30 November 2014

Well, Some Times

... my writing might lead to a conclusion somewhat similar to: 'she really got something against people'.

The problem is: the opposite is true.

I assume the best of people, or let's say humans.

Unfortunately each time I start looking deeper, and fact it is my nature to look deeper, I do not find much human. To the very contrary, the majority of humans has nothing better to do but to prove how lousy they live this life. I have found more grace in people who themselves have been suffering deepest disgrace but this is certainly not a solution to opt for: most people become the worst ever when just a little anything is not according to their expectations. I have found many people who really have no reason to live the ways they do and to act the ways they act. Maybe that is what had started me quite early to ask the terrible 'why' question which, as soon as answered in first instance, causes another 'why' to rise.

And I find, so many times, that my grandfather's statement, a statement of a man who did never talk much, this probably causing my much more talkative grandmother to be extremely unhappy, o.k., one of the causes, had good reason:

'Who knows the humans loves the animals'.

And I am wondering what would go on in his head if he would see that humans could even become more shallow, more bare of sense, even easier to be steered despite much better chances, much better life circumstances, much better education and knowledge and information available than at that time he grew up,

Not much achieved in 100 years. Honestly not.

And that is the part which is quite un-understandable to me.

Privilege demands responsibility from the privileged.
Maybe just a sentence. Maybe something to re-think.

There may be no 'ah, later then'. The time is always now.
