28 June 2012
24 June 2012
Conservatism and the Fear of Change
There is nothing anyone of us could as produce output if it was not connected to something in our selves. Theories are nothing but useless blah-blah, whenever they don't have roots in the basic ground and the 'producer' is not connected with his or her output and has not processed it through life. In such case those outputs only will be brain farts - excuse me for my wording today. What I would like to say is that of course, everything anyone produces is connected to him or her self. So it is with what I write. There is no 'big teacher' who is beyond everything. All that we bring forth consistently has to do with our selves. All we are is humans.
Seems it is a very special day today, again one of those mysterious inputs which is difficult to get into words and nevertheless is true. When an organism is connected and interwired in itself and with and from out of itself, it sometimes acts without that at first the conscious brain is aware or knows why. I have learned to cherish this gift very much and it was quite a way to disentangle the harnish also I was tried to be stuffed into, to the estate where in principle you are naked and just with a very soft skin which continuously senses, feels and receives information which is beyond the range of linearity.
As this day is special and I felt it coming, I lighted a candle last night, and again can not tell you why.
Only one thing is sure and has always proved itself through the events happening, sometimes much later: This intuition functions pretty well and is connected to much more than a just limited environment, as also the holder is connected to much more. This part has to do with opening up while at any time, this is a danger to be hit. I know well being a butterfly between tanks. It is a choice, of course, and often enough it's really quite tough. Maybe it is as my dear friend A. put it into picture: It is like living as a kind of lemur among a hord of baboons. Check out the behaviouristics of baboons and you will know what she and I are talking about. So may it be, I only hope the balance will be achieved soon. See, also me am looking foward to some thing happening. I just don't believe it is a spacecraft in the literal sense - maybe in the metaphorical sense, yes, it could be.
For the whole of my life and as I am no eremit but to the contrary, a very social being and communicator all along, I had to defend this against so clever and smart people who always 'knew better'. Time has shown that it usually was the other way around but they rid the conversation into arguments that could not be constructive anymore. At a point I needed to come to the conclusion that in the end, also communication is extremely limited if the people do not want to 'communicate' but merely argue and compete. I am not fond of having been 'right' or 'having known the outcome' which proves in the end and what I say I am speaking out as it just gets evident where some ways will lead to, and simply to take respective measures. Or a respective break to think over the respective measures in time and before things have to happen in ways that will harm one or the other, and would not need to take place. There are indeed some basic rules for this planet, similar to physical laws - that stuff the Egyptians used to call Ma-at.
A continuously learning being myself I also fall for the trap of projection, and in this I, same as anyone else, assume others to be such, too. Often I am very wrong in this regard. I know most people have given up long ago and keep on surviving somehow in that shell, that pod put on and hardened long time ago, which is hindering from growing, stretching, moving; still my projections make me believe they would also want learn, especially if they then say so, and lay down that useless, just encumbering ballast. The fact I face that words and deeds are two things is hard for me to take. Though with the respective background knowledge it is easy to analyse why, the wholistic approach I have facing the world in straight ways leads me into events in which I have to learn it the hard way, once more, once again. And still, I won't give up believing. Integrity is the key, and all I see is people flee. From re-sponse and re-sponsability, from others who challenge them to become more than they have been by now, and from their very own selves or souls.
When writing, for myself usually a chain of brain reactions is automatically induced and the thoughts keep on working by themselves. Such, again, the many tiny pieces of the big, big puzzle are trying to find their matches. Sometimes they do, and sometimes I simply need to lay them aside for the time being. As the subconscious brain is a miraculous, huge supercomputer, it is completely reliable to process the bits of information all along. We have the ability to remember every little information we ever have received as input in that big, big library there. Just when people abuse their brain, it gets holes, meta-phorically - and maybe literally. Nope, in this case 'holes' is not connected to 'holy' or 'whole'.
Both my children are still suffering from the effects of me having been a 'shifted sinistral', and the preconditions why that happened were my task to find out about. Only by them becoming shifted sinistrals, I found out that it had been me who was. The multifactoral chain reactions of one little action done in context with what happens next, affect generations after generations. So-called 'family curses' or even health inheritances, often messed up with 'inherited' genetically, are more often simply the psychological, mind and at a stage psychosomatic effects of what happens from one chain in the family line at one point having taken an undue decision, a thought, projection or action which infringes all around, especially the open ones and those unable to refuse, as children are, for instance.
Each time, it is us again to disentangle and find out what is ours to cure.
Just want to share a little outcome of this morning. My son, heavily pubiciting and due to other factors in a phase of severe crisis, is doubting that I love him. The trigger is mainly that I am demanding that there are some things he must be able to do and perform by now. I guess any parents know about this, in our case it is just a little heavier as there is additional loads and open questions, certainly for him.
We are having tough crashes, indeed. Maybe you are aware that the major problem for kids these days is that adults don't deal with the expressions of their behaviour which are always messages, and just 'let happen'. Such, the children have to go further and further and at a point definitely too far. And in principle it is total nonsense how our societies are formed and forming by prohibiting and preventing those struggles boys need to have to learn to be a man. As expressed earlier, it is to a high degree our misconception of what really forms a human, reflected also in the educational system, which unfortunately does not provide the chances that the 'young stags' can try out themselves in appropriate ways and find out what they really are. Also are there, as in my time regarding women, too few role models for boys they could turn to or from whom they could adopt essential parts. To be honest: I have not seen even one man who would be able to function as a model at all, much more have I seen what could be usable as 'counter-models' maybe.
Letting happen, giving in, looks so much more convenient but in fact it is
a) not facing the task as parent and
b) for sure not what kids need for growth.
When kids evolve their personalities, they ask for their borders absolutely and also for the expression of the borders of the other, and that's the only way they learn about these. They need conflict to learn, and that is why they ask for it. Going into conflict with someone also means that he or she exists (thanks to Samy Molcho this is something I had learned from one of his very early books).
Going or turning away in a conflict means to let him or her die. People who can't work out or deal with conflict in any ways probably have never learned how and why it is so essential to really get into and through with it. They go for seeking false identities instead, like running around and getting through with a falsified passport. They know it is not them and when a person comes who looks behind their true identity is revealed. Maybe that is why they so quickly have to attack then. It is funny because often their true identity would be beautiful while they have learned it is not, why ever, and learned to hide behind the fake.
Love sometimes and especially in tough times shows simply by facing the 'other', thus taking him or her serious, and also allowing one's own feelings and what is does with me. It is an investion in the process to learn to communicate. Where communication and expression out of itself are prohibited already for children or even cut off and shortened like a Bonsai tree, there is no growth but merely a creation of a replique en miniature. At least for my line I am very aware of the loads of the past, but get to face how immense these are when coming in from several lines and when continuously others try to unload their charge on others. What they have no right to do, actually.
