26 June 2014

Finding of the Day - Moving. Things.

You can't get things managed or moved when in the wrong position and with incapable managers.

Same as when you are in the right position with people to move who are incapable.

Just fell from the stars. Well ... just a little bit ;)


20 June 2014

Four Children

There is a traditional which refers to the continuous cycle of life. Almost forgotten but kind of inter-cultural, anyway. We all live on the same planet (even if some think they live somewhere else).

There was a mother who had four children
Spring, summer, autumn and winter
Spring brings flowers
Summer brings clay
Autumn brings grapes and
Winter brings snow.

In pre-automatized times, understanding the circle of life, repeating over and over with each phase of the cycle being a result of the previous and in turn of most high relevance for the next one to come, was integral to our existence. It still is despite we just believe it is not. Neither does nature change by our will (it does though by our disability to understand the rules of life and nature and to live accordingly as we are just a part of it) nor will causalities change just because we want it so.

With the Ancient Egyptian siblings (means they are different but have equal value, too)

Osiris - Isis - Seth - Nephtys

the same is expressed. Only that scholars and all other duality-thinkers were incapable to make the connection of the cycle with causal inter-dependencies, and which repeats itself over and over again.

Funny that at a certain point in human his-story, with the spring of Ancient Greek, Isis became a most adored entity among them all. Jeunesse most high. Of course, this does not work.

If there was only and permanently spring - how then would the world not only blossom but also green, and how would ripen the fruit which we need for food? All in all, and please to be seen metaphorically but nevertheless completely valid and transferable in many regards. It all comes again in the cycle, changed, different, some kind of anew but following the same principles. Also would it, if we understand it, spiral and not remain flat. The latter for 3D-thinkers only, probably, I guess. The right brain hemisphere does get it - but the left one revolts and overrules these days. Nature is usually so perfect (and actually, we are part of it). It is up to us to re-cognize and re-integrate.

Just a little to integrate. We are all of them four - in one. Though people run mad for worshiping one or the other, anyhow, one is nothing without the other and would and can not exist all alone.

Wondering that people are so dis-oriented?

Enjoy the coming days, love,

Pic from an interesting project website - the 'GB3D Type Fossils Online'.
Have a look if you like so - to me it looks quite interesting to create a database which contains at least partly a 3D library.

15 June 2014

Just One Week ...

... before Solstice. And the world is burning. Almost everywhere.

Water, Wind, Earth and Fire.

Are usually and ritually supposed to cleanse.

Unfortunately, tools in wrong hands become weapons. All is owed to our, human, terrible immaturity.

There should be no power or tools, whatever kind of, in hands of people who do not know to create.

But who am I ... well, let me think.

I am a drop in the ocean.
I am a breath in the wind.
I am a tiny grain in the earth.
I am a little flame in the fire.

What about you?

Just be aware about what happens.

My empathy for the people in the middle of it all, and who pay the highest price. We all are mothers, and fathers, and brothers, and sisters, and children, and Elders. At least this we all have in common.


14 June 2014

Chance to Choose

Despite the fact hat original left-handers are predominated to work on their right brain hemisphere, some of the worst traits of right-handed attitude can be found in lefties. Simply due to the fact that they have ... over-adapted. Unfortunately for them, it is this special ability to adapt and survive in very challenging environments.

Love for my friends gone astray - and maybe a lot of them lost to a system which abused their abilities. Or should I say: preyed on them? In the end, it was them who were so very eager to please.
With all sociopsychological background it is hard to damn them for that they do.

Anyhow - if someone has the chance to choose, it is them.
It is them who take the decisions what to dedicate their values to.

Sheep by nature - do they take decisions?
I fear not. Lovely animals, anyway.
As animals.

I am  bastard, And I know it.


09 June 2014

Hierarchical People

Hierarchical people ... are linear, they smile to what's up and kick on what's down.

Hierarchical people ... are not thinking themselves, they are used to execute orders.

Hierarchical people ... believe that someone with a hat or an emblem or any other degree know things better than someone without.

Hierarchical people ... are licking the bosses' feet as long as he is up. They will the same way not bother at all as soon as he is down.

Hierarchical people ... never speak out truly what they think (if they think). Hierarchical people will tell what they think the person higher in hierarchy wants to hear and please those.

Hierarchical people ... are never loyal. They are loyal only as long as it is useful.

Hierarchical people ... are in fact opportunists. Like Hyena.

Hierarchical people ... are the essence which enable all 'Hitlers' in this world. I am using the term only as people will understand which estate is meant. There are and have been many 'Hitlers'. Hitler as a synonym for a poor person who for this cause took revenge on many other poor persons.

