30 April 2011

Till Death Them Do Apart

'Till death us do apart' - surely the 'magic' five words for many a bride and some a bridegroom and as I have been pondering about these terms for long time now, I fear it´s a nice moment to try to get this into written text.

Have we allowed ourselves ever to question which death might be meant when rushing over the wording coming so freely over people´s lips?

If we take words serious, and especially 'magic' words what we certainly should, these five already appear to clearly resemble a spell. Magicians have used this kind of wording for special purposes, and this one does not look very different. Words are input and output of how our brains function. Words come out of states of consciousness, and words create consciousness.

Re-uniting genders
In a material sense, it is about re-uniting the genders that were split at a point. This enables mankind to reproduce in diversity which gives an evolutionary advantage. Already lowest creatures are enabled to function like this.

Though biologically this is also the case for us humans, by seeing and following this drive only, this way we seriously degrade ourselves. Of course, there is the animal drive to reproduce 'successfully' and as drives always work, following them produces a feeling of satisfaction as 'reward' for biologically preset behaviour. If humans, mostly unconsciously, submit hereto, they unfortunately deny a good part of what they are made to be. The biological approach can not be all at all.

Duality as mirrored in the seeming appearance of two sexes (which is absolutely not reality as there a lots of 'in betweens' existing which are usually and depending of the 'cultures', denied or 'made suitable'), as especially our western cultures have set up to easier sort their world, does not exist. Duality is simply a filtered way to see the world.

Our reptiles heritage
Duality is indeed a reptile reminiscent. When we understand this, we just might laugh about the concept of duality, pat that little reptile in us and in a friendly way take over ourselves the mastership over our lives.

If on the other hand we assume duality to be a given truth, we submit our selves to our evolution´s early and quite primitive concept. Duality, the separation between only two existing poles, is in fact of relevance at an early stage both in the individual as in the collective development of mankind. Therefore, it can not be denied in an early stage. It helps us in an unsconscious and weak phase of evolution to distinguish between what will eat us and what we can eat, or in extension, what nurtures us. Duality is the concept of the fight for physical survival - a simple, primitive but effective structure in the brain, in our, human, brains as we all derive from earlier creations.

If we can understand that most of our western society is still based on strong churchly influence, passed on by so-called education and by heritage, we can understand what we deal with and what we mostly have soaked up like sponges as children are and we were at the moment being conditioned that way, even if not directly churchly influenced living in such social environment though (the whole western world has been influenced by Roman heritage, and all that was different was efficiently wiped out throughout time - but this is an other discussion).

Additionally, we submit ourselves to trading physical surviving on a very low level on the cost of what life was meant to be and the gifts it is withholding for us all the time.

Presence and absence

There is, and where there is not, there is not.
No two poles at all, but a matter of existence and non-existence of different matters.

Where there is not, there is emptyness, and sometimes a vacuum - and a loneliness that can never be filled, how ever much people would try to keep themselves busy or how ever they keep lying to themselves that they have all and are completely happy with it. If we believe we are reptiles only, we will live as reptiles, in an unconscious fight only for reproduction and surviving. If we believe we are animals only, we will live as animals, in an ongoing struggle for acceptance and being someone in a group. But we then do not live as humans at all as which we were created once.

Awareness as access

When the original first recognition, as I tried to put in words in 'Aweseome Curiosity', is the unification of conscious mind - the 'godly' or 'good I' or 'Isch-Ah', the bride - and the flesh from the earth in the form of Adam - the animal part or 'Isch', the bridegroom or ego in other terms - this describes a vertical unity. This vertical 'marriage' within ourselves describes the connection between 'higher' and 'lower' levels of consciousness, and with such, even the connection between our reptile and animal layers and our full awareness on the other hand. This marriage can happen in us. In each of us - if we wish to and are ready for it. But it presumes that we are willing to leave the stage of childhood and to take over responsibility.

The very first re-cognition unites Adam and Eve, flesh and conscious mind, understanding they are two different entities belonging together, connecting the animal we once were with a higher knowing, understanding and spirit, and making these one.

