20 December 2015

On Flying Boys and Backwards Females

Not too long ago, I was posting some quote which can make quite a difference to a possible change:

"... Get yourself together now, let go and live together now free and peaceful. Be the guide and guardian of your children. Be brave, say no and if need be ask for help from other mothers. Be the mother you wish you would have had. [...]"
03 December 2015 - Mothers.

and just a few days after I came across an amazing documentary about quite constructive ways young men in horrible environment are getting along somehow using their creativity more constructively than some others. This film is, in my view, a wonderful piece of insight which is so necessary and helpful to break the boundaries of one's own little perspective, anyway, so here you go:


Just found a version in French though I think there is one available at least with translation into German or English, too. Somewhere, out there.

So yes, finding new and different ways to deal with something are adorable. We all must find new ways, ways which suit a human being much more than making kinds of war on one another ongoingly, either physically or psychologically.

What was shocking me again was a little episode, to be found from 18:50 onwards, in which you see one of the boys texting some messages in love with a girl, then this being discussed in family.

'Je veux un mariage d'amour'. (19:39)

Here comes the mother into the game, who explains to him that he should 'not be like the strangers' (first split), 'we are not like them' (next split) and something like 'if she is in love with you she will be in love with everyone else, too' (final cut into his heart) and therefore, the son would better stop that.

By implicating that a girl chosen for him by her, she heavily manipulates that only such would be a good choice for the son. Now, watch her face (like a mix of pancake and donkey) and watch sensitively the reaction in his face. 

Young men ARE sensitive. They really are, and that is why because of their natural ability to love (also the worst mother) they can so awkwardly be broken. (Same holds true also the other way around - and I swear, it takes ages to get out of that to then only find that everyone else is still in that game and men never overcame their mothers in a maturation process, no matter what age.)

WTF, whoe! 

How can you dare stealing the gift of love from your own son who probably understands well why this is his choice, listening to his inner voice? 

Do you think you are standing higher than the God that has created us the way we are, as humans, with the ability to re-al-ly love? 

And not just to disrespect our next by instrumentalizing and manipulating him (or her)?

Well, here as mostly in my writing, this situation is more something like representative. That way of thinking exists in any of those turned-around religions, and you can also find it in the purely materialistic and superficially science related minds (superficially, because any real scientist who went very far with science at a point reaches a moment where he or she is ablast by the complex and highly perfect estates behind the little we can look through). No matter which ethnic or so-called 'culture'.

But this attitude of seeming superiority is what drives us ALL over and over into the desasters we ALL are suffering in and from.

Let me repeat the words of a growing young man who instinctively is perfectly right:
'Je veux un mariage d'amour'
- I want a marriage for reason of love, or: I want a love match.

My full support and blessing you have.  

Go ahead - because it is this potential which makes the difference between a life which needs to be considered a high level present wasted for material well-being instead of cherishing the given gifts.

Love in fact, this ominous and so often misused estate of body, mind and soul, is the only way out of those ridiculous struggles and suppression. 

So, let's go for it! 
Remaining humble enough, of course, but:

If we are given wings - let's use them :-)

Falling in love is, by the way, also a naturally healthy way of avoiding inbreed damage. And, mentioned before - it is the matriarchal lines which genetically are carrying the energy creation. There's reason for lots of mitochondrial and other genetically related breakdown effects these times.

Real old cultures know this. 

(Maybe re-member why I am sometimes writing it 'Re-Al'? Just a re-minder ;-))

At this time with especially North Kurdistan people on my mind (never forget, ever). Interesting that in those people you are finding very strong - women.

It is always the weaker who are clotting in masses to bully the stronger and self-aware.

Just that such insights don't help much in situations like there at the moment except for re-minding us, I mean that part which is not anyway broken, of who we are.
