20 June 2014

Four Children

There is a traditional which refers to the continuous cycle of life. Almost forgotten but kind of inter-cultural, anyway. We all live on the same planet (even if some think they live somewhere else).

There was a mother who had four children
Spring, summer, autumn and winter
Spring brings flowers
Summer brings clay
Autumn brings grapes and
Winter brings snow.

In pre-automatized times, understanding the circle of life, repeating over and over with each phase of the cycle being a result of the previous and in turn of most high relevance for the next one to come, was integral to our existence. It still is despite we just believe it is not. Neither does nature change by our will (it does though by our disability to understand the rules of life and nature and to live accordingly as we are just a part of it) nor will causalities change just because we want it so.

With the Ancient Egyptian siblings (means they are different but have equal value, too)

Osiris - Isis - Seth - Nephtys

the same is expressed. Only that scholars and all other duality-thinkers were incapable to make the connection of the cycle with causal inter-dependencies, and which repeats itself over and over again.

Funny that at a certain point in human his-story, with the spring of Ancient Greek, Isis became a most adored entity among them all. Jeunesse most high. Of course, this does not work.

If there was only and permanently spring - how then would the world not only blossom but also green, and how would ripen the fruit which we need for food? All in all, and please to be seen metaphorically but nevertheless completely valid and transferable in many regards. It all comes again in the cycle, changed, different, some kind of anew but following the same principles. Also would it, if we understand it, spiral and not remain flat. The latter for 3D-thinkers only, probably, I guess. The right brain hemisphere does get it - but the left one revolts and overrules these days. Nature is usually so perfect (and actually, we are part of it). It is up to us to re-cognize and re-integrate.

Just a little to integrate. We are all of them four - in one. Though people run mad for worshiping one or the other, anyhow, one is nothing without the other and would and can not exist all alone.

Wondering that people are so dis-oriented?

Enjoy the coming days, love,

Pic from an interesting project website - the 'GB3D Type Fossils Online'.
Have a look if you like so - to me it looks quite interesting to create a database which contains at least partly a 3D library.