28 May 2011

Naked ... - Part 2

Just at the occasion of the transferation of Mladic, it is little known how the breaking up of former Yugoslavia really happened and which parties and forces really made their impacts and points there. It is little popular to look at that sometimes the 'victimized' groups are not so much the victims, and that a strong reaction on the other side could have been anticipated, and maybe even this development was played with. In other words, manipulated - diplomatically - politically.

There were many other reasons to break up former Yugoslavia, a country with the 5th strongest military power in Europe and which was, due to it's bonds with former 'Eastern block' countries, not 100% calculable. See, it all comes down to the black-and-white reptile and the mob-animal approach.

If you are my friend you follow what I say ('cause I am the one in power or want to be ...), if you don't then you are not my friend - and if you are not my friend, and if you don't submit, then you are my enemy. No nuances. No shading. No honesty. No integrity. Certain armies (and allies) have their very own problems all times with their fiend-or-foe identification. In the end, it does not matter if you are shot by friendly fire or by the enemy. So a solution would be not to shoot at first, wouldn't it?

Collective psychopathy is and will be a major problem. An option certainly  would be the evolution of individuals until we reach a state of evolution of majorities (e-volution ... think it over, etymology-wise).

In a world that gets severely small these days it's frightening in fact. The problem is not solved by pointing at one person who just did what it did because it was empowered to do so by so many others and provoked (and if that happened consciously, call it manipulated) to do so by other others.
What is suppressed, by own will or by others, comes out in disguise and unexpectedly. So just care to clarify that the ones who claim for themselves the 'victim' status also ARE the victims and do not just play their very own games of power - the power of opportunism of the weak.

Coming back to the present case: What I dislike about all that is the different measures that are applied. In Den Haag, I also would like to see some (several) other guys and girls for what they pushed for, and for what word they spread.Even if they were not the ones who killed with their own hands or even not by giving any order to do so to others, by the way they passed on selected information are murderers the same.

The problem is not solved, and by the fact that new injustice towards a whole people has been created it will take some other generations until the wounds break up again. Opportunism at a point does not wipe out the past and what people should have done or should not have done. This counts for everyone and everwhere. It's not a curse by a cruel god but a psychological rule that severe injustice and acts of one generation will be passed on into coming generations. This process goes on and on until it will be resolved at a point.

So, why is this the continuation of 'Naked Without Skin' to me?

I was writing about bullies and dispensibles there. The term 'dispensibles' sounds extremely harsh, and I am well aware of this. I mean it though, even if I would never do anything physically to 'dispense' them. Moreover, I ongoingly give  opportunities and open bridges to do better by giving choices. Which they choose to not use. They consider themselves as in power, their fellow mob is strengthening them in this (not realizing they become part of a mob themselves) and therefore, they assume to be 'right'. Even if they are not 'right' at all.
(Just wondering if the word 'right' is originally connected to the word 'straight' and was then misused - re-associated - at a point as it so often happens with languages to form the brains. The 'left'-'right' thematic is another one that is worth to be screened for finding out much more about humans and what pathes they have 'left').

The more they do, the more they go wrong and have to do and add further wrong just to cover up the wrong of before. A really vicious circle.

So they will make themselves 'dispensible' at a point because they load more and more wrong on themselves and no social collective can bear that load. It's their very own responsibility. The pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last.

If you really think over the directions our present societies have moved to, you will find that people who are upright, who are strong inside, who got integrity, who decide on individual facts and not on personal affiliations, who stand in for values (and not only to propagate such for socio-/political reasons) are rare. Also do those not search for followers so that they do what they do just in daily life.

If all would do so, all kind of problems would easily become solved. It does not even have to be 'all'; many is already much.

To the contrary, severe increases of back problems and pain in our societies are no shere coincidence (and also not only owed to wrong physical 'positioning'). Rapid increase of dementia and depressions hint all at the same direction. (Just into a dejà-vu while writing this.) Time to lie to one self must be over.

Life is too short and too precious.

The bullying society has not learned any other reflexes than how they act today, and they are yet majority. It is all too easy to use, you know. If a behaviour provides advantages and is rewarded - so why then not use it?

Therefore, it is even more important that we teach our children that there are also other ways of social behaviour (and if you try that and become aware, you will get mad about school systems and what they do to children, and so on and so forth). The term which is used in German is much more to the point, as 'mobbing' expresses in itself that there is always a 'mob' at work. The brave hearts have for long been sorted out, by physical killing and other ways of elimination (just look at our history). What is left over and what was opportunistic enough, is what now is at power.

We are all connected to all. What affects us personally always affects all others as well. Don't believe it?

What you do to me you do to yourself. 
What I do to you I do to me.

A remark which got nothing to do with the above but I need to place now and here, reading over such statements continuously and independently of the language which is used to utter this statement as if it was a fact:

There is no such like
'Every one has his/her own truth'.

There is truth. And there are aspects of the truth or reality which single people are able or willing to see. Logical deduction:
What they then see is their (point of) view, or their perception or their opinion, but NOT their truth.

Truth is what it is and stands for itself even without a perceiver or viewer.
Truth does not need anyone to be the truth. It merely is what it is.
Truth is truth. Not mine. Not yours. It is.

And this is not 'my truth', but it is my point of view, my very personal opinion.
In case I am lucky, it might reflect some sparkles of the truth.

Our language is forming our brains and our very own awareness.
We need to be(come) much more careful with it.


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