My father by the way, literally turned to Bonsais as his hobby at a point in his life when we kids were out of the house. How much an expression of an inside world in the outside expression. He had been keeping on trying to cut arms and legs of his own children, too, throughout all his life - something I realized just very much later - and it was me who was the one to rebel and oppose at times when certainly more unconscious than that I would have known why.
Despite what I wrote above and stand in for, to turn towards people and not to let them die, there are also occasions when you simply have to turn away and leave. That was such a case. He would not have stopped his destructive games and when you realize someone will misinterpret patience, the fact that you don't turn away but due to purely loving and turning towards someone despite what he or she does or is hurtful to others on and on, then there is a point to accept the facts and quit the game.
Only when he died also physically and I visited his body run by machines, asking and praying to his soul to let my siblings go free, I realized that the soul that was standing besides the bed with the already dead man, was of the size of a maybe 6 years old. Very, very much later only and through lots of information input and processing in collaboration with the righthanded, analytic brain hemisphere, I more and more understood what I long time before had been sensing despite all that he tried to show: that in fact the socio-emotional growth of that man had stopped at that age, had let him dwell in narcisstic features and that is why he acted that way for the whole rest of his life.
By this effect, we permanently face humans running around in bodies of adult males and females which at the point where it comes to a possibly constructive argument, fall back into behaviours that suit a child of a certain age but not a grown. Exactly at that stage, if such is the goal, development has to be re-started, re-kicked-off. It's the affected persons themselves who need to come to the insight that it is them who need to do something about it. The higher they have come in hierarchies and the more 'successful' a behaviour has shown in the past, the less chance is given that they will. This is sensable and additionally relates to some newer outcome of how a brain can keep up neuroplasticity and readiness for solving problems - the major job it is designed respectively has developed for.
Humans tend to continue their dramas on and on if they don't get the turn to learn.
While the early childhood is of extreme relevance for the fundamental satisfaction of basic needs, how we deal with them and for the roots to grow, there are only very few more stages with huge portals open where we really and by deeply going into it, can reshuffle and redecide: One is pubicity, and another one is becoming parent ourselves. If we miss those chances for change, things really become harder. Up to undoable.
Growth is change. Change is chances.
That's all I would like to say for today.
It is always about puttings one's own house in order. And that is always personal.
And: It is a special day today.
Seems it is a very special day today, again one of those mysterious inputs which is difficult to get into words and nevertheless is true. When an organism is connected and interwired in itself and with and from out of itself, it sometimes acts without that at first the conscious brain is aware or knows why. I have learned to cherish this gift very much and it was quite a way to disentangle the harnish also I was tried to be stuffed into, to the estate where in principle you are naked and just with a very soft skin which continuously senses, feels and receives information which is beyond the range of linearity.
As this day is special and I felt it coming, I lighted a candle last night, and again can not tell you why.
Only one thing is sure and has always proved itself through the events happening, sometimes much later: This intuition functions pretty well and is connected to much more than a just limited environment, as also the holder is connected to much more. This part has to do with opening up while at any time, this is a danger to be hit. I know well being a butterfly between tanks. It is a choice, of course, and often enough it's really quite tough. Maybe it is as my dear friend A. put it into picture: It is like living as a kind of lemur among a hord of baboons. Check out the behaviouristics of baboons and you will know what she and I are talking about. So may it be, I only hope the balance will be achieved soon. See, also me am looking foward to some thing happening. I just don't believe it is a spacecraft in the literal sense - maybe in the metaphorical sense, yes, it could be.
For the whole of my life and as I am no eremit but to the contrary, a very social being and communicator all along, I had to defend this against so clever and smart people who always 'knew better'. Time has shown that it usually was the other way around but they rid the conversation into arguments that could not be constructive anymore. At a point I needed to come to the conclusion that in the end, also communication is extremely limited if the people do not want to 'communicate' but merely argue and compete. I am not fond of having been 'right' or 'having known the outcome' which proves in the end and what I say I am speaking out as it just gets evident where some ways will lead to, and simply to take respective measures. Or a respective break to think over the respective measures in time and before things have to happen in ways that will harm one or the other, and would not need to take place. There are indeed some basic rules for this planet, similar to physical laws - that stuff the Egyptians used to call Ma-at.
A continuously learning being myself I also fall for the trap of projection, and in this I, same as anyone else, assume others to be such, too. Often I am very wrong in this regard. I know most people have given up long ago and keep on surviving somehow in that shell, that pod put on and hardened long time ago, which is hindering from growing, stretching, moving; still my projections make me believe they would also want learn, especially if they then say so, and lay down that useless, just encumbering ballast. The fact I face that words and deeds are two things is hard for me to take. Though with the respective background knowledge it is easy to analyse why, the wholistic approach I have facing the world in straight ways leads me into events in which I have to learn it the hard way, once more, once again. And still, I won't give up believing. Integrity is the key, and all I see is people flee. From re-sponse and re-sponsability, from others who challenge them to become more than they have been by now, and from their very own selves or souls.
When writing, for myself usually a chain of brain reactions is automatically induced and the thoughts keep on working by themselves. Such, again, the many tiny pieces of the big, big puzzle are trying to find their matches. Sometimes they do, and sometimes I simply need to lay them aside for the time being. As the subconscious brain is a miraculous, huge supercomputer, it is completely reliable to process the bits of information all along. We have the ability to remember every little information we ever have received as input in that big, big library there. Just when people abuse their brain, it gets holes, meta-phorically - and maybe literally. Nope, in this case 'holes' is not connected to 'holy' or 'whole'.
Both my children are still suffering from the effects of me having been a 'shifted sinistral', and the preconditions why that happened were my task to find out about. Only by them becoming shifted sinistrals, I found out that it had been me who was. The multifactoral chain reactions of one little action done in context with what happens next, affect generations after generations. So-called 'family curses' or even health inheritances, often messed up with 'inherited' genetically, are more often simply the psychological, mind and at a stage psychosomatic effects of what happens from one chain in the family line at one point having taken an undue decision, a thought, projection or action which infringes all around, especially the open ones and those unable to refuse, as children are, for instance.
Each time, it is us again to disentangle and find out what is ours to cure.
Just want to share a little outcome of this morning. My son, heavily pubiciting and due to other factors in a phase of severe crisis, is doubting that I love him. The trigger is mainly that I am demanding that there are some things he must be able to do and perform by now. I guess any parents know about this, in our case it is just a little heavier as there is additional loads and open questions, certainly for him.
We are having tough crashes, indeed. Maybe you are aware that the major problem for kids these days is that adults don't deal with the expressions of their behaviour which are always messages, and just 'let happen'. Such, the children have to go further and further and at a point definitely too far. And in principle it is total nonsense how our societies are formed and forming by prohibiting and preventing those struggles boys need to have to learn to be a man. As expressed earlier, it is to a high degree our misconception of what really forms a human, reflected also in the educational system, which unfortunately does not provide the chances that the 'young stags' can try out themselves in appropriate ways and find out what they really are. Also are there, as in my time regarding women, too few role models for boys they could turn to or from whom they could adopt essential parts. To be honest: I have not seen even one man who would be able to function as a model at all, much more have I seen what could be usable as 'counter-models' maybe.
