12 November 2014

Finding of The Day - 'Inside The Dark Web'

Just found. Enjoy.

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NSA Firefoxed: Mozilla team-up with Tor to improve internet privacy

'The internet browser Mozilla is teaming up with Tor to give internet users greater security online. The new Polaris project is designed to combat internet censorship and make NSA like intrusion’s a thing of the past. [...]'

Or if you like so, get to know more about

Crucial Unanswered Questions about the NSA's BULLRUN Program

'As we work hard to promote encryption on the web through tools like our browser extension HTTPS Everywhere, we also pay close attention to attacks that undermine the security of that encryption. That's why we were dismayed by last Thursday's revelations about the National Security Agency's aggressive efforts to undermine the ability of citizens to communicate securely. It's not surprising that the NSA would try to break cryptographic systems in whatever way they can, but the deeply pernicious nature of this campaign—undermining national standards and sabotaging hardware and software—as well as the amount of overt private sector cooperation are both shocking. [...]'

Was there anything about 'The 21st century is the era in which the QUALity and WAY we handle information is one of the two most eminent topics. The other one is: energy. If talking about energy, it´s about energy on all levels'?

Check out the way we want to live.

Personally, by the way, recent experience makes me even more  seriously doubtful about where 'we' are heading. The full moon had flushed quite some information up from the bottom of the dark. (This is something no one needs to understand - just wanted to have mentioned.)

Cheers & ciao,
Yours Lyn