09 May 2014

There Once Was A Young Man

... whose parents had been politically active in Iran. He escaped, somehow, to Austria. He had been tortured in his home country for finding out what his parents had had in mind. I know what kind of torture this had been. Because I listen. And process.

How could he have known at age 9.

When he was in a country where he thought it was safe that he could open his soul and his tongue and he thought we have freedom, at least some kind of freedom to speak out what had happened to him and is still happening to others, he started telling his_story and what he had experienced, on an internet platform which was stating it was for all matters of health and soul and connectedness.

After a while, people started telling him, those same people who were there trying to find solutions for their health problems no doctors would care for or even did not know about - and such exist a lot - that they would not like to hear his stories. But the body reflects all ways what we don't want to dissolve. And sometimes can't - did I mention that no one is an island? No one is. It is impossible to create a space of happiness and health when someone in this world is not o.k. In a network a single knot can never function alone. I wish I could but am well aware it does not work.

I encouraged him though. I know what it means to work up a trauma, a trauma which is so strong that you loose all belief in your fellow humans. But, one voice is not much against a bulk of dummies. A splinter of strength remains. All ways.

Are we  different? I fear we are not.

Recently, I had a chat with my daughter on what it means to have someone in the heart no matter where he is and how many time has passed. How would you explain the 5th dimension to a young adult? No explain. Just examples which transport the feeling and get her to re-member.

Love bonds can be so much stronger than time and space.
Not for those on maturity level 2 , but for us, it can.

Love for this boy, now young man. Have him in my heart. As many many others who maybe even never know.

(Just discovered this most wonderful piece of music - so now, for him and all fellow beings and entities.)

Connectedness no one can take away. They have means of max. 3 dimensions, many only of 2 or even 1. We have of 5.

Love, again.