Letting happen, giving in, looks so much more convenient but in fact it is
a) not facing the task as parent and
b) for sure not what kids need for growth.
When kids evolve their personalities, they ask for their borders absolutely and also for the expression of the borders of the other, and that's the only way they learn about these. They need conflict to learn, and that is why they ask for it. Going into conflict with someone also means that he or she exists (thanks to Samy Molcho this is something I had learned from one of his very early books).
Going or turning away in a conflict means to let him or her die. People who can't work out or deal with conflict in any ways probably have never learned how and why it is so essential to really get into and through with it. They go for seeking false identities instead, like running around and getting through with a falsified passport. They know it is not them and when a person comes who looks behind their true identity is revealed. Maybe that is why they so quickly have to attack then. It is funny because often their true identity would be beautiful while they have learned it is not, why ever, and learned to hide behind the fake.
Love sometimes and especially in tough times shows simply by facing the 'other', thus taking him or her serious, and also allowing one's own feelings and what is does with me. It is an investion in the process to learn to communicate. Where communication and expression out of itself are prohibited already for children or even cut off and shortened like a Bonsai tree, there is no growth but merely a creation of a replique en miniature. At least for my line I am very aware of the loads of the past, but get to face how immense these are when coming in from several lines and when continuously others try to unload their charge on others. What they have no right to do, actually.
Bonsai Oak found on Bonsai Empire: 'literally translated, means “planted in a container”.' |
Despite what I wrote above and stand in for, to turn towards people and not to let them die, there are also occasions when you simply have to turn away and leave. That was such a case. He would not have stopped his destructive games and when you realize someone will misinterpret patience, the fact that you don't turn away but due to purely loving and turning towards someone despite what he or she does or is hurtful to others on and on, then there is a point to accept the facts and quit the game.
Only when he died also physically and I visited his body run by machines, asking and praying to his soul to let my siblings go free, I realized that the soul that was standing besides the bed with the already dead man, was of the size of a maybe 6 years old. Very, very much later only and through lots of information input and processing in collaboration with the righthanded, analytic brain hemisphere, I more and more understood what I long time before had been sensing despite all that he tried to show: that in fact the socio-emotional growth of that man had stopped at that age, had let him dwell in narcisstic features and that is why he acted that way for the whole rest of his life.
By this effect, we permanently face humans running around in bodies of adult males and females which at the point where it comes to a possibly constructive argument, fall back into behaviours that suit a child of a certain age but not a grown. Exactly at that stage, if such is the goal, development has to be re-started, re-kicked-off. It's the affected persons themselves who need to come to the insight that it is them who need to do something about it. The higher they have come in hierarchies and the more 'successful' a behaviour has shown in the past, the less chance is given that they will. This is sensable and additionally relates to some newer outcome of how a brain can keep up neuroplasticity and readiness for solving problems - the major job it is designed respectively has developed for.
Humans tend to continue their dramas on and on if they don't get the turn to learn.
While the early childhood is of extreme relevance for the fundamental satisfaction of basic needs, how we deal with them and for the roots to grow, there are only very few more stages with huge portals open where we really and by deeply going into it, can reshuffle and redecide: One is pubicity, and another one is becoming parent ourselves. If we miss those chances for change, things really become harder. Up to undoable.
Growth is change. Change is chances.
Photo by isnogud_CT found on flickr with many thanks - much more cannot be said about a real tree in real soil. |
That's all I would like to say for today.
It is always about puttings one's own house in order. And that is always personal.
And: It is a special day today.
23 June 2012
Predominantly 'Right'
Boys are much more affected by this approach, and certainly you remember we live in a boys' world, not a man's. Unfortunately these days, females want to compete with the same, too. Even humans that are not 'made that way' submit themselves to the flatness that is all around, and sure, partly it is difficult to escape that what is all around. Flat is where there is no depth, just a screen but nothing to move forward in, and the screen is already the limitation. Where there is no depth there are also no hights and therewith no values, just the preservation of the old which is evident to be rotten already and will clearly show to totally rot away one day. Screens are flat even if for quite a while efforts in technology are undertaken to try to give the flatness multidimensionality. It tries to look like multidimensional - but never is. Humans fall for the masters of illusions.
The right side is competitive, linear, flat. It is hierarchical, relies strictly on authorities, it sticks to what is just in front of its nose, it submits itself and others. It has no dreams, no visions, it arranges with what is there even if it is the worst environment. It is driven by simple but strict rules without under~standing why, and early conditioning it never questioned. It has no power to assess issues from different point of views - in linearity, there are only two directions to approach from and if none seems possible then there is no third, no forth, no fifth. The right side is due to its linearity just noisy, loud in all regards, drowning out everything else and the latter especially when it brings forth the most limited views. Fascinatingly, the dumber the opinions are the louder and the most intransigently they are brought forth. The 'right' cuts and separates: there is 'the rights' and the others, and the others always are seen as to endanger 'the rights'. It cuts connectivity and takes but never brings together. It forces under its will but never allows other beings to be as they are. It literally 'analyses' on a very limited base of information it takes into account. The 'right' refers to only what is done but never differentiates the ways that is. It argues linearly and fails to take causalities into account, especially multifactoral causalities. There is more than etymological reason why 'right' is associated with 'conservative' (as it lacks the power to create it needs to stick what is given) and so clearly near to faschism, the most 'right' edge of 'right'. If they 'create' worlds then worlds only where only their kind can exist, and in those they keep on hamsterwheeling as nothing new comes in, and if that does so, it will be rejected and refused. In these worlds, anything that is different to them will be extinct, in this or in that way. Realities will be shut out often enough by just ignoring them.
This is the world we still live in. Our gorgeous, ignorant, arrogant, chauvinistic, shortsighted, separating, submitting and exploiting, harvesting but not sowing 'righthanded' societies. Systems keep themselves running as we know, up to the severe crack.
The left is connected, multidimensional, fuzzy in appearance though not in content, it combines more than that it could put into words why it feels so or why it acts the way it does. It simply does by inner drive and logic, it connects all that it knows about and integrates all and therefore needs more time to come to its own conclusions. It is bridging space and time. It often expresses itself via visioned images, in metaphors and symbolisms which in principle are connected since the time of human evolution but can not easily be understood with a 'flat' and separating approach, and it seems it often does not express in words but sensuality and, if connected with the self, deeds which the 'right side' can not understand. It synthesizes, connects and weaves. Often its ways can only be identified by realizing that something feels harmonious, 'it just feels right', funny though. Nevertheless, the left never has linear arguments - it simply is true by being true and only time will show why. It is the soft, often faint voice that is overheard these days due to the noisyness of those who claim themselves 'right', and it creates new from where it seems there nothing to do so from. Where there seems no way - the left will find it. It invents (just check out the thinking cap effect once more if you like so), often enough just to find that the inventions are taken over by the 'rights' which don't invent but take what's others', and use it for linear shortterm goals which th eoften enough claim as 'righteous'. The left relates to the finetuned ways of how things are done - the quality in all, even in the smallest event or moment. It is tracking ways that were never walked before, it is visioning worlds that have not existed yet - and is continuously overridden and at last simply exploited by those who call themselves 'right'. See above why.
