I first had to work up my experiences of my past. As mentioned, you only can heal when you step out of what made you ill ... and then, and only when you are ready, you are ready to face it anew. Trauma knowledge - and we all have traumata, believe me. Traumata passed on from the generations before, traumata received and well-buried within our souls at a time we were not at all able to express. If we would be complete and intact human beings we as humans would not act they ways we do. Just in a next step, with a very fresh sight, in some regard open as a child, the last two years were my personal advanced lessons in how females in fact interact. That is why, as starting to write this blog here just with last year, it somehow looks as if I had something against females. I have nothing against women, though - I just don't find so many. Being blessed with the opportunity and open mind to extract the essences from different cultures which I needed at time, carefully sorting which parts are usable and which certainly not, and one by one integrating so to come to a view which certainly does not fit into any box anymore, I during the last two years got my lessons certainly about where we really stand in Europe regarding respect and equality.
Equality is namely also not what happens in The Netherlands where a
bestseller 'Why Dutch women don't get depressed' states:
'Once married, however, sex often took a back seat; for some early
Calvinists even sex within marriage was sinful, de Bruin says, and Dutch
women sublimated their sexual energy into domestic bullying.
ordered the men around - there are many stories of bossy women and
subordinate men," she said. "We know this from the literature of the
16th century, and it hasn't changed."'
Well, clearly. Degrading and supressing men instead can also function as compensation. Unfortunately, it is not what I or any bilateral respect-seeking woman may understand to be equality or emancipation at all. Build the bridge to the stuff more above if you like so. Individuals often think they are so individual ... well, they can. If they first get out of the old programming and create a new by choice, not by inheritance due to some stupid circumstances which we are born into.
If it was not so serious for the inflicted, it would be a joke, resembling that statement by a teenage Dutch girl
'I am playing with my father's balls'.
Certainly, Dutch humor. Can't be otherwise.
Those who think they have the least problems actually have the most, and those who reject the most, will never come to a point where they can become humans - at all.
On the ways people behave in both physcial and psychological wars, a source I recently tracked through a quote received by a good friend:
“Violence is a disease, a disease that corrupts all who use it regardless of the cause.”
“There are always people willing to commit unspeakable human atrocity in exchange for a little power and privilege.”
“A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and
power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, and fails to
understand that the measure of a civilization is its compassion, not its
speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.”
And some I personally feel with because it also fills me as also my resources decrease from time to time (and we always need one another for re-surrecting):
“Hope has a cost. Hope is not comfortable or easy. Hope requires
personal risk. It is not about the right attitude. Hope is not about
peace of mind. Hope is action. Hope is doing something. The more futile,
the more useless, the more irrelevant and incomprehensible an act of
rebellion is, the vaster and more potent hope becomes.
Hope never
makes sense. Hope is weak, unorganized and absurd. Hope, which is always
nonviolent, exposes in its powerlessness, the lies, fraud and coercion
employed by the state. Hope knows that an injustice visited on our
neighbor is an injustice visited on all of us. Hope posits that people
are drawn to the good by the good. This is the secret of hope's power.
Hope demands for others what we demand for ourselves. Hope does not
separate us from them. Hope sees in our enemy our own face.”
“if we don’t rebel, if we’re not physically in an active rebellion, then it’s spiritual death.”
All quotes by Christopher Lynn Hedges found on goodreads.com.
I guess that was quite a lot ... didn't want to go for so much, it simply went on flowing.
Pick out and trace, process (or progress) what
you like and what
you think is 'right'.
It is a gorgeous day today.
Take care and thanks to All,