27 December 2015

Worth Highlighting - ?

"Although Turkey might be at risk of increased incidence of the cutaneous disease due to the flow of refugees from Syria, again it is worth highlighting that people with access to good nutrition and in generally good health are less vulnerable."

 Just fell over a context and was a little wondering.

As is known, during those paramilitary attacks against the population of various Kurdish cities in South-East Turkey, labeled 'fighting PKK' respectively 'fighting terrorists', which is of course a good trigger as had so well worked for Mr Bush's 'war on terror' (and I cannot stand to hear the term anymore, as all intention of that was already at that time so transparent and it is for me a trigger that a snake wants a carte blanche), there are absolute shut-offs from water, electricity, food, 24h-curfew which means people may not move on the streets ever and at all despite otherwise having nothing to survive those weeks of occupation (or just with a white flag which also does not at all provide any guarantee to not be blasted away).

Access to hospitals is hindered, in some cases the hospitals themselves serve as main quarter for the Turkish killer commandos.

And the people may even not bury their dead.

This ends up in desperate attempts to have the dead bodies of their beloved ones in the rooms, desperately trying solutions to keep those cool somehow. In emptied freezers, for instance.

As this was not in itself one of the meanest kind of psychological torture, there might be a second thought behind. Imagine the bodies have to be kept for at least several days.

As said, just fell over some information that due to lack of hygienic conditions as in war in Syria, a regional disease is spreading by far more than usual, becoming epidemic:


You can read up some stuff here, if you like so. I am not sure whether this is the best source but found the article quite elaborate and specifically dealing with the region:


A Flesh-Sore Disease Epidemic Is Now Spreading Through Syria

Make it stop.

12/16/2015 06:26 pm ET

As if years of war, terrorism and oppression weren’t harrowing enough for the people of Syria, the country is experiencing an epidemic of a so-called flesh-eating disease. Outbreaks of the disease, known as leishmaniasis, have been reported repeatedly over the past year. [...]

Now, what can be the second thought be if we'd connect these pieces information?

Snaky plan?
Or just approvingly accepted?

Who knows. What I know though is that intelligent humans would not even consider such idea but if you want to track down a fox you need to think like a fox. It is within the range of possibilities that such is part of the plan - creating epidemia, in one or the other way.

Or so.