If we understand that both sides are in us and part of us, the left and the right, if we understand what are their special attributes and qualities, we would see that we urgently need to connect them to communicate to integrate those both sides that we contain and are. We clearly need the qualities of both sides or hemispheres: The one to analyze well out of the huge pool of information and the other one to integrate all in ways that allow us to go and decide for all-over sustainable measures.
Then we could chose when we turn to the advise of the right or of the left side, or an outcome of an inner discussion of the both.
It would open up such an immense perspective of possibilities and opportunities we out of the sudden would see that the world as most people see it becomes so much wider, so much more nuanced and differentiated, just colourful in all and even in the shades.
But this is a long time left approach. Times when people were aware is long over and overriden by limitations and fences, and people who search are being led astray by the interpretations in only one way.
Not though for those who are and have always been bridging space and time.
I would like to complete with a quote I got recently sent (thank you for this, E.), by a man who himself certainly can not to be put into a just a few boxes in boxes, too:
Something to preferredly let in in a fuzzy way of perception. Such clearly just can happen when the noise around is dimmed.
The right side is competitive, linear, flat. It is hierarchical, relies strictly on authorities, it sticks to what is just in front of its nose, it submits itself and others. It has no dreams, no visions, it arranges with what is there even if it is the worst environment. It is driven by simple but strict rules without under~standing why, and early conditioning it never questioned. It has no power to assess issues from different point of views - in linearity, there are only two directions to approach from and if none seems possible then there is no third, no forth, no fifth. The right side is due to its linearity just noisy, loud in all regards, drowning out everything else and the latter especially when it brings forth the most limited views. Fascinatingly, the dumber the opinions are the louder and the most intransigently they are brought forth. The 'right' cuts and separates: there is 'the rights' and the others, and the others always are seen as to endanger 'the rights'. It cuts connectivity and takes but never brings together. It forces under its will but never allows other beings to be as they are. It literally 'analyses' on a very limited base of information it takes into account. The 'right' refers to only what is done but never differentiates the ways that is. It argues linearly and fails to take causalities into account, especially multifactoral causalities. There is more than etymological reason why 'right' is associated with 'conservative' (as it lacks the power to create it needs to stick what is given) and so clearly near to faschism, the most 'right' edge of 'right'. If they 'create' worlds then worlds only where only their kind can exist, and in those they keep on hamsterwheeling as nothing new comes in, and if that does so, it will be rejected and refused. In these worlds, anything that is different to them will be extinct, in this or in that way. Realities will be shut out often enough by just ignoring them.
This is the world we still live in. Our gorgeous, ignorant, arrogant, chauvinistic, shortsighted, separating, submitting and exploiting, harvesting but not sowing 'righthanded' societies. Systems keep themselves running as we know, up to the severe crack.
The left is connected, multidimensional, fuzzy in appearance though not in content, it combines more than that it could put into words why it feels so or why it acts the way it does. It simply does by inner drive and logic, it connects all that it knows about and integrates all and therefore needs more time to come to its own conclusions. It is bridging space and time. It often expresses itself via visioned images, in metaphors and symbolisms which in principle are connected since the time of human evolution but can not easily be understood with a 'flat' and separating approach, and it seems it often does not express in words but sensuality and, if connected with the self, deeds which the 'right side' can not understand. It synthesizes, connects and weaves. Often its ways can only be identified by realizing that something feels harmonious, 'it just feels right', funny though. Nevertheless, the left never has linear arguments - it simply is true by being true and only time will show why. It is the soft, often faint voice that is overheard these days due to the noisyness of those who claim themselves 'right', and it creates new from where it seems there nothing to do so from. Where there seems no way - the left will find it. It invents (just check out the thinking cap effect once more if you like so), often enough just to find that the inventions are taken over by the 'rights' which don't invent but take what's others', and use it for linear shortterm goals which th eoften enough claim as 'righteous'. The left relates to the finetuned ways of how things are done - the quality in all, even in the smallest event or moment. It is tracking ways that were never walked before, it is visioning worlds that have not existed yet - and is continuously overridden and at last simply exploited by those who call themselves 'right'. See above why.
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Photo by travelocafe, symbolism among others for the crossed connection |
Then we could chose when we turn to the advise of the right or of the left side, or an outcome of an inner discussion of the both.
It would open up such an immense perspective of possibilities and opportunities we out of the sudden would see that the world as most people see it becomes so much wider, so much more nuanced and differentiated, just colourful in all and even in the shades.
But this is a long time left approach. Times when people were aware is long over and overriden by limitations and fences, and people who search are being led astray by the interpretations in only one way.
Not though for those who are and have always been bridging space and time.
I would like to complete with a quote I got recently sent (thank you for this, E.), by a man who himself certainly can not to be put into a just a few boxes in boxes, too:
'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.'
Albert Einstein
Something to preferredly let in in a fuzzy way of perception. Such clearly just can happen when the noise around is dimmed.
19 June 2012
More Than Mono
Gardani, Dublin-Kahn-Art, FL |
To the highest hights
From the farthest lefts
To the farthest rights
From the most distant past
To the unimaginable future
From the vaguest dreams
To the most awake presence.
There is only one thing we are not:
Give me five,
or eight if you have
then we are ready three.
Thanks to my former colleague B. from B. for the wording 'monodimensional' in this context. It was actually about organization and its forms ... while the problem in this case was a strictly linar organisation that is blind to see what's going on on the different levels, he stated that there are also people who think 'monodimensionally'. Thanks, again, it made some stuff clear to me: the 'punctual view'.
16 June 2012
Out of Life - Monkey on a Leash
Another story ... out of life, and even if it sounds quite funny it has happened, I swear.
When I was around 13 or 14, my family went to spend the day in park in the heart of our town and sit down to have some drinks and food. It is still a place where you may find all kind of people, 'normal conservatives', 'families', old ladies, old men, and any kind of excentric people the place has formed during time. Due to whatever reason, there was a man with a monkey on a leash. I can't classify it anymore from today's perspective. No, it was not dressed, that bad it was not ... the monkey was just with the man like a dog, and it was on a leash. I haven't seen such since, at least not in our areas. Sometimes I've seen people walking around with parrots on their shoulders but never since someone with a monkey instead of a dog.
Well, the monkey sat under the table, and guess what: it didn't take long and you could find me sitting under the table with the monkey.
