14 May 2011

Not a Judge

The week-end before writing that last post of mine was certainly bad. I absolutely don't know why these feelings occured so strongly that made me write those lines, and I even don't think it's very poetic though I just had to put something that obviously troubled me underlyingly, in words.

This was, as I found out just after that, the time they hunted Osama (it's anyway funny because it's so easy to mess up 'Osama' and 'Obama'. Many people do, and maybe also this has a special meaning - I do not really believe in coincidences in life any more.)

I neither believe in this nor in that side. I just know that the way the Western societies approach the Middle East is not carried by love and understanding, and also not by Human Rights awareness. No one cares indeed for ethical values when it is about the Middle East countries - nor does any Westerner care for the same in any other country. Maybe some do - single persons with a high ethical awareness. But, to be honest, how many percent are these? Some single people, maybe, and they function like rocks in a wild sea though they are certainly made of anything else but stone.

I assume it is some kind of clear by now that our societies are what we make out of them.

Many drops hollow the stone.

In this or that way.

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