14 June 2014

Chance to Choose

Despite the fact hat original left-handers are predominated to work on their right brain hemisphere, some of the worst traits of right-handed attitude can be found in lefties. Simply due to the fact that they have ... over-adapted. Unfortunately for them, it is this special ability to adapt and survive in very challenging environments.

Love for my friends gone astray - and maybe a lot of them lost to a system which abused their abilities. Or should I say: preyed on them? In the end, it was them who were so very eager to please.
With all sociopsychological background it is hard to damn them for that they do.

Anyhow - if someone has the chance to choose, it is them.
It is them who take the decisions what to dedicate their values to.

Sheep by nature - do they take decisions?
I fear not. Lovely animals, anyway.
As animals.

I am  bastard, And I know it.