As we intercommunicated in a kind of way, I, at that time far from understanding myself and how and why I did what I did, realized that the monkey was certainly strangulating itself with the leash that it had twisted around the leg of the table. It must have been circling around and around that table leg until it ended up with an extremely shortened and therewith firmly tightened leash.
At that time for sure already the clown that I am also today - you may know me a little by now - I of course could not help but following the impulse to get the monkey out of its self-inflicted and certainly tricky situation.
As to be expected - but I didn't take that into account, of course - the monkey could not see the intention. The monkey realized there was something going on with its leash, and for a moment the latter tightened just a little more than it already had done before. The animal's reaction is principally easy to foresee: Not able to flee, it was then that, from its point of view and innate behaviour, it had no choice but to attack.
It bit me deep into the hand, and whoever knows about monkey teeth has some imagination how that looks afterwards. Dog bites are nothing against monkey bites, and even the most tiny and superficially 'cuddly' individuals of this species (no type of monkeys is 'cuddly' at all, even not the small - despite what humans try to interprete into animals so often) are equipped with a set of knives any Japanese cook would ever be jealous of. And if you don't believe me, just take a quick look at the guy to the left
One thing is sure: I should have learned from that experience. But did I? I guess not. I am still hopelessly believing that those naked monkeys can understand causalities and contexts.
Enjoy this little metaphor about life, as I am sure I am not the only one trying to unleash monkeys from time to time.
Yours sincerely, in word and deed,

When I was around 13 or 14, my family went to spend the day in park in the heart of our town and sit down to have some drinks and food. It is still a place where you may find all kind of people, 'normal conservatives', 'families', old ladies, old men, and any kind of excentric people the place has formed during time. Due to whatever reason, there was a man with a monkey on a leash. I can't classify it anymore from today's perspective. No, it was not dressed, that bad it was not ... the monkey was just with the man like a dog, and it was on a leash. I haven't seen such since, at least not in our areas. Sometimes I've seen people walking around with parrots on their shoulders but never since someone with a monkey instead of a dog.
Well, the monkey sat under the table, and guess what: it didn't take long and you could find me sitting under the table with the monkey.
Not same same but similar - photo by M.Rehan found on flickr.com |
At that time for sure already the clown that I am also today - you may know me a little by now - I of course could not help but following the impulse to get the monkey out of its self-inflicted and certainly tricky situation.
As to be expected - but I didn't take that into account, of course - the monkey could not see the intention. The monkey realized there was something going on with its leash, and for a moment the latter tightened just a little more than it already had done before. The animal's reaction is principally easy to foresee: Not able to flee, it was then that, from its point of view and innate behaviour, it had no choice but to attack.
It bit me deep into the hand, and whoever knows about monkey teeth has some imagination how that looks afterwards. Dog bites are nothing against monkey bites, and even the most tiny and superficially 'cuddly' individuals of this species (no type of monkeys is 'cuddly' at all, even not the small - despite what humans try to interprete into animals so often) are equipped with a set of knives any Japanese cook would ever be jealous of. And if you don't believe me, just take a quick look at the guy to the left
One thing is sure: I should have learned from that experience. But did I? I guess not. I am still hopelessly believing that those naked monkeys can understand causalities and contexts.
Enjoy this little metaphor about life, as I am sure I am not the only one trying to unleash monkeys from time to time.
Yours sincerely, in word and deed,

10 June 2012
Severed Brains
Tracking a for me not yet totally resolved question these days, I fell over stunning information which just complete a lot of my understanding.
Dealing with the issue of what happens if a lefthander is, by force or just by adapting himself, turning or has been turned into a 'righty' and getting more and more understanding how severe the impact is for the person's whole life, for the way he perceives information and for the ways he is forced to act, especially if he can not step out and take a break, the functionality of the brain is of course a major interest to explore much more. We all are running around with such a thing, so just by this background we should be interested in what that thing is that directs us 'up there'.
As everyone knows these days our cerebrum consists of two halves or hemispheres which can interact via a neuronal tissue named the 'Corpus Callosum'. To not get too deep into it the picture here basically shows this connection (whether it is an information highway or an overgrown path is another thing). And as I do not claim myself a scientist who focusses on details but just a tracker who explores the deep forests and finds the pathes and links, I will leave it with this. If you are more interested you will find lots of very good information on neurobiology yourself. Not that this discipline is a new dogma, it just provided a lot of complementing information to the knowledge that is already around, and may help us a lot to understand and find the bridges. Science is good as long as humans 'explore' while still keeping their feet on the ground and as long as they do not fall into the trap that the need to 'exploit' for any goal and for any price - something humans unfortunately like to just too much.
You read me writing a lot about 'becoming whole' and these kind of things, and certainly you got the hint that the linguistic etymology of 'whole' and 'holy' is a direct one. It is about - integrity.
What we have been tought in pitiful Western conditioning is that there are the holy ones, the saints, on one side whom we look up to and adore, and we, normal humans, are full of 'sin' (catholic church and other churches as well like to project this on us and implant it in their flock so eagerly). Dual thinking at its best. Black and white - one side and the other side, left and right (and how wrong that was interpreted!) and none and nothing is inbetween. No link and road, so no way. People get disabled instead of enabled. It's such a pity because that is not what earlier spiritual leaders wanted to let us know. Of course, we must ourselves find out our limits, not dwell in grandiosity instead, and get to know who we are and how we are.
On the way, we get blocked by the images we got implanted - unless we started to doubt, rebel and start to ask 'why'. Why should that be so? Is that a universal law, indeed? Just because some old guys say and some submissive, convenient or fearful housewives (I explained 'wife' etymologically connected to 'wily' in an earlier post) support it, and implant it into their next generation, their children, should we so easily accept? It's the mothers who immensely form the kids, boys as girls, to a very high degree. So what will they teach them if they themselves never face 'real and full life' at all and have learned to instrumentalize and exploit 'their men' instead? What does this mean for the involved men? I will come back to it another time, as really a basic precondition to lead a satisfying life is to 'divorce your mother', and that is something a man said, not me. It is essential to 'divorce' the false beliefs and preconditioning we underwent, looking for and inventing new ways, opening the eyes to what is around. And when we under-stand, we also may forgive. Each time has its own challenges and it is definitely important to understand what made people act the ways they did.
The possibilities are. It's us who got to realize and wake up from paralysis or slumber.
We are full of mistakes as none is perfect - even if some of us are heavily conditioned to strive this ideal of perfection while others have given up at an early stage and have submitted to just float with the stream. An essential message indeed is that we may love ourselves also with our mistakes and imperfection, and the same way love others, imperfectly. None here on this planet is beyond the vessel that is our bodies, and we are limited. Fact. I showed other examples that it actually is an art to train to overcome the limits we usually think there are. Our bodies follow us willingly to where we lead them. To a certain degree, of course, but that is much further than most of us believe they can.
But back to the duality of the brain.
Essential is that the Corpus Callosum connects the two hemispheres to enable us to act using the qualities provided by both and in harmony or at least in exchange and communication of information.
