25 May 2014

At Last ...

... I found in a quire compressed way a great summary of an issue I had for long wanting to start but never found the time and muse to get the stuff together.

Here is a really great summary of the real differences of "left" and "right".

I may warn you the video contains in a nutshell indeed very condensed information which probably can only be processed if there is a lot of already developed background and the ability to - connect.

Just try it - get it - and enjoy.

This is indeed where we stand in the Western world. This is the story of Kajeen and Abel. This is the division of man and woman, and all other divisions, even inside the most of us.

This is also why "right" simply is more effective on simple things - though never in the long run and never in complex situations.

Of course the ability to analyze, to focus are important. Just if you leave out all connected information, it goes wrong.

In the end, the both, or better, the all of our brains are best if in close collaboration.

Happy to be bi-brained no matter how wrongly misunderstood so many times,

With thanks to Farnam Street blog, Mr
The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), "an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenge" for their awesome animation(s).