Hierarchical people ... will smile into someone's face and already have the dagger ready, hidden behind their back.

Hierarchical people ... believe in hierarchies of line organizations and line officers. They will never do any move which they will have to stand in for themselves.

Hierarchical people ... hide in groups and group beliefs as a result of their weakness.

Hierarchical people ... attack preferably someone who is already down just because he is down, to achieve that he submits to their hierarchical system. A result of their Hyena character. Therefore in hierarchical environments no one will admit a weakness and if someone does he will be trampled upon.

Hierarchical people ... try to get themselves in a higher roles by de-installing others with the higher abilities.

Hierarchical people ... believe this system they believe in is the only allowed form of society.

Hierarchical people ... have abandoned humanity for the sake of personal surviving and forthcoming.

Hierarchical people ... believe that they have the right to do to others what has been done to them as soon as they are in the higher hierarchical position themselves.

Hierarchical people ... have no power of transformation or creation. They are metaphorically spoken 'infertile'. They abuse, submit and exploit others who have.

Hierarchical people ... execute anything that they think will please the person(s) higher in their hierarchical line to get themselves into a better position.

Hierarchical people ... are at max two-dimensional. Some are mono-dimensional, in fact.

Hierarchical people ... have to suppress all the rest of their being. As a result, they do their very best to also suppress the same in any other beings.

Hierarchical people ... submit to hierarchical structures and take care that nobody who is not hierarchical questions both the structure and the acts of the persons therein.

Hierarchical people ... would not even allow any other being who has not first submitted to hierarchical belief into their system.

Hierarchical people ... basically are driven by fear. Of course, as they have become and are hierarchical by submission to the fearful. Now guess where this inhibition of self has started. Of course - in a hierarchical system and submission to it.

Hierarchical people ... first become violent and later depressive when their hierarchical system is questioned, dismantled or proves dysfunctional. The latter is always the case - it is dysfunctional by default but no one will admit it in a hierarchical system. The explosion of depression, violence and accompanying schizophrenia (and dementia in later age) speaks a clear language though.

Hierarchical people ... are inflexible to face the world with its colourful outcomes and complexity and barely able to find solutions. The only thing they have learned is to kick someone or to suppress and extract even more.

Hierarchical people ... are widely astonished if anyone thinks different than they do. Their horizon is regularly very narrow. Their regular reflex is to hit on it, whatever it is.

Hierarchical people ... have no ethics. They usually need someone higher in hierarchy to tell them what is right and wrong.

Hierarchical people ... assume that hierarchical thinking is normality, therefore assume that anyone else they face is also driven by the same basics as they are.

Hierarchical people ... are the core troops of chauvinism, sexism, imperialism, exaggerated nationalism, cast systems (not only in countries but also in organizations), discrimination and violence of all kind.

Hierarchical people ... feel strong when executing on behalf of a hierarchically superior, in masses or when physically superior. They are completely weak when for themselves and alone or when faced with truth.

Hierarchical people ... would like to keep the world in their simple, duality-based order. This is why as a precautionary measure they mutilate their own children. There are many ways of mutilation, the visible and the invisible ways.

Hierarchical people ... face the problem that being hierarchical is not considered to be très chic. They do their very best to create the illusion that they are not-hierarchical but would walk over dead bodies and souls for pleasing or getting themselves or their kin(d) to the top - latest by then you will know.

Hier archy ... refers to that there are existing higher (and in dual thinking therefore lower) ranks as an archaic and therefore non-questionable system.

Basically true is that there are higher 'ranks' respectively higher entities.

The problem occurs through misinterpretation and moreover hybris that low-level humans decide what's high and what's low, and usually primitively by force.

A self-admitting mechanism normally anyone should immediately be able to look behind and through.

But force is not always openly violent, to the contrary, it can be applied in many and tricky ways.

Force in fact has many faces. 

One of these is to keep others from finding out about the real role and interests of hierarchical people in hierarchies.

And sometimes, force in return is the only way to face hierarchical people. The question which should be thoroughly assessed is whether and when it is necessary self-defense. This is due to the fact that hierarchical people have no ethics on their own and therefore no justice but just a system to please .. well guess .. hierarchical people.

It is ours to learn to look around and see.
I mean, this would be a good start.

03 June 2014


A world in which the dumbest dictate the rules becomes ... well, not so difficult to guess.

Dumb rules, blind and deaf.

In a time where the world would most need human intelligence, intellectually, socially, empathically, and maybe most of all ethically, just the opposite turns true.

Gorgeous World.