What happens if not and the Corpus Callosum, the information highway between the 'halves that should make one', is diminished or in the worst case, it is severed, you can get an impression by these little films. I am sorry, the first one touched me quite a lot because I always have a severe problem about abusing our co-creatures (and still am blessed with the gift called empathy; I know that some are not).
As the information is in there and it is already existing, we may also use the information to accomplish our lessons learned.
An other interesting one (they say it does not inflict his everyday life with a kind of simple routines, anyway - but I wonder how it effects his life quality regarding re-lations, for instance. I have reasons why.):
His last statement is somewhat weird, but anyhow he's a scientists in a left-brain predominated environment, and they have undergone an educational brain-directing of an own style together with quite some ego-boosting treatments, too. Like in some documentaries where the lead mare is turned into a 'stallion' though it is completely evident it is a female, just to prove the pre-set images. 'Invention' namely is not located on the left brain hemisphere. The left is linear and analytic but definitely lacks the power of creation by putting the pieces together in a way that makes good sense as you can easily see in vid no 1 around 9:00 ff. On the other hand, the left brain is good when the picture of something that was 'invented' or created needs to be broken down into the steps to realize the vision. That is why the connection and interaction is so much essential. Nevertheless, we can excerpt the essences and put it together the right way.
As we know about neuroplasticity, it is us who have the power to form our brains - just by using them and by the ways we use them and what we feed them with.
Neuronal connections can be established at any time in life. Again, it's all up to us to explore and find out and draw our conclusions. We can learn about us or we can reject ourselves and close our doors. Free will, all the time.
There is no escalator into self-determination.
There are only steps and stairs.
And it costs effort, this is clear for sure.
But if we try to look at it like at a kind or workout where we know we feel much better afterwards, it is easy to go for it even if it looks exhausting at some points.
And I know well it is - exhausting. I had to break my brain completely and had to rewire it all anew. The good part for me was that I always had doubted the dogmata, resisted the pressure, even if often enough it struck me totally to the ground, and I had kept the eyes and access open deep inside. And courage, is also what is needed much. Courage to make mistakes and learn to accept that we always make mistakes on our ways. A child who learns to walk will always be unsecure at first, will stumble, fall and hurt itself until it has learned to walk and run actively and self-determinedly.
It's a process, and actively processing is what is required.
What is most important is to realize that we, you and me as you are able to read this information and many other information, too, are extremely privileged. Many don't have the privileges of reading and access to computers and information and such. Isn't it worth to make something from the gifts we have? For me it is, and even more, from privilege results the response to it. Call it responsibility.
Enjoy your self truly, to day, you never know if the same chance is given tomorrow as well,
Dealing with the issue of what happens if a lefthander is, by force or just by adapting himself, turning or has been turned into a 'righty' and getting more and more understanding how severe the impact is for the person's whole life, for the way he perceives information and for the ways he is forced to act, especially if he can not step out and take a break, the functionality of the brain is of course a major interest to explore much more. We all are running around with such a thing, so just by this background we should be interested in what that thing is that directs us 'up there'.
As everyone knows these days our cerebrum consists of two halves or hemispheres which can interact via a neuronal tissue named the 'Corpus Callosum'. To not get too deep into it the picture here basically shows this connection (whether it is an information highway or an overgrown path is another thing). And as I do not claim myself a scientist who focusses on details but just a tracker who explores the deep forests and finds the pathes and links, I will leave it with this. If you are more interested you will find lots of very good information on neurobiology yourself. Not that this discipline is a new dogma, it just provided a lot of complementing information to the knowledge that is already around, and may help us a lot to understand and find the bridges. Science is good as long as humans 'explore' while still keeping their feet on the ground and as long as they do not fall into the trap that the need to 'exploit' for any goal and for any price - something humans unfortunately like to just too much.
You read me writing a lot about 'becoming whole' and these kind of things, and certainly you got the hint that the linguistic etymology of 'whole' and 'holy' is a direct one. It is about - integrity.
What we have been tought in pitiful Western conditioning is that there are the holy ones, the saints, on one side whom we look up to and adore, and we, normal humans, are full of 'sin' (catholic church and other churches as well like to project this on us and implant it in their flock so eagerly). Dual thinking at its best. Black and white - one side and the other side, left and right (and how wrong that was interpreted!) and none and nothing is inbetween. No link and road, so no way. People get disabled instead of enabled. It's such a pity because that is not what earlier spiritual leaders wanted to let us know. Of course, we must ourselves find out our limits, not dwell in grandiosity instead, and get to know who we are and how we are.
On the way, we get blocked by the images we got implanted - unless we started to doubt, rebel and start to ask 'why'. Why should that be so? Is that a universal law, indeed? Just because some old guys say and some submissive, convenient or fearful housewives (I explained 'wife' etymologically connected to 'wily' in an earlier post) support it, and implant it into their next generation, their children, should we so easily accept? It's the mothers who immensely form the kids, boys as girls, to a very high degree. So what will they teach them if they themselves never face 'real and full life' at all and have learned to instrumentalize and exploit 'their men' instead? What does this mean for the involved men? I will come back to it another time, as really a basic precondition to lead a satisfying life is to 'divorce your mother', and that is something a man said, not me. It is essential to 'divorce' the false beliefs and preconditioning we underwent, looking for and inventing new ways, opening the eyes to what is around. And when we under-stand, we also may forgive. Each time has its own challenges and it is definitely important to understand what made people act the ways they did.
The possibilities are. It's us who got to realize and wake up from paralysis or slumber.
We are full of mistakes as none is perfect - even if some of us are heavily conditioned to strive this ideal of perfection while others have given up at an early stage and have submitted to just float with the stream. An essential message indeed is that we may love ourselves also with our mistakes and imperfection, and the same way love others, imperfectly. None here on this planet is beyond the vessel that is our bodies, and we are limited. Fact. I showed other examples that it actually is an art to train to overcome the limits we usually think there are. Our bodies follow us willingly to where we lead them. To a certain degree, of course, but that is much further than most of us believe they can.
But back to the duality of the brain.
Essential is that the Corpus Callosum connects the two hemispheres to enable us to act using the qualities provided by both and in harmony or at least in exchange and communication of information.
What happens if not and the Corpus Callosum, the information highway between the 'halves that should make one', is diminished or in the worst case, it is severed, you can get an impression by these little films. I am sorry, the first one touched me quite a lot because I always have a severe problem about abusing our co-creatures (and still am blessed with the gift called empathy; I know that some are not).
As the information is in there and it is already existing, we may also use the information to accomplish our lessons learned.
