29 May 2011

About ... Joy

A beautiful day has begun.
Despite all the worries of a single responsible, full-time working mother just shortly before an(other) expiry of the working contract (the common Human Resources approach these days), the man of her life located so far away, I realize (once more and again): it's just joy what all is about. Seems this joy had to a good part been taken away for a while and some daily problems really can drive you into some hyper-active panicking mode (don't know right this moment if that's the reptile or the animal farm inside of me). Joy is fuel, and usually the vampires are not far away where there is good rising. For the moment, they can't touch this.


The sun rising again each day: joy.
The birds giving their daily concert, partly on and from my little balcony: joy.
The fact the house is clean now (which is not always the case, no wonder): joy.
My kids giving me peace to wake up in my own slow mode, the luxury of going through the weekend edition of my favourite newspaper: joy. Didn't have that for ages. (Children are quite selfish until they learn to be social, and it must be allowed to speak out also this openly.)
The air to breath: thankfulness and joy.
A message from my dearest, to wish me a good morning: joy, joy, joy.
The trust of a little animal, a caress for the soul you exchange: joy. Deep joy.
The will of flowers and plants to grow: joy. They teach us the lessons of how to do it.
The flaring expression in the eyes of someone who loves: pure joy.

To know my love is there, even if we are physically almost 1000 kms apart, but he is and now I know he is (I always knew but had not found him then). To in depth realize he probably is even nearer than many other relations are to each other which live side by side but their hearts don't touch the other's, creates undescribable joy. It is a very special extra joy just to open wide towards something/someone you are in principle afraid of and let it in after decades (indeed!) of tracking something you know that it exists but you ongoingly slamp into mud pits on the way and it costs you extraordinary power to crawl out of those. The infinite joy of seeing a vision or a dream you fought hard for, happen.
To find what you were out to find is real joy in itself. So, even if I was giving all my wishes, dreams and hopes away at a point, in the end I learned that it is so much worth to have a real vision of what must be existing somewhere, provided the dreams are related to good. The dreams just take time to be prepared to come into real life, and they have to overcome some obstacles in and on the way, too.

Joy, joy, joy. I remember there was something. Joy. A carol in the heart that shines suddenly and somehow out of itself.

I know, it is not stable as nothing is stable and all is change.
For the moment, this very little moment, it is my fuelling.
Fuelling we all need. It's so much easier if you have your own personal fuelling around and realize, inhale the harmony and beauty of the moment: nice environment, all that nature provides (if we let her), a roof above your head (remember not all people have that, and be aware of this every day), a real smile of someone, anyone. A picture that makes you feel warm inside. The openness and sparkle in the eyes of a young child, unpolluted yet. Observing some bees or bumblebees, being so busy with their very own business of the moment.

Thank you, life. Thank you, good. Thanks for the joy - the little joy, the big joy, the joy of only a moment, all the joy you make exist.
Thank you that the wheel goes on turning.

Be blessed and embraced, all you who need it.

And be blessed and embraced especially, my love who gives me so much power just by the way you are and the fact that you are.

With an extraordinary portion of fuel and love thanks to this wonderful day,


28 May 2011

Naked ... - Part 2

Just at the occasion of the transferation of Mladic, it is little known how the breaking up of former Yugoslavia really happened and which parties and forces really made their impacts and points there. It is little popular to look at that sometimes the 'victimized' groups are not so much the victims, and that a strong reaction on the other side could have been anticipated, and maybe even this development was played with. In other words, manipulated - diplomatically - politically.

There were many other reasons to break up former Yugoslavia, a country with the 5th strongest military power in Europe and which was, due to it's bonds with former 'Eastern block' countries, not 100% calculable. See, it all comes down to the black-and-white reptile and the mob-animal approach.

If you are my friend you follow what I say ('cause I am the one in power or want to be ...), if you don't then you are not my friend - and if you are not my friend, and if you don't submit, then you are my enemy. No nuances. No shading. No honesty. No integrity. Certain armies (and allies) have their very own problems all times with their fiend-or-foe identification. In the end, it does not matter if you are shot by friendly fire or by the enemy. So a solution would be not to shoot at first, wouldn't it?

Collective psychopathy is and will be a major problem. An option certainly  would be the evolution of individuals until we reach a state of evolution of majorities (e-volution ... think it over, etymology-wise).

