05 February 2011

A Matter of View

A very special film influenced my life at a point where I was far away from seeing things as seeing them now. For this very moment I am still having problems how and where to start with blogging. The main reason is that I am afraid that it would be difficult for anyone to place and sort what I might write here. As mentioned in 'About Me', all those interconnections I permanently am aware of but which are impossible to add each time writing something, might lead to wrong conclusions at first sight for anyone viewing the first posts here, and it might be tempting for a reader to get a picture just on a few pieces of a broad and very interconnected context.

During life, so much information and experience flows together and connects after a while of processing in that very special way. I surely did my best viewing from many, many different possible positions, trying hard to understand, sometimes under-standing literally by submitting myself to the rules of worlds and levels created by others for a while, finding my way out again (the hard way, usually), often desperately struggling with a single topic I wanted to overcome and in the end with all of them about how they might fit, laying them aside just to catch up even decades later. It was not shere brain games that lead me to where I am now, it was probably digging myself deep into life itself and even trying to understand the very own world(s) people have made out of it. Brain becomes consciousness by under-standing life.

Life is a permenant process, making it so fascinating, and none of us ever stops learning. For me myself as a very critical individual, true can only be what can stand being tested and verified on all levels, even independently of time(s), because it simply can not be that fashion rules over truth.

Being aware that we are only human without access to ALL levels by our will, of course, each of us only can examine and verify the levels we each one have access to. Which means, at the same time, it is quite desirable to give it a try expanding our access to different levels, meaning at the same time expanding our minds beyond the borders and limits that have been set, by others in first instance, and then, believing it had to be that way, by our selves. As some might know and even have experienced, exactly this is what certain groups of people try and have always tried to undermine and avoid, even avoiding others to do so. It´s the doors that are referred to in some scriptures, that people hold the key to in hands but they do not pass through the doors themselves and also do they not allow others to walk through. Mankind does not seem to have changed much, regarding this. Or let´s say: Certain groups in mankind do so. Unfortunately, they fight hard to remain in power in this little play of door control. By understanding the principles, it is easy to see that therewith these persons quite egoistically consume energies of others, just by submitting and forcing them into a fight which is theirs only alone.

I just would like, for not being misunderstood, to mention that all information is in principle open to everyone and there are no taboos by any 'higher power' which would keep us away from such. To the contrary, humans have received a very special gift - the gift of latent consciousness which, at the same time, hands over a severe responsibility for our, this planet. As well-done modern science (while not all that calls itself 'science' got anything to do with the meaning of the word), this drive in humans to explore the world and expand their own minds at the same time, and the knowledge passed on to us by archaic and ancient sources, go very well together, there is no reason at all to avoid information and to avoid knowing as long as we are at each moment aware that we only can see parts of the whole. The only restriction is the way we deal with it and what we make out of it, especially regarding impact on others and the whole system we are part of and live in. There is no religious, no esoteric nor any other restriction except the way we deal with knowledge and how we perceive the very personal responsibility resulting from it. Anyone is free to play his or her own puzzle of life.

The Global Brain - Peter Russel, 1983

I have seen this film something around the age of 20 or 21, probably at a moment in my life where, according to a quite healthy life plan, a new phase was due to being kicked off. It clearly made a very deep impression on me unto today. Please view and perceive if you like and what you like, your self.

Looking at it from today´s perspective, clearly I can realize that to every move forward there is backlashes as response. Nevertheless, there is enough happening around the world, within the people in general and produced by outstanding individuals, that gives hope and energy to still, always over and over again, move forward.

With my best wishes for everyone for a meta view,


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