An other interesting one (they say it does not inflict his everyday life with a kind of simple routines, anyway - but I wonder how it effects his life quality regarding re-lations, for instance. I have reasons why.):
His last statement is somewhat weird, but anyhow he's a scientists in a left-brain predominated environment, and they have undergone an educational brain-directing of an own style together with quite some ego-boosting treatments, too. Like in some documentaries where the lead mare is turned into a 'stallion' though it is completely evident it is a female, just to prove the pre-set images. 'Invention' namely is not located on the left brain hemisphere. The left is linear and analytic but definitely lacks the power of creation by putting the pieces together in a way that makes good sense as you can easily see in vid no 1 around 9:00 ff. On the other hand, the left brain is good when the picture of something that was 'invented' or created needs to be broken down into the steps to realize the vision. That is why the connection and interaction is so much essential. Nevertheless, we can excerpt the essences and put it together the right way.
As we know about neuroplasticity, it is us who have the power to form our brains - just by using them and by the ways we use them and what we feed them with.
Neuronal connections can be established at any time in life. Again, it's all up to us to explore and find out and draw our conclusions. We can learn about us or we can reject ourselves and close our doors. Free will, all the time.
There is no escalator into self-determination.
There are only steps and stairs.
And it costs effort, this is clear for sure.
But if we try to look at it like at a kind or workout where we know we feel much better afterwards, it is easy to go for it even if it looks exhausting at some points.
And I know well it is - exhausting. I had to break my brain completely and had to rewire it all anew. The good part for me was that I always had doubted the dogmata, resisted the pressure, even if often enough it struck me totally to the ground, and I had kept the eyes and access open deep inside. And courage, is also what is needed much. Courage to make mistakes and learn to accept that we always make mistakes on our ways. A child who learns to walk will always be unsecure at first, will stumble, fall and hurt itself until it has learned to walk and run actively and self-determinedly.
It's a process, and actively processing is what is required.
What is most important is to realize that we, you and me as you are able to read this information and many other information, too, are extremely privileged. Many don't have the privileges of reading and access to computers and information and such. Isn't it worth to make something from the gifts we have? For me it is, and even more, from privilege results the response to it. Call it responsibility.
Enjoy your self truly, to day, you never know if the same chance is given tomorrow as well,
05 June 2012
The House That Is Your Own
You own a beautiful palace, did you know?
The house that is your own provides beautiful shining rooms. It has wide open windows with a gorgeous view on the landscape, the flowers and trees, glittering ponds and gardens with innumerable shades of green around, the mountains and the valleys, the sun like a living firy glowing ball at daytime, the clouds passing whisked with the wind like dynamic paintings in surreally beautiful aqua colours, and the moon and stars to reflect the light from the other side at nighttimes, carefully placed and moving on that blanket of velvet in all possible shades. The sounds from outside pleasantly enter and create a soft background music in the rooms with garden or balcony access.
Your house consists of marvellous suites of lightful rooms, one seamlessly connected with the other, it simply is a stunning architectural masterpiece. It is a pleasure to walk from one of the tastefully coloured rooms to the other, and to admire the wonderfully harmonious interior, all kept in each time amazingly new constellations, perfectly complementing each other. You can choose minute by minute which room you enter or rest in, which one you use for your activities of any kind you like, and one is as dear as the other to you as they all are beautiful. The equipment for anything you feel to do is provided in these rooms, and you can easily walk from one to the other through the wide and high doors which are mostly kept open anyway, and those who are not open all the time will automatically, swiftly and smoothly open just when you approach as if they were reading your wishes, and open access to another of the wide and shiny suites. A soft breeze takes care for fresh air which flows gently through, just some mild freshness that softly caresses your skin for you to enjoy the sensation within and for no other purpose but remind you of the pleasance and grace of all that is around you, just to please you and make you feel good.
All is there you could ever wish. You are free to walk in and out, into the gardens, into the lands and back to rest or whatever activity you feel to do.
It is yours. Your very own house. All yours.
To be honest and not unfair:
It was all yours.
As when you entered it, your house was exactly as described. Curiously and naked as there is nothing to be hidden and the smooth air surrounds and keeps you are in a perfect pleasant feeling of yourself, you stepped on the terrace, widely opening your arms with the still soft skin to embrace what you expected to see. Like magnetically attracted, you were totally driven to welcome, enjoy and maybe even accelerate all those beautiful blossoms and scents and sounds together with the sparkling sunshine gently tickling in your nose. And maybe you had in mind to share these sensations with the inhabitants of the other houses you expected around, at other places, probably not too far away, and those where certainly just as yours, your very own wonderful house, flooded with sparkles of light in all colours reflected from the inside as the outside, and tenderly kissed by the breeze. You would laugh and play with everyone and with all that comes around, generously sharing the excitement, softly touching, gently caressing and you all would feel and share the joy within. You would offer of your best and the other way around, they would the same way come with new exciting gifts to together curiously explore. That was your plan.
Can you remember?
I am asking once more: Can you remember?
Can you remember what you had in mind, what was your plan, when you started?
And as we are all little projectors, can you remember how you expected, or maybe still expect, every one else whom you meet to feel and think the same way that you do?
Do you remember what happened next?
Or is it that you chose to better not remember? Well, that's the interesting point. If you choose to not remember there is reason why.
But first, please try.
Try to remember.
03 June 2012
Finding of the Day - Body Language
Just found a gorgeous piece of info on body language. A real pearl among a lot of input we might find. Information is everywhere, that's the good part - information is confusing and we need to pick out what brings us further. That's also the good part but certainly a little difficult in this information overflow we live in these days. This one, I really would recommend.
Please open and watch yourself ... if you like so.
When the importance of message is 7:93 with 93% underlying information, you might get an idea why the spoken (or written) word is not all at all. Unless the word is in synchronicity with all. Precondition is that we regain a relation with the animal that still reads and knows to process the sensitive signs and signals, the animal in us. As I try to say: Make friends with them. Neither the reptile nor the animal nor the ego is bad in itself, to the contrary, they are part of us ad precious teachers and helpers. It is generally the measure and application that matters, and when who of them takes over if we allow - or if we are helpless, and they will do what they chose to do themselves and without us, as single entities and only with what they have in mind (see Maslow, if you like, again).
If we suppress them we only worsen it (that's actually what many religions do, and it gets so evident where that leads to). This is how we are whole and get a clue to our selves.
We are simply not as simple as we were tought to be. Especially when we were tought to deny good parts of us.
For me learning about it started with a middle class, later upper middle class, home and the lies kept under the carpets that quite confused me as I sensed the underlying, too. It was worth looking deeper and wider, seraching behind in order to grasp what is going on in my family, then in families around, and to be able to decide what I won't go for, and later later (so very much later, in fact) what to go for. Just remaining open for the signals directs the way of learning, same as the simple word reveals: 'Go searching and you will find'.
The simple conclusion: If we don't start searching, we also won't find.
While it is so simple, it is as well so important: 'Ask and the answers will be given'.
Which leads to the logical result that we must start to ask, too, to get nearer to the answers and at the same time why nothing works as an answer that was not asked before.