The symbol for this vertical connection is made visible in the tree, a symbol which is found in many cultures all over the planet and time. Also the biblical scriptures refer to this tree which basically is a very old and so-called 'pagan' symbol derived from times when we were not split as we humans are now. Another symbol it is very much connected to, is the serpent. Please track yourself how the serpent, as a symbol for inner and arising consciousness, is treated in the 'so-called christian' religions. If you then understand that these 'religions' do not wish people to access their own awareness and access to higher consciousness, the logical consequence is easy to understand.

Broadening the approach
The 'horizontal' connection, as a second step, is a re-connection between indeed an artificially split up 'male' and 'female', taking place by a 're-cognition', again. Many explanations and interpretations for a few decades refer to the bibilical 'recognizing' is a circumscription of the simple act of sex. I doubt this: Our old scriptures, legends and even fairytales, as arcs to how our ancestors perceived the world, are too consistent, and what is very important, the perception was then not yet split into linear, 'real' ways of perceiving and sensual/visual, today´s 'unreal' ways of perceiving truth.
I strongly assume that male and female are existing in ourselves and that are originally made as whole beings. Something else is splitting us, so that we run around all our lives, trying to find this unity in ourselves back again. It is also obvious that at a point, male was identified with the 'right' body hemisphere while 'female' was assigned with the 'left' and there is up to today strict social pressure on us and our children to integrate this as a 'given truth'. One example to trace this is by realizing how classical clothings are traditionally designed for men and women. Womens´clothes have to be handled lefthanded - mens´ clothes demand the same righthanded. As we all know, there is lefthanders and righthanders in both genders, and even the wording for 'left' and 'right' has strong additional associations. It´s indeed more than weird that one gender was forced to become one-sided and the other one to become one-sided as well but using the opposite hand, and it shows how in the end all of us loose with such conditioned setting. It is an artificial split which was certainly not designed for our well-being. Tracking back to where from duality derives, the conclusion is that this is a reptilish act.

The description of mankind´s evolution is exactly what we carry within ourselves. If we make use of it is another thing. And that humans did not always follow what was from higher aspects prepared or given to them, is evident. The bible, even if a most ancient collection and for a re-connection to humans´past most relevant source for understanding what we are, is also full of stories of where humans gone other ways. It is difficult to find together the pieces of truth which it contains and especially their original meanings. Anyhow, we should not let others interpret for us what we wish to find. Then we again would pass on our very own decisionmaking to other humans, and nobody knows what drives and motivates them, underneath.

Keeping (us) low
When now humans 'replay' the 'marriage' without the participating individuals before realizing what I here describe as the 'vertical connection' of higher and groundlevels and a clear 're-cognition' of that the other one is a part of my self I already carry within me, then in fact just flesh marries. Adam is the pure material biological-physical level, leaving out the aspect of life with its conscious power of creation - and creation means more than only re-creating same old stuff in new versions and to heap up materialistic wealth and powers.

They form a unity of two fleshly beings, two animal beings in the best case, as humans without access to life are dwelling in a state somewhere between and switching from reptile to animal - a dragon and a beast. It is not enough to have undergone ceremonies withheld by churches. These explicitely keep us away from what creation had in mind for us.

The reptile cares for physical survival, distinguishing between what is good and bad for its, the reptile´s, surviving on a plain material basis. The animal cares for social connectivity and social surviving and 'success', as a representative for a further stage of human evolution when individual beings closed up for mutual physical benefit. This is not bad - it is simply without access to anything more than that, and therefore empty, lonely and vain. Whatever fruit might come out of this, it is produced on a purely material basis, to fulfill the reptile´s and the animal´s needs. The bond is of animal, material character, and as the reptile-animal 'partners' will pass on their essence of surviving, they will same 'successfully' take care that this concept is passed into the next generations - their material interpretation of 'living forever'. The only problem is that this concept lacks anything that is more than just the biological approach.