In a world that gets severely small these days it's frightening in fact. The problem is not solved by pointing at one person who just did what it did because it was empowered to do so by so many others and provoked (and if that happened consciously, call it manipulated) to do so by other others.
What is suppressed, by own will or by others, comes out in disguise and unexpectedly. So just care to clarify that the ones who claim for themselves the 'victim' status also ARE the victims and do not just play their very own games of power - the power of opportunism of the weak.

Coming back to the present case: What I dislike about all that is the different measures that are applied. In Den Haag, I also would like to see some (several) other guys and girls for what they pushed for, and for what word they spread.Even if they were not the ones who killed with their own hands or even not by giving any order to do so to others, by the way they passed on selected information are murderers the same.

The problem is not solved, and by the fact that new injustice towards a whole people has been created it will take some other generations until the wounds break up again. Opportunism at a point does not wipe out the past and what people should have done or should not have done. This counts for everyone and everwhere. It's not a curse by a cruel god but a psychological rule that severe injustice and acts of one generation will be passed on into coming generations. This process goes on and on until it will be resolved at a point.

So, why is this the continuation of 'Naked Without Skin' to me?

I was writing about bullies and dispensibles there. The term 'dispensibles' sounds extremely harsh, and I am well aware of this. I mean it though, even if I would never do anything physically to 'dispense' them. Moreover, I ongoingly give  opportunities and open bridges to do better by giving choices. Which they choose to not use. They consider themselves as in power, their fellow mob is strengthening them in this (not realizing they become part of a mob themselves) and therefore, they assume to be 'right'. Even if they are not 'right' at all.
(Just wondering if the word 'right' is originally connected to the word 'straight' and was then misused - re-associated - at a point as it so often happens with languages to form the brains. The 'left'-'right' thematic is another one that is worth to be screened for finding out much more about humans and what pathes they have 'left').

The more they do, the more they go wrong and have to do and add further wrong just to cover up the wrong of before. A really vicious circle.

So they will make themselves 'dispensible' at a point because they load more and more wrong on themselves and no social collective can bear that load. It's their very own responsibility. The pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last.

If you really think over the directions our present societies have moved to, you will find that people who are upright, who are strong inside, who got integrity, who decide on individual facts and not on personal affiliations, who stand in for values (and not only to propagate such for socio-/political reasons) are rare. Also do those not search for followers so that they do what they do just in daily life.

If all would do so, all kind of problems would easily become solved. It does not even have to be 'all'; many is already much.

To the contrary, severe increases of back problems and pain in our societies are no shere coincidence (and also not only owed to wrong physical 'positioning'). Rapid increase of dementia and depressions hint all at the same direction. (Just into a dejà-vu while writing this.) Time to lie to one self must be over.

Life is too short and too precious.

The bullying society has not learned any other reflexes than how they act today, and they are yet majority. It is all too easy to use, you know. If a behaviour provides advantages and is rewarded - so why then not use it?

Therefore, it is even more important that we teach our children that there are also other ways of social behaviour (and if you try that and become aware, you will get mad about school systems and what they do to children, and so on and so forth). The term which is used in German is much more to the point, as 'mobbing' expresses in itself that there is always a 'mob' at work. The brave hearts have for long been sorted out, by physical killing and other ways of elimination (just look at our history). What is left over and what was opportunistic enough, is what now is at power.

We are all connected to all. What affects us personally always affects all others as well. Don't believe it?

What you do to me you do to yourself. 
What I do to you I do to me.

A remark which got nothing to do with the above but I need to place now and here, reading over such statements continuously and independently of the language which is used to utter this statement as if it was a fact:

There is no such like
'Every one has his/her own truth'.

There is truth. And there are aspects of the truth or reality which single people are able or willing to see. Logical deduction:
What they then see is their (point of) view, or their perception or their opinion, but NOT their truth.

Truth is what it is and stands for itself even without a perceiver or viewer.
Truth does not need anyone to be the truth. It merely is what it is.
Truth is truth. Not mine. Not yours. It is.

And this is not 'my truth', but it is my point of view, my very personal opinion.
In case I am lucky, it might reflect some sparkles of the truth.

Our language is forming our brains and our very own awareness.
We need to be(come) much more careful with it.


25 May 2011

The Black and White Approach or Why the Horse is Shot

As usual, stumbling over human perceptions in daily life and trying to bring it on paper. On screen, to be exact.

What I hear when observing some things going wrong, is often that I would be 'critical'. Worse is even if it is expressed as I would 'see things only black and white' or even 'negative'. Fortunately, nothing of this is true at all, but the opposite.

The point is that I see if a horse is laming. 

If it does, I must hint at this so that measures can be taken in time. To prevent that the laming leg gets worse and in the end, the horse needs to be shot. 

I don't want the horse to be shot and will have done my best to assess, diagnose and in best case to heal the leg in time.

That's all I do but people don't want to hear that. Despite a very clear communication and deep consideration of which words I use, people drag my words on a level where it gets black and white, and I am extremely sorry for this, over and over. Because I see, this way of thinking must be in people.

Black and white filtering is reptile functionality and certainly lifesaving at a very early stage in life where differentiation abilities are not yet well developed.

Just needed
to get this
in words.


17 May 2011

Naked without Skin

The prevailing species of females on this planet does not like me. By default. I am a walking offense for their self-chosen lifestyles: submissive and creeping to the outside but massively seeking for dominance underneath. Or should I more clearly say, in underhanded ways.

I know that for long time. Usually, I stay away from them. But it takes time to find out who is - and who is not. At first, I always apply the common rule 'in dubio pro reo'. I mean, they are not accused in the beginning. They only get later, after having used up the huge advance I usually admit to them.

The prevailing species of males on the same (remember: planet) also does not like me very much. I certainly have qualities they would love to have, as males, and will never reach those. I know that, too, and it does not matter so much because most of those males were anyway never meant for mating (they in return also know that and use the strategy of 'sneaking in' to pretend to be, even if they are not) and are therefore some kind of dispensible, anyway. Unfortunately, they do (mate), and unfortunately with the prevailing species of females on this planet.

Such, the breeding of dispensibles is granted for the further future.

Despite all my usual security measures (stay away from them, keep relations to the professional level - well, here I once more can call something my own they absolutely have not and will also never gain, and so on) from time to time it happens that copies of this prevailing female population - let's call them 'Jennie Doe' for now - feel endangered just by my existence. So, what will they do? It is about their egos and masks and rotten lifestyles they have set up for themselves. Rotten in this case is anything that is meant to transform into new soil and would have to be composted first but heavily defends to this process. They want to remain in this estate. Logical, they have never known any other than that. Unfortunately, they have also never questioned WHY they have never known any other. And even more unfortunately, they do not look around to see that it is possible to live differently.

Or maybe, they just love dwelling in their swamps - mostly it seems so because otherwise they would seek a way out of it.

So my existence just by pure presence, offends them and they try to find ways to change that. Well, they try to change me, not themselves, certainly. Or at least to get me out of their ways. The ways they use therefore are the ways they know.

The good news about bullying (better known by the term 'mobbing' in the European areas) is the fact that

Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully.

Bully OnLine, Website of the UK National Workplace Bullying Avice Line

This statement summarizes most of what is to say about it.

Some certainly good websites for collecting features to track down the bullies:

'Workplace bullying involves the repetitive, prolonged abuse of power. Unwelcome, unreasonable, escalating behaviours are aggressively directed at one or more workers and cause humiliation, offence, intimidation and distress. It places their health, well-being, safety and career at risk, interferes with job performance and creates a toxic working environment. Workplace bullying can attack anyone, in any career, at any level, within any organization, at any time.'
Bully Blocking - Workplace Bullying

1) How do bullies select their targets?
The bully selects their target using the following criteria:
  • bullies are predatory and opportunistic - you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; this is always the main reason - investigation will reveal a string of predecessors, and you will have a string of successors
  • being good at your job, often excelling
  • being popular with people (colleagues, customers, clients, pupils, parents, patients, etc)
  • more than anything else, the bully fears exposure of his/her inadequacy and incompetence; your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear
  • being the expert and the person to whom others come for advice, either personal or professional (ie you get more attention than the bully)
  • having a well-defined set of values which you are unwilling to compromise
  • having a strong sense of integrity (bullies despise integrity, for they have none, and seem compelled to destroy anyone who has integrity)
  • having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited
  • being too old or too expensive (usually both)
  • refusing to join an established clique
  • showing independence of thought or deed
  • refusing to become a corporate clone and drone
Jealousy (of relationships and perceived exclusion therefrom) and envy (of talents, abilities, circumstances or possessions) are strong motivators of bullying.'
Bully OnLine UK - Types of bullying, bullying tactics, how targets are selected, the difference between bullying and harassment An answer to the question "Why me?"

Another one:

A former Siemens employee, who says she was harassed and discriminated against, is seeking 2 million euros compensation. Experts say workplace bullying is a growing problem in Germany.
DW-world.de 20.01.2010 Workplace bullying trial begins

And to all those Jennie Does in the world: 

You don't deserve any respect, tolerance or even understanding which you certainly get for a long time. Your 'targets' in principle know how weak you are and they pity you deep in the heart, that's why they are much too patient with your kind for too long time.

To whom it may concern
With unkindest regards, 


14 May 2011

Not a Judge

The week-end before writing that last post of mine was certainly bad. I absolutely don't know why these feelings occured so strongly that made me write those lines, and I even don't think it's very poetic though I just had to put something that obviously troubled me underlyingly, in words.

This was, as I found out just after that, the time they hunted Osama (it's anyway funny because it's so easy to mess up 'Osama' and 'Obama'. Many people do, and maybe also this has a special meaning - I do not really believe in coincidences in life any more.)

I neither believe in this nor in that side. I just know that the way the Western societies approach the Middle East is not carried by love and understanding, and also not by Human Rights awareness. No one cares indeed for ethical values when it is about the Middle East countries - nor does any Westerner care for the same in any other country. Maybe some do - single persons with a high ethical awareness. But, to be honest, how many percent are these? Some single people, maybe, and they function like rocks in a wild sea though they are certainly made of anything else but stone.

I assume it is some kind of clear by now that our societies are what we make out of them.

Many drops hollow the stone.

In this or that way.

02 May 2011

Each other

Never wanted to be
anyone in this world
only wished to have had
a place amidst thee
to happily live
with a smile and a heart
for each other

Then I found that this world
was divided between
the ones that had given away
their hearts and their smiles
on busy ways fighting
each other.

Dividing they know
and cutting apart
generously the heart
taking life and what's good
as self-understood
from the other

When in pieces they lay
they came crawling by
with smiles in the face
demanding merci and grace
and cursed not themselves
but the other

Turn it around as you like
we will not escape
the evidence that
what ever we do
affects me and you
and with what we do
or are missing to do
we always

Each other.

01 May 2011

Certainly not - dogmatic


Reading through my own stuff, I find that anyone who yet has no clue to sharing my ways of perceiving and seeing things, might maybe come to the conclusion that I am some kind of religiously fanatic and from some strange kind of sect.

Just need to comment that I am not at all any of such, have been raised completely atheistically and had to trace my own ways to try to understand the world. In this context, I of course could not resist to explore all kind of existing and ancient cultures and societies during lifetime, to browse and screen all kind of social classes, age groups and all kind of parallel groups, walking in and walking out, never being part of it but nevertheless being part of the whole. It´s interesting studying humans, and maybe this is the most interesting purpose in this life, helping to come nearer finding what we really are.
Of course I read myself through old texts of all kinds, and reading archeological sites is even much more interesting, and by such I at a point found how precious this heritage of ours is to understand where we come from if we look at them from new perspectives.

Existing interpretations do not give us any clue about what was meant to be passed on. The wholistic aspect, the way of how a child perceives information with still all senses, got lost during time and interpretation. Though we are living in the glorious age of knowledge today, handling the knowledge requires an ability to sense and sort the core information and lay aside what someone else has just added or turned around. Analyzing needs full awareness of the facts of communication, especially it requires to understand that all communication expresses the sender's view much more than what is superficially communicated. We have to carve out the truth hidden in information, like an archeologist peels off the layers from the basic piece. Dogmata certainly are the wrong way to find out how things are in fact. Which means for finding, you always must keep yourself open. Not an easy task for oneself in days as we live in.

I have burnt myself often, certainly, by having my nose in things some groups would really like to cover up and by breaking taboos which keep societies running the way they do.

I think it is indeed worth it - to look behind the curtains.

This one is for my love whom I just understood to always have been there though I didn´t know where, until we at last and after long and winding journeys, found one another.

It also describes the ways I followed in my life, and I only understood this after having walked those ways.

Anyone with access to symbolic meanings knows that that one is a path of fire.

Have a nice sunday, everyone, and if you don't mind, care that the flame of curiosity does never ever extinguish in your selves!