Another step was an early input for me, due to my interests, by Samy Molcho, a most wonderful teacher on nonverbals. He has created a precious heritage during his life and I fully agree with his statement
Later and throughout all life, animals tought me what is straight and healthy communication (actually they saved me from going nuts in a schizophrenic society if you understand what I mean) ... and the best teachers are animals we have a relation with without that disturbing drive for controling them or being liked or loved. We can like and love ourselves and only then can be partners at all, also to animals. They will accept us as we are (if we don't feed or submit them or in other ways make them dependents or co-dependents, something you also can observe). Animals that grow up in healthy psychological ways with healthy behavioural patterns show us what the animal in us in principle needs. We then might find that how we live on this planet in this time does everything else but fulfill the minimum human requirements. So already our children grow up with large gaps. For them it is desastrous as they are, first, nothing but little animals in their early development stages. Well, most don't make it further as we know.
Of course, a lot of learning comes from understanding psychology as used in sales, marketing, media and especially in the information game,. I always ran into heavy discussions with people who proclaim lightheartedly that it is fine to manipulate if it is for good purpose (probably their own purse or power), and if the people who are manipulated do not know what's good for them yet. Not few people in this narcissistic estate our societies are in, also consider it as 'legal' to take what others don't permanently and heavily protect. What a world to live in ...
I believe in free will, and that simply does not go with manipulation. So, indeed the best way to protect from being manipulated is understanding how it works and how 'human' works; and even then we find ourselves over and over in the middle of the same game. It is not easy to be aware always, especially as everything is done so that we are kept under a permanent distress (that's another chapter to dwell on). It is lots of processing to puzzle apart and put together the pieces of information if we get hold of them, at all. It takes time and an estate of peace in mind.
The point is that at a point, I find out that people in fact want to be manipulated. They run for it, over and over, and seem to be thirsting for being manipulated like flowers would run for rain (if they could). I am wondering what goes wrong there but can ony explain it with the fact that manipulation is an estate people know from earliest childhood on, and it provides them with a sort of convenience or satisfaction or kind of security. Being manipulated and submitting to manipulation is an easy way not to take over self-responsibility and act. Which means at the same time, an easy way to not become adult and grow. But that is the purpose here, if they want to believe it or not: Grow. Every plant knows that and grows and creates and tries its very best. If we would be made to remain babies, then we would also look like babies. The problem occurs from the discrepance between the outside person and the inside.
Just recently the last decade or so, I namely find that plants as well talk to us if we learn to listen and share. And it is wonderful what they have to say. Often I might find that they are much wiser than humans.
The only objective to deal with all that might be to become what we are.
Because that is what we are meant to be when born into this world.
Enjoy and 'cherrish your day',
and keep on moving,
Please open and watch yourself ... if you like so.
When the importance of message is 7:93 with 93% underlying information, you might get an idea why the spoken (or written) word is not all at all. Unless the word is in synchronicity with all. Precondition is that we regain a relation with the animal that still reads and knows to process the sensitive signs and signals, the animal in us. As I try to say: Make friends with them. Neither the reptile nor the animal nor the ego is bad in itself, to the contrary, they are part of us ad precious teachers and helpers. It is generally the measure and application that matters, and when who of them takes over if we allow - or if we are helpless, and they will do what they chose to do themselves and without us, as single entities and only with what they have in mind (see Maslow, if you like, again).
If we suppress them we only worsen it (that's actually what many religions do, and it gets so evident where that leads to). This is how we are whole and get a clue to our selves.
We are simply not as simple as we were tought to be. Especially when we were tought to deny good parts of us.
For me learning about it started with a middle class, later upper middle class, home and the lies kept under the carpets that quite confused me as I sensed the underlying, too. It was worth looking deeper and wider, seraching behind in order to grasp what is going on in my family, then in families around, and to be able to decide what I won't go for, and later later (so very much later, in fact) what to go for. Just remaining open for the signals directs the way of learning, same as the simple word reveals: 'Go searching and you will find'.
The simple conclusion: If we don't start searching, we also won't find.
While it is so simple, it is as well so important: 'Ask and the answers will be given'.
Which leads to the logical result that we must start to ask, too, to get nearer to the answers and at the same time why nothing works as an answer that was not asked before.
Another step was an early input for me, due to my interests, by Samy Molcho, a most wonderful teacher on nonverbals. He has created a precious heritage during his life and I fully agree with his statement
'body language is like the spoken language - but it can not lie'(webpage in German language if you like to check it out.)
Later and throughout all life, animals tought me what is straight and healthy communication (actually they saved me from going nuts in a schizophrenic society if you understand what I mean) ... and the best teachers are animals we have a relation with without that disturbing drive for controling them or being liked or loved. We can like and love ourselves and only then can be partners at all, also to animals. They will accept us as we are (if we don't feed or submit them or in other ways make them dependents or co-dependents, something you also can observe). Animals that grow up in healthy psychological ways with healthy behavioural patterns show us what the animal in us in principle needs. We then might find that how we live on this planet in this time does everything else but fulfill the minimum human requirements. So already our children grow up with large gaps. For them it is desastrous as they are, first, nothing but little animals in their early development stages. Well, most don't make it further as we know.
Of course, a lot of learning comes from understanding psychology as used in sales, marketing, media and especially in the information game,. I always ran into heavy discussions with people who proclaim lightheartedly that it is fine to manipulate if it is for good purpose (probably their own purse or power), and if the people who are manipulated do not know what's good for them yet. Not few people in this narcissistic estate our societies are in, also consider it as 'legal' to take what others don't permanently and heavily protect. What a world to live in ...
I believe in free will, and that simply does not go with manipulation. So, indeed the best way to protect from being manipulated is understanding how it works and how 'human' works; and even then we find ourselves over and over in the middle of the same game. It is not easy to be aware always, especially as everything is done so that we are kept under a permanent distress (that's another chapter to dwell on). It is lots of processing to puzzle apart and put together the pieces of information if we get hold of them, at all. It takes time and an estate of peace in mind.
The point is that at a point, I find out that people in fact want to be manipulated. They run for it, over and over, and seem to be thirsting for being manipulated like flowers would run for rain (if they could). I am wondering what goes wrong there but can ony explain it with the fact that manipulation is an estate people know from earliest childhood on, and it provides them with a sort of convenience or satisfaction or kind of security. Being manipulated and submitting to manipulation is an easy way not to take over self-responsibility and act. Which means at the same time, an easy way to not become adult and grow. But that is the purpose here, if they want to believe it or not: Grow. Every plant knows that and grows and creates and tries its very best. If we would be made to remain babies, then we would also look like babies. The problem occurs from the discrepance between the outside person and the inside.
Just recently the last decade or so, I namely find that plants as well talk to us if we learn to listen and share. And it is wonderful what they have to say. Often I might find that they are much wiser than humans.
The only objective to deal with all that might be to become what we are.
Because that is what we are meant to be when born into this world.
Enjoy and 'cherrish your day',
and keep on moving,
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