We certainly live in confusing times. Confusing mainly for those who have not noticed we are already, and this yet for 11 years, in the 21st century. Nothing works these days as it was working the centuries before. Some people certainly would like to stick to it. If they would face the challenges of the world as it evolves, they would have to expand their own capacities which is actually very possible. We as mankind already face the problem that most humans do not learn any further than their first two decades of living and then freeze in that state. As during this time they mostly have learned from people who grew up one or two generations before, we can imagine in which state the majority of people freezes.

Control is already for some millenia of relevance and presently really gets a serious topic. Humans want to have control and don´t like the idea that we have no such. Or should we say, they struggle hard for getting under control what they themselves have called? We can observe what is happening in our environment but we will never be able to fully control it. I mean, it would already be great if humans would start with gaining control over themselves. Unfortunately, this is not the case. And some people obviously have more need for control. There are serious hints that these are mainly people with the least control over themselves. And some pretend to have control, just to convince others to follow an idea, because the outcome would be under control.
A tempting thought.
And suddenly, we find that nothing is under control. Things change ongoingly as time and with it, environment does. We see we have no control over what our planet does. In principle, at least we should be able to control what we humans do. We have invented rules for a sociable community and for reliability between us individuals and groups, and we find that these rules are ongoingly broken. So, there is nothing to rely on, at least not in the manmade world. Rules are broken and abused as if social, written or spoken agreements never have existed at all.
Individual beings and groups simply follow their greeds and animal needs and abuse the framework of a once developed society to justify their deeds.
We have to admit that the Troll is in the control.
If we would do so - admitting - we could detect him and could take over, ourselves.
The truth is that humans do not have any control and not even over themselves and it does not matter how hard they would try to gain and keep the same. We are a part of a whole, bigger thing. Humans (why actually not written 'hu-men' if logically following orthographic guidelines?) therefore could merrily be a part of the whole and enjoy the role as part of a functioning compound organism. They certainly have the power to steer things within their special fields in good ways in case they take over full responsibility and if it still was the case that individuals would do such these days. It´s just about that things get crazy when little toes think they are the brain and take decisions with desastrous effects for the whole.
With kind regards from Tiamat,