Leopards, wolves and kids and lambs
No one is asked to abandon these animals in us as no one of us can, and who ever denies them makes the most serious mistake of all as this will only make them grow bigger and bigger in the dark. Existing churches prove this perfectly. Mankind was made of Adam, the earthly flesh which is part of us all. We are requested though to 're-cognize' them as what they are. As how ever nice, useful and even powerful these little or sometimes bigger animals in us are, we must not forget that in an early stage of mankind, we were additionally given the gift of consciousness as access to life.

Why? Simply because whatever created us pitied us for being so lonely as we are if we have to live just on animal level, even among all the other wonderful animal creations on this planet.

Looping back to the ominous five words
'Till death do us apart'.

Still the question is: Which death is meant with these words?

Ashes to ashes as flesh to flesh
What is so wishful for two human beings, to be parted by death if they consider at the same time this kind of 'marriage' as exclusive and lifelong? Consequently, the next question must be: Which life is meant which submits to death?

If we would 'marry' in full consciousness, we would, by access to the vertical connection, at the same time recognize our horizontal connection.

There would be no death because we would include in ourselves the access to life itself and we would be filled with joy of creation and creating. Consciousness is not material, it is able to recognize the one that is meant for us, to unite and to unify, it comes from consciousness and goes back to consciousness. It has no death. It can not be 'done apart'.

Why then, again, these special five 'magic' words?

We all re not stupid and we know that our material being, our physical bodies will die. People in much earlier cultures also knew - therefore it is no excuse to say this derives from older cultures of mankind. So then, which sense would these words have? Is it, therefore, a simple physical, material and reptile-animal bond that is put on two people, even a spell? Can 'Till death do as apart', spoken disconnected to a godly self and without re-cognition of the partner that is really meant for oneself, then simply be a curse? A curse which means to keep us away from life?

And wouldn´t this wording at the very same moment mean denying the ability humans are given to unify, so from that very moment on follow a kind of life that is lonely, merely by being set up like this, and even more, so that even creation and evolution can not take place - unless we untie from this spell?

Do humans pay off their reptile-animal 'marriages' with flat but secure lifestyle, with giving away the ability of their higher selves to unify as a give away for the material amenities of physical well-being and social rank?

A third re-cognition therefore, is the understanding that time and place is not existing but as a concept of split. Everything is taking place at the same time and in the same place.

Past is at the same time presence is at the same time future is at the same time past.
There is no space that needs to be overcome.

Awareness, conscentious mind is the arc to the all.

In awareness marrying awareness, there can be no death that does apart. In life marrying life, there is creation and life, not death. And most of all, life is creation. Awareness of creation within the context of connection gives joy.

It´s up to anyone to trace and find out for him or herself. I do not have answers but lots of questions. I am presently struggling hard with the effects of these words. Humans by evolution, we are given the gift of accessing the knowing and we even can not get back to a state of happy unconsciousness.

We ourselves decide which parts of us take over control and which pathes we follow and what we create.

Being fully responsible, we only must be fully aware of the results we, our selves, produce.

It´s always we who choose
I absolutely don´t mind if people choose to die. They got their free will, as each of us, and they can vow what ever they like to and thus curse themselves. I personally don´t mind; it just occurs so funny to see how much effort they put into leaving traces that make them immortal and into 'making a difference' and how desperately they try to cover this with a 'godly' or otherwise beneficial cloth.

If they choose mere physical-material level, they are free to do so and therefore can. They should only completely be aware of their inner reptiles and animals and that those will die at the end. If people by then have not developed anything further as they were given the opportunity, they simply will die together with their dragons and beasts and all those efforts were in vain. At least, this would give some more space on this planet which anyway is some kind of overcrowded by another misconception of originally good words: Bear fruit. By our fruit we will be recognized, by the way.

'Bearing fruit' certainly never meant to deliver children as rabbits do and overcrowd the planet as the earthly church promotes, probably since old times anticipating a pop-song with the same meaning 'Let´s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel'.

But with a materially spell-bound partner, only.
Of c(o)urse.

Interesting link/s (just found):
Tree of life

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