17 May 2011

Naked without Skin

The prevailing species of females on this planet does not like me. By default. I am a walking offense for their self-chosen lifestyles: submissive and creeping to the outside but massively seeking for dominance underneath. Or should I more clearly say, in underhanded ways.

I know that for long time. Usually, I stay away from them. But it takes time to find out who is - and who is not. At first, I always apply the common rule 'in dubio pro reo'. I mean, they are not accused in the beginning. They only get later, after having used up the huge advance I usually admit to them.

The prevailing species of males on the same (remember: planet) also does not like me very much. I certainly have qualities they would love to have, as males, and will never reach those. I know that, too, and it does not matter so much because most of those males were anyway never meant for mating (they in return also know that and use the strategy of 'sneaking in' to pretend to be, even if they are not) and are therefore some kind of dispensible, anyway. Unfortunately, they do (mate), and unfortunately with the prevailing species of females on this planet.

Such, the breeding of dispensibles is granted for the further future.

Despite all my usual security measures (stay away from them, keep relations to the professional level - well, here I once more can call something my own they absolutely have not and will also never gain, and so on) from time to time it happens that copies of this prevailing female population - let's call them 'Jennie Doe' for now - feel endangered just by my existence. So, what will they do? It is about their egos and masks and rotten lifestyles they have set up for themselves. Rotten in this case is anything that is meant to transform into new soil and would have to be composted first but heavily defends to this process. They want to remain in this estate. Logical, they have never known any other than that. Unfortunately, they have also never questioned WHY they have never known any other. And even more unfortunately, they do not look around to see that it is possible to live differently.

Or maybe, they just love dwelling in their swamps - mostly it seems so because otherwise they would seek a way out of it.

So my existence just by pure presence, offends them and they try to find ways to change that. Well, they try to change me, not themselves, certainly. Or at least to get me out of their ways. The ways they use therefore are the ways they know.

The good news about bullying (better known by the term 'mobbing' in the European areas) is the fact that

Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully.

Bully OnLine, Website of the UK National Workplace Bullying Avice Line

This statement summarizes most of what is to say about it.

Some certainly good websites for collecting features to track down the bullies:

'Workplace bullying involves the repetitive, prolonged abuse of power. Unwelcome, unreasonable, escalating behaviours are aggressively directed at one or more workers and cause humiliation, offence, intimidation and distress. It places their health, well-being, safety and career at risk, interferes with job performance and creates a toxic working environment. Workplace bullying can attack anyone, in any career, at any level, within any organization, at any time.'
Bully Blocking - Workplace Bullying

1) How do bullies select their targets?
The bully selects their target using the following criteria:
  • bullies are predatory and opportunistic - you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; this is always the main reason - investigation will reveal a string of predecessors, and you will have a string of successors
  • being good at your job, often excelling
  • being popular with people (colleagues, customers, clients, pupils, parents, patients, etc)
  • more than anything else, the bully fears exposure of his/her inadequacy and incompetence; your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear
  • being the expert and the person to whom others come for advice, either personal or professional (ie you get more attention than the bully)
  • having a well-defined set of values which you are unwilling to compromise
  • having a strong sense of integrity (bullies despise integrity, for they have none, and seem compelled to destroy anyone who has integrity)
  • having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited
  • being too old or too expensive (usually both)
  • refusing to join an established clique
  • showing independence of thought or deed
  • refusing to become a corporate clone and drone
Jealousy (of relationships and perceived exclusion therefrom) and envy (of talents, abilities, circumstances or possessions) are strong motivators of bullying.'
Bully OnLine UK - Types of bullying, bullying tactics, how targets are selected, the difference between bullying and harassment An answer to the question "Why me?"

Another one:

A former Siemens employee, who says she was harassed and discriminated against, is seeking 2 million euros compensation. Experts say workplace bullying is a growing problem in Germany.
DW-world.de 20.01.2010 Workplace bullying trial begins

And to all those Jennie Does in the world: 

You don't deserve any respect, tolerance or even understanding which you certainly get for a long time. Your 'targets' in principle know how weak you are and they pity you deep in the heart, that's why they are much too patient with your kind for too long time.

To whom it may concern
With unkindest